Basic Meta-Model (BMM)
Issuer: openEHR Specification Program | |
Release: LANG Release-1.0.0 |
Status: TRIAL |
Revision: [latest_issue] |
Date: [latest_issue_date] |
Keywords: reflection, meta-model, UML |
© 2016 - 2021 The openEHR Foundation | |
The openEHR Foundation is an independent, non-profit foundation, facilitating the sharing of health records by consumers and clinicians via open specifications, clinical models and open platform implementations. |
Licence |
Support |
Issues: Problem Reports |
Amendment Record
Issue | Details | Raiser | Completed |
LANG Release 1.0.0 |
SPECLANG-2. Add Basic Meta-Model (BMM) spec to LANG component. |
openEHR SEC |
Add |
T Beale |
12 Oct 2020 |
Rename |
T Beale |
25 Jun 2020 |
Remove inheritance to |
B Verhees, |
01 Jun 2020 |
Rename |
T Beale |
22 Apr 2020 |
Rename |
T Beale |
11 Nov 2019 |
Improve meta-model of Features: rename |
T Beale |
10 Mar 2019 |
Improve meta-model of Enumerated types to include types restricted to a terminology or value set (may be used for terminology constraints); |
T Beale |
22 Feb 2019 |
Add feature elements |
T Beale |
15 Sep 2018 |
3.0.0 |
Separate |
T Beale |
12 May 2018 |
2.2.2 |
Improve and update introductory text in the Overview section. |
E Sundvall, |
03 Nov 2017 |
2.2.1 |
Remove |
C Nanjo, |
02 Mar 2017 |
2.2.0 |
Rename |
T Beale |
20 Jun 2016 |
2.1.0 |
Initial writing based on ADL Workbench implementation. |
T Beale |
08 Feb 2016 |
This specification has benefited from formal and informal input from the openEHR and wider health informatics community. The openEHR Foundation would like to recognise the following people for their contributions.
Matija Kejžar, Senior Engineer, Better, Slovenia
Patrick Langford, NeuronSong LLC, Utah, USA
Claude Nanjo MA African Studies, M Public Health, Cognitive Medical Systems Inc., California, USA
Harold Solbrig, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA
Erik Sundvall PhD, Linkoping University, Sweden
Bert Verhees, ROSA Software, The Netherlands.
'openEHR' is a registered trademark of the openEHR Foundation;
'Java' is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation;
'C#' is a registered trademark of Microsoft;
'OMG' and 'UML' are registered trademarks of the Object Management Group;
'MagicDraw' is a registered trademark of NoMagic Inc;
'Rational Software Architect' is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
1. Preface
1.1. Purpose
This document describes the Basic Meta-Model (BMM), a model of object models. It may be considered as an approximate replacement for the UML XMI. It is human-readable and writable, and supports generic types (open and closed), container types, and multiple inheritance.
1.2. Status
This specification is in the TRIAL state. The development version of this document can be found at
Known omissions or questions are indicated in the text with a 'to be determined' paragraph, as follows:
TBD: (example To Be Determined paragraph)
Other than for working with particular tools designed to use BMM, BMM is not a required formalism for implementing openEHR, and other methods of accessing models computably may be used, including UML and software implementations of the openEHR Reference Model. |
1.3. Feedback
Feedback may be provided on the openEHR languages specifications forum.
Issues may be raised on the specifications Problem Report tracker.
To see changes made due to previously reported issues, see the LANG component Change Request tracker.
1.4. Conformance
Conformance of a data or software artifact to an openEHR specification is determined by a formal test of that artifact against the relevant openEHR Implementation Technology Specification(s) (ITSs), such as an IDL interface or an XML-schema. Since ITSs are formal derivations from underlying models, ITS conformance indicates model conformance.
1.5. Previous Versions
1.5.1. Version 3.0.0
This version made major changes to the BMM_TYPE
hierarchy and semantics, enabling generic inheritance by generic and non-generic classes to be represented.
1.5.2. Version 3.1.0
This version adds meta-classes for computational elements to BMM, including:
routines, variables, constants;
expressions (including assertions);
It makes various adjustments to the existing model attributes and classes. The BMM remains compatible with P_BMM 2.x, i.e. any existing .bmm
file can be parsed to create a v 3.1.0 BMM instance.
