Demographic API (development)
This specification describes service endpoints, resources and operations as well as details of requests and responses that interacts with Demographic openEHR API in a RESTful manner.
Related Documents
Prerequisite documents for reading this document include:
Related documents include:
- The openEHR Architecture Overview
- The openEHR Global Class Index
- The XML-Schemas (XSD)
- The JSON-Schemas and Simplified Data Template (SDT)
- The openEHR Platform Abstract Service Model
This specification is in the DEVELOPMENT
state, and can be downloaded as OpenAPI specification file (in YAML format) for validation, or for code generators.
Users are encouraged to comment on and/or advise on these paragraphs as well as the main content.
The development version of this document can be found at
Management of the AGENT class.
Create AGENT
Creates the first version of a new AGENT.
header Parameters
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
_type | string Value: "AGENT" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "AGENT",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": { },
- "size": 0
}, - "size": 0
}, - "originating_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
{- "_type": "AGENT",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": { },
- "size": 0
}, - "size": 0
}, - "originating_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Retrieves a version of the AGENT identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a version_uid
), or a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
The former is used to retrieve a specific known version of the AGENT (e.g. one identified by
), whereas the later (e.g. an identifier like 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515
) is be used to retrieve a version from the version container whenever the version_tree_id is unknown or irrelevant (such as when most recent version is requested).
When the uid_based_id
has the form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID, if the version_at_time
is supplied, retrieves the version extant at specified time, otherwise retrieves the latest AGENT version.
See Resource identification for more details about the identifiers usage and meaning.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An abstract identifier: it can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
query Parameters
version_at_time | string <datetime> Example: version_at_time=2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00 A given time in the extended ISO 8601 format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "_type": "AGENT",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": { },
- "size": 0
}, - "size": 0
}, - "originating_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Update AGENT
Updates AGENT identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take only a form of an HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
If the request body already contains a AGENT.uid.value, it must match the uid_based_id
in the URL.
The existing latest version_uid
of AGENT resource (i.e. the preceding_version_uid
) must be specified in the If-Match
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string <uuid> Example: 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515 An identifier in a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a |
header Parameters
If-Match required | string Example: "" Header to make the request conditional.
Together with |
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The new AGENT.
_type | string Value: "AGENT" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "AGENT",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
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Response samples
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Delete AGENT
Deletes the AGENT identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
MUST be in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from the last (most recent) VERSION.uid.value, representing the preceding_version_uid
to be deleted.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An identifier in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
Management of the GROUP class.
Create GROUP
Creates the first version of a new GROUP.
header Parameters
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
_type | string Value: "GROUP" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
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Retrieves a version of the GROUP identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a version_uid
), or a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
The former is used to retrieve a specific known version of the GROUP (e.g. one identified by
), whereas the later (e.g. an identifier like 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515
) is be used to retrieve a version from the version container whenever the version_tree_id is unknown or irrelevant (such as when most recent version is requested).
When the uid_based_id
has the form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID, if the version_at_time
is supplied, retrieves the version extant at specified time, otherwise retrieves the latest GROUP version.
See Resource identification for more details about the identifiers usage and meaning.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An abstract identifier: it can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
query Parameters
version_at_time | string <datetime> Example: version_at_time=2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00 A given time in the extended ISO 8601 format. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "_type": "GROUP",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "language": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "alternate_text": "string",
- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": { },
- "size": 0
}, - "size": 0
}, - "originating_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Update GROUP
Updates GROUP identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take only a form of an HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
If the request body already contains a GROUP.uid.value, it must match the uid_based_id
in the URL.
The existing latest version_uid
of GROUP resource (i.e. the preceding_version_uid
) must be specified in the If-Match
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string <uuid> Example: 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515 An identifier in a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a |
header Parameters
If-Match required | string Example: "" Header to make the request conditional.
Together with |
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The new GROUP.
_type | string Value: "GROUP" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "GROUP",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
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- "size": 0
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- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
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- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
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- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "_type": "GROUP",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
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- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
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- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
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}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "integrity_check": "string",
- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
}, - "thumbnail": { },
- "size": 0
}, - "size": 0
}, - "originating_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Delete GROUP
Deletes the GROUP identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
MUST be in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from the last (most recent) VERSION.uid.value, representing the preceding_version_uid
to be deleted.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An identifier in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
Management of the ORGANISATION class.
Creates the first version of a new ORGANISATION.
header Parameters
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
_type | string Value: "ORGANISATION" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "ORGANISATION",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
}, - "links": [
- {
- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "type": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "target": {
- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "original_content": {
- "_type": "DV_MULTIMEDIA",
- "charset": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
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Response samples
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Retrieves a version of the ORGANISATION identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a version_uid
), or a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
The former is used to retrieve a specific known version of the ORGANISATION (e.g. one identified by
), whereas the later (e.g. an identifier like 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515
) is be used to retrieve a version from the version container whenever the version_tree_id is unknown or irrelevant (such as when most recent version is requested).