1.6. A Note on Language
The elements of meta-models are sometimes named confusingly in the literature and within various programming language technologies. In this specification, we use the following terms:
- class
generally refers to a class defined in a model expressed in BMM, i.e. an instance of a BMM meta-class;
- meta-class
refers to a class in the BMM itself, such as
, in order to clearly distinguish it from classes defined in models represented using BMM; - feature (of a class)
any stored or computed element of a class, including constants, attributes (properties) and routines (methods);
- property
a stored class feature; also known as 'attribute';
- routine
a computed class feature that may be either value-returning (a function) or work-performing (a procedure);
- function
a routine that computes and returns a value; typically causes no side-effects in the object;
- procedure
a routine that performs a computation; typically has side-effects;
- generic (class or type)
a kind of class or type that has parameters of other types; known as 'template' type in some programming languages;
- type
generally refers to a type defined in a model expressed in BMM, i.e. an instance of a BMM meta-type;
- meta-type
refers to a type in the BMM itself, which is either a class (such as
) or generically derived (meta-)type in the sense of being an instance generator, where the instances will be concrete type definitions in models represented using BMM.
1.7. Tooling
The openEHR Archie Library fully implements this specification in Java and may be used to build UI tools for compiling, viewing and editing BMM models.
The openEHR ADL Workbench (AWB) fully implements this specification, and provides a convenient way of illustrating BMM semantics. The screenshots used in this specification are all from the ADL Workbench. The tool is written in the Eiffel language, and is available as open source on Github. The BMM libraries can be found in the EOMF Github repository.
2. Overview
2.1. Introduction
One of the key needs in any open computing environment is a computable representation of its own models. This is for a number of purposes, including reasoning about them, performing validation and consistency checking, building software and generating documentation. This is particularly true of openEHR and other archetype-based frameworks, where a further need is to be able to validate archetypes and templates with respect to the reference model, and also to validate runtime instance data against operational templates and the reference model.
A number of computable representations of the openEHR published models have been available in the past. Currently models are represented in two computable forms, namely UML and BMM (i.e. the format described in this specification).
The primary use of the UML expression is for specification publishing. In this role, UML diagrams and static models are built, and then post-processed to correct signatures of class properties and functions. The post-processing corrects UML’s shortcomings and errors in non-singular relations, generic (template) types, and qualified attributes. The result can be used for publishing documentation with feature signatures that are formally correct and will be understood by developers in most programming languages. It can also be serialised and used computably, e.g. in other visualisation or modelling tools. UML’s own serial format, XMI is thus generally unsuitable for such uses, due to the formal errors, as well as its excessive complexity. XMI is also notoriously non-standard across UML tools.
As a result, openEHR introduced the Basic Meta-Model (BMM) in 2009 as a way of representing correct object-oriented semantics of information models for use in tools, along with a serial format by default expressed in the openEHR ODIN syntax.
The BMM provides a standalone alternative to UML/XMI which correctly represents all types, including open and closed generic types, inheritance of generic types, and various other problems with UML. As a meta-model it is adapted to the task, i.e. representing entity types that can appear in object models, rather than the over-generalised semantics of the UML meta-model. This reduced scope, and the fact that it contains no diagram semantics enables its serial form to be human-readable.
2.2. Features
The Basic Meta-Model supports the representation of object models in the ISO RM/ODP information and computational points of view, i.e. in programming terms:
definition of classes, properties and methods;
delayed routine calls as first-class objects;
It is designed to enable both human authoring and machine processing, including e.g. extraction of BMM textual schemas from a UML tool or programming language classes. The semantics of the model are heavily influenced by the formal approach to object-orientation described by Bertrand Meyer in Object-oriented Software Construction (Meyer, 1997) and also the Eiffel language, which is significantly better basis for object modelling than the UML 2.x meta-model. The BMM consequently departs from UML in a number of significant ways, and also from the OOSC/Eiffel approach in some aspects (e.g. direct meta-type suport for container types). Its key features are as follows:
OO+FP: the Basic Meta-Model is directly based on a combination of Object-oriented class model, functional programming concepts and expression language, rather than being a highly general model like the UML meta-model;
Proper type meta-model: types and Classes are distinguished in the meta-model, unlike UML which has no proper formal concept of type beyond a textual name;
Full generic types: types as first-order entities enables the proper representation of generic typing and inheritance from open, closed, or partially open generic types, unlike in UML;
Container types: such as
have their own meta-types; -
Enumerated types: supported via the notion of 'range-constrained' classes and also references to external value sets;
Built-in Expression Language: fully defined expression meta-model supporting literals, properties, variables, function calls and agents; includes qualifiers;
Design by contract (DbC): formally supported via class invariants and routine pre- and post-conditions;
Operator / function aliasing: support for mapping symbolic operators to function definitions.