When the uid_based_id
has the form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID, if the version_at_time
is supplied, retrieves the version extant at specified time, otherwise retrieves the latest ORGANISATION version.
See Resource identification for more details about the identifiers usage and meaning.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An abstract identifier: it can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
query Parameters
version_at_time | string <datetime> Example: version_at_time=2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00 A given time in the extended ISO 8601 format. |
Response samples
- 200
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- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
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- "type": "Patient"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "other_details": { }
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- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
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- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "other_details": { }
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- "type": "PERSON"
Updates ORGANISATION identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take only a form of an HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
If the request body already contains a ORGANISATION.uid.value, it must match the uid_based_id
in the URL.
The existing latest version_uid
of ORGANISATION resource (i.e. the preceding_version_uid
) must be specified in the If-Match
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string <uuid> Example: 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515 An identifier in a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a |
header Parameters
If-Match required | string Example: "" Header to make the request conditional.
Together with |
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
_type | string Value: "ORGANISATION" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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Response samples
- 200
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
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- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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- "type": "PERSON"
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Deletes the ORGANISATION identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
MUST be in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from the last (most recent) VERSION.uid.value, representing the preceding_version_uid
to be deleted.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An identifier in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
Management of the PERSON class.
Creates the first version of a new PERSON.
header Parameters
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
_type | string Value: "PERSON" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
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Response samples
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- "type": "PERSON"
Retrieves a version of the PERSON identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a version_uid
), or a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
The former is used to retrieve a specific known version of the PERSON (e.g. one identified by
), whereas the later (e.g. an identifier like 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515
) is be used to retrieve a version from the version container whenever the version_tree_id is unknown or irrelevant (such as when most recent version is requested).
When the uid_based_id
has the form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID, if the version_at_time
is supplied, retrieves the version extant at specified time, otherwise retrieves the latest PERSON version.
See Resource identification for more details about the identifiers usage and meaning.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An abstract identifier: it can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
query Parameters
version_at_time | string <datetime> Example: version_at_time=2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00 A given time in the extended ISO 8601 format. |
Response samples
- 200
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}, - "compression_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
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- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "size": 0
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- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Updates PERSON identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take only a form of an HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
If the request body already contains a PERSON.uid.value, it must match the uid_based_id
in the URL.
The existing latest version_uid
of PERSON resource (i.e. the preceding_version_uid
) must be specified in the If-Match
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string <uuid> Example: 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515 An identifier in a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a |
header Parameters
If-Match required | string Example: "" Header to make the request conditional.
Together with |
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The new PERSON.
_type | string Value: "PERSON" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
Array of objects (DV_TEXT) | |
Array of objects (PARTY_REF) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "PERSON",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
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- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
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- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
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- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
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- "originating_system_item_ids": [
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- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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- "value": "local"
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- "id": {
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- "id": {
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- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "other_details": { }
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- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
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- "id": {
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- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
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- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "relationships": [
- { }
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
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- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
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- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "value": "local"
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- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
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- "value": "local"
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- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
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- "size": 0
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "provider": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
}, - "identities": [
- { }
], - "contacts": [
- { }
], - "details": { },
- "relationships": [
- { }
], - "languages": [
- {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
], - "roles": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "PERSON"
Deletes the PERSON identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
MUST be in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from the last (most recent) VERSION.uid.value, representing the preceding_version_uid
to be deleted.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An identifier in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
Management of the ROLE class.
Create ROLE
Creates the first version of a new ROLE.
header Parameters
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
_type | string Value: "ROLE" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
object (DV_INTERVAL_of_DATE) | |
required | object (PARTY_REF) Identifier for parties in a demographic or identity service. |
capabilities | Array of objects (CAPABILITY) See CAPABILITY schema details. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "ROLE",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
}, - "archetype_node_id": "string",
- "uid": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
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- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Text value"
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- "_type": "DV_EHR_URI",
- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
], - "archetype_details": {
- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
}, - "rm_version": "1.0.2"
}, - "feeder_audit": {
- "originating_system_item_ids": [
- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
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- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "data": "string",
- "media_type": {
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- "integrity_check_algorithm": {
- "terminology_id": {
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- "size": 0
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- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
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Response samples
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- { }
Retrieves a version of the ROLE identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a version_uid
), or a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
The former is used to retrieve a specific known version of the ROLE (e.g. one identified by
), whereas the later (e.g. an identifier like 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515
) is be used to retrieve a version from the version container whenever the version_tree_id is unknown or irrelevant (such as when most recent version is requested).
When the uid_based_id
has the form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID, if the version_at_time
is supplied, retrieves the version extant at specified time, otherwise retrieves the latest ROLE version.
See Resource identification for more details about the identifiers usage and meaning.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An abstract identifier: it can take a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
query Parameters
version_at_time | string <datetime> Example: version_at_time=2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00 A given time in the extended ISO 8601 format. |
Response samples
- 200
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "id": {
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "other_details": { }
}, - "feeder_system_audit": {
- "system_id": "string",
- "location": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "subject": {
- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
- "value": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "scheme": "pid"
}, - "namespace": "",
- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
}, - "time": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE_TIME",
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "version_id": "string",
- "other_details": { }
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- { }
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- { }
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- { }
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- "_type": "DV_INTERVAL",
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- "upper_unbounded": true,
- "lower_included": true,
- "upper_included": true,
- "lower": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE",
- "value": "2017-08-15"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE",
- "value": "2017-08-15"
}, - "performer": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "capabilities": [
- { }
Update ROLE
Updates ROLE identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
can take only a form of an HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a versioned_object_uid
If the request body already contains a ROLE.uid.value, it must match the uid_based_id
in the URL.
The existing latest version_uid
of ROLE resource (i.e. the preceding_version_uid
) must be specified in the If-Match
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string <uuid> Example: 8849182c-82ad-4088-a07f-48ead4180515 An identifier in a form of a HIER_OBJECT_ID identifier taken from VERSIONED_OBJECT.uid.value (i.e. a |
header Parameters
If-Match required | string Example: "" Header to make the request conditional.
Together with |
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The new ROLE.
_type | string Value: "ROLE" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
identities required | Array of objects (PARTY_IDENTITY) See PARTY_IDENTITY schema details. |
contacts | Array of objects (CONTACT) See CONTACT schema details. |
details | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
relationships | Array of objects (PARTY_RELATIONSHIP) See PARTY_RELATIONSHIP schema details. |
object (DV_INTERVAL_of_DATE) | |
required | object (PARTY_REF) Identifier for parties in a demographic or identity service. |
capabilities | Array of objects (CAPABILITY) See CAPABILITY schema details. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_type": "ROLE",
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "uid": {
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- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
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- { }
Response samples
- 200
- 400
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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Delete ROLE
Deletes the ROLE identified by uid_based_id
The uid_based_id
MUST be in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from the last (most recent) VERSION.uid.value, representing the preceding_version_uid
to be deleted.
path Parameters
uid_based_id required | string Example: An identifier in a form of an OBJECT_VERSION_ID identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value (i.e. a |
Management of the VERSIONED_PARTY class.
Retrieves a VERSIONED_PARTY identified by versioned_object_uid
path Parameters
versioned_object_uid required | string <uuid> Example: 6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b VERSIONED_PARTY identifier taken from VERSIONED_PARTY.uid.value. |
Response samples
- 200
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- "type": "SYSTEM"
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- "value": "2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00"
Get VERSIONED_PARTY revision history
Retrieves revision history of the VERSIONED_PARTY identified by versioned_object_uid
path Parameters
versioned_object_uid required | string <uuid> Example: 6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b VERSIONED_PARTY identifier taken from VERSIONED_PARTY.uid.value. |
Response samples
- 200
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- "value": "An optional description string"
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Get VERSIONED_PARTY version at time
Retrieves a VERSION from the VERSIONED_PARTY identified by versioned_object_uid
If version_at_time
is supplied, retrieves the VERSION extant at specified time, otherwise retrieves the latest VERSION.
path Parameters
versioned_object_uid required | string <uuid> Example: 6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b VERSIONED_PARTY identifier taken from VERSIONED_PARTY.uid.value. |
query Parameters
version_at_time | string <datetime> Example: version_at_time=2015-01-20T19:30:22.765+01:00 A given time in the extended ISO 8601 format. |
Response samples
- 200
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Get VERSIONED_PARTY version by id
Retrieves a VERSION identified by version_uid
of a VERSIONED_PARTY identified by versioned_object_uid
path Parameters
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version_uid required | string Example: VERSION identifier taken from VERSION.uid.value. |
Response samples
- 200
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Management of CONTRIBUTION class.
We will use the relaxed CONTRIBUTION with the following optional attributes:
: when provided, it will be accepted in case is not in-use, otherwise error will be returnedaudit.time_committed
: server will always set itaudit.system_id
: when provided, it will be validated
header Parameters
Prefer | string Default: return=minimal Enum: "return=representation" "return=minimal" Request header to indicate the preference over response details.