Functional elements are supported via the inclusion of meta-types representing signatures and tuples, enabling the construction of delayed agent calls, known here as agents, and function applications (i.e. function calls).
Note that there is no BMM entity for graphical diagramming semantics. Thus, there is no idea of 'association' distinct from an 'attribute', as per UML, which treats lines between class boxes as formal elements.
2.3. Current State of the Art
2.3.1. UML
One would expect that the IT industry would have fully computable representations of models and diagramming solved, but it is not yet the case. UML 2.x and its associated serialisation format XMI 2.x should in theory mean that complete, interoperable machine expressions of object models would be available in all tools. However the evolution of UML and XMI has not been toward a clear meta-model and language for each of its sub-languages (i.e. static class model, state machine, interaction diagram etc) but rather toward a single universal model of everything in which elements of all of its needs are confusingly buried.
The UML 2.x specifications are exceedingly complex: UML 2.1.2 was specified by two documents, 'Superstructure' (738pp) and 'Infrastructure' (224pp); the UML 2.5.1 specification is only slightly smaller at 796 pages (see the OMG UML page for current specifications). The XMI 2.x specification is correspondingly complex, which seems to have so far prevented reliable tool interoperability (recognised as a critical issue by OMG in 2015). Despite the complexity, there are significant limitations in the UML meta-model, including:
the composite or association nature of a class property only being known if it is represented as an association, i.e. a line linking two classes on a UML diagram;
the notion of type is not adequately formalised;
the meta-model of generic types and container properties is problematic and does not map well to object programming languages;
the Design By Contract (DbC) concept (i.e. pre-, post-conditions, class invariants), crucial for proper specifications, is in theory supported via the use of OCL 2.0 constraints in class definitions, but OCL suffers from the same underlying semantic weaknesses as UML;
there is no direct support for functional entities, i.e. routine calls as objects (aka 'lambdas').
Experience with various UML tools (up till 2015) highlighted the following problems:
poor support for OCL and design by contract in most tools;
variable support for generic (i.e. template) classes; even those tools that properly implement the UML 2.5 specification are still very hard to use for defining generic classes because of problems in the specification that remain unaddressed;
problems with qualified attributes, which are used to represent identifier references to objects rather than direct references;
variable support for XSD generation across tools, where the results are wildly wrong in some tools;
in some tools, it is impossible to define an abstract formal model - the only option is to select a particular programming language profile such as Java or C# and thus get locked into the limitations of those languages (messy type systems, weak inheritance semantics, language-specific notion of types such as
, etc.).
Since 2015, the quality of some UML tools has improved, and the XMI generated by some is more reliable. However, XMI generated by different tools is not the same for identical models, and some XMI importers offer numerous switches in order to process the XMI of another tool properly. XMI thus still needs to be processed with care.
Nevertheless, a small number of tools, including MagicDraw (currently used for representing openEHR models for the specifications) and Rational Software Architect (RSA), appear to implement UML 2.5 faithfully. This means that despite the limitations of UML 2.5 (as noted above), models expressed in it can be mostly correctly interpreted and corrected by post-processing for purposes such as code generation and specifications publishing.
Other tools may perform as well or better, and in any case, all tools change over time. No endorsement of a particular tool is intended here. |
2.3.2. XML Schema
For some, W3C XML schema represents a way of expressing object models, but it is not semantically suitable for this purpose, primarily due to its problematic non-object-oriented inheritance semantics, lack of generic classes, lack of representation of non-data members, and only marginal support for design by contract. It can be and is often used (including in openEHR) as a derivative serialisation representation.
2.4. Computational Model
The BMM is specified as a structural model representing an abstract syntax tree (AST), which is the result of either in-memory construction (such as by a model authoring tool) or by parsing of a serialised representation of a BMM model. It does not specify an abstract syntax, and indeed, more than one concrete syntax could be parsed to a BMM instance.
for the purposes of explanation, an abstract syntax is used throughout this document that draws freely from mainstream modelling and programming languages. |
2.5. Uses of the BMM
2.5.1. Class Model Representation
The BMM from version 3.0.0 on may be used to represent a full class model at an interface level (i.e. without code for methods) including classes, types, and class feature types including property (i.e. attribute), symbolic constant, manifest value, functions, operators, and procedures.