The response will contain the entire resource when the |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
object (HIER_OBJECT_ID) | |
required | Array of objects (UPDATE_VERSION) |
required | object (UPDATE_AUDIT) The set of attributes required to document the committal of an information item to a repository. Used by the server to create an AUDIT_DETAILS object. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "uid": {
- "value": "6cb19121-4307-4648-9da0-d62e4d51f19b"
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- {
- "preceding_version_uid": {
- "value": ""
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- "terminology_id": "snomed_ct",
- "code_string": "308335008"
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- "name": "A user name"
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "uid": {
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- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
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- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
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- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
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}, - "feeder_audit": {
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- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "value": "local"
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- "id": {
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- "scheme": "pid"
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
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- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "location": {
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- "type": "PERSON"
}, - "name": "A name"
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
- "value": "b52b9408-7048-4ec8-94bd-831fb0727e67"
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- "external_ref": {
- "id": {
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- "type": "PERSON"
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- "value": "creation",
- "defining_code": {
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- "code_string": "249"
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- "committer": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "name": "A user name"
], - "audit": {
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- "value": "creation",
- "defining_code": {
- "terminology_id": "openehr",
- "code_string": "249"
}, - "description": "Description text",
- "committer": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "name": "A user name"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
{- "uid": {
- "value": "0826851c-c4c2-4d61-92b9-410fb8275ff0"
}, - "versions": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "OBJECT_VERSION_ID",
- "value": ""
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "COMPOSITION"
}, - {
- "id": {
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- "value": ""
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- "type": "FOLDER"
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- "system_id": "9624982A-9F42-41A5-9318-AE13D5F5031F",
- "committer": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "name": "A user name"
}, - "time_committed": {
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "change_type": {
- "value": "creation",
- "defining_code": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "openehr"
}, - "code_string": "249"
}, - "description": {
- "value": "Description text"
Retrieves a CONTRIBUTION identified by contribution_uid
path Parameters
contribution_uid required | string <uuid> Example: 0826851c-c4c2-4d61-92b9-410fb8275ff0 The CONTRIBUTION uid. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "uid": {
- "value": "0826851c-c4c2-4d61-92b9-410fb8275ff0"
}, - "versions": [
- {
- "id": {
- "_type": "OBJECT_VERSION_ID",
- "value": ""
}, - "namespace": "local",
- "type": "COMPOSITION"
}, - {
- "id": {
- "_type": "OBJECT_VERSION_ID",
- "value": ""
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- "type": "FOLDER"
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- "system_id": "9624982A-9F42-41A5-9318-AE13D5F5031F",
- "committer": {
- "_type": "PARTY_IDENTIFIED",
- "name": "A user name"
}, - "time_committed": {
- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
}, - "change_type": {
- "value": "creation",
- "defining_code": {
- "terminology_id": {
- "value": "openehr"
}, - "code_string": "249"
}, - "description": {
- "value": "Description text"
schema, formally specified in the Reference Model as the CAPABILITY class:
_type | string Value: "CAPABILITY" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
credentials required | object (ITEM_STRUCTURE) See ITEM_STRUCTURE schema details. |
object (DV_INTERVAL_of_DATE) |
{- "_type": "CAPABILITY",
- "name": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "uid": {
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- "meaning": {
- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "ehr://system_id/ehr_id/top_level_structure_locator/path_inside_top_level_structure"
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- "archetype_id": {
- "value": "openEHR-EHR-COMPOSITION.encounter.v1"
}, - "template_id": {
- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
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}, - "feeder_audit": {
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- {
- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
], - "feeder_system_item_ids": [
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- "id": "16b74749-e6aa-4945-b760-b42bdc07098a",
- "type": "Patient"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
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- "value": "local"
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- "value": "local"
}, - "code_string": "at0001"
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- "_type": "PARTY_SELF",
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- "id": {
- "_type": "HIER_OBJECT_ID",
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- "id": {
- "_type": "GENERIC_ID",
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- "value": "2017-08-15T10:37:15.422+02:00"
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- "lower": {
- "_type": "DV_DATE",
- "value": "2017-08-15"
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- "_type": "DV_DATE",
- "value": "2017-08-15"
schema, formally specified in the Reference Model as the CONTACT class:
_type | string Value: "CONTACT" |
required | object (DV_TEXT) |
archetype_node_id required | string |
object (UID_BASED_ID) | |
Array of objects (LINK) | |
object (ARCHETYPED) | |
object (FEEDER_AUDIT) | |
required | Array of objects (ADDRESS) |
object (DV_INTERVAL_of_DATE) |
{- "_type": "CONTACT",
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- "_type": "DV_TEXT",
- "value": "Text value"
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- "value": "Example.v1::c7ec861c-c413-39ff-9965-a198ebf44747"
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