2.5.2. Meta-Model Basis for Expressions Language
The BMM provides a system of meta-types that act as the basis for a typed expression language. These include references to static entities in scope (constants, variables, properties), literal values, construction of agents (lambda terms), and function calls (lambda applications).
2.5.3. Information Model Representation
Until version 3.0.0, BMM supported only the information point of view, i.e. no computational interface, and in that form, it is often used to express models of data. Tools based on BMM can provide views of an object model expressed in BMM that are particularly useful to information modelling, such as the 'closure' view show below. This is a computed reachability graph of a fully inheritance-flattened class and all properties, including recursive references.

2.5.4. Archetype Modelling
One of the uses of the BMM in the openEHR ADL Workbench and other similar tools is to provide a computable form of the information model for use with domain-level content models, such as archetypes. The following shows an archetype for which each node has its class shown (in colour), and additionally, the inclusion of non-archetyped attributes from the classes of the archetype nodes.

Newer tools are able to include the computational features.
The openEHR project makes extensive use of BMM for representing its models for use in tools. The full set of openEHR models in BMM format may be found in the specfications-ITS-BMM repository on Github.
2.6. Specification Structure
This specification defines a BMM object model, i.e. the in-memory object structure of a BMM. The related BMM Persistence specification defines an object model for a serialised schema form. The latter enables serialisation of a BMM into a concrete syntax such as ODIN, JSON or XML.
The BMM packages are as follows:
: the BMM-
: the interface to most features including schema load/reload, generally used by an application as a reflection library; -
: the core BMM classes used for in-memory representation of an object model. This consists of a number of sub-packages:-
: meta-types representing models and packages; -
: meta-types representing classes and types including enumeration types, represented in therange_constrained
sub-package; -
: meta-types representing classes features, i.e. constants, routines, properties; -
: meta-types representing literal values; -
: an expression meta-model sufficient for expressing first-order predicate logic expressions, including class invariants and pre- and post-conditions.
Related packages are:
package, which contains the BMM Persistence classes.
These are illustrated below.
2.7. Class Definitions
Class |
Description |
Definitions used by all BMM packages. |
Inherit |
Constants |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Bmm_internal_version: |
Current internal version of BMM meta-model, used to determine if a given schema can be processed by a given implementation of the model. |
1..1 |
Schema_name_delimiter: |
Delimiter used to separate schema id from package path in a fully qualified path. |
1..1 |
Package_name_delimiter: |
Delimiter used to separate package names in a package path. |
1..1 |
Bmm_schema_file_extension: |
Extension used for BMM files. |
1..1 |
Type_delimiter: |
Appears between a name and a type in a declaration or type signature. |
1..1 |
Generic_left_delimiter: |
Left delimiter for generic class and generic type names, as used in |
1..1 |
Generic_right_delimiter: |
Right delimiter for generic class and generic type names, as used in |
1..1 |
Generic_separator: |
Separator used in Generic types. |
1..1 |
Generic_constraint_delimiter: |
Delimiter between formal type parameter and constraint type, as used in |
1..1 |
Tuple_left_delim: |
Left delimiter of a Tuple type and also instance. Example:
1..1 |
Tuple_right_delim: |
Right delimiter of a Tuple type and also instance. |
1..1 |
Tuple_separator: |
Separator used in Tuple types and instances. |
1..1 |
Constraint_left_delim: |
Left delimiter used in serial form of instance constrained enumeration. |
1..1 |
Constraint_right_delim: |
Right delimiter used in serial form of instance constrained enumeration. |
1..1 |
Metadata_bmm_version: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'bmm_version' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_schema_name: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'schema_name' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_rm_publisher: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'rm_publisher' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_rm_release: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'rm_release' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_schema_revision: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'schema_revision' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_schema_lifecycle_state: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'schema_lifecycle_state' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_schema_description: |
Attribute name of logical attribute 'schema_description' in .bmm schema file. |
1..1 |
Metadata_schema_path: |
Path of schema file. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Any_class (): |
built-in class definition corresponding to the top `Any' class. |
1..1 |
Any_type (): |
Built-in type definition corresponding to the top `Any' type. |
1..1 |
create_schema_id ( |
Create schema id, formed from:
e.g. |
3. Model Access Package
3.1. Overview
This package is considered informative within this specification. |
The org.openehr.lang.bmm.model_access
package provides an interface for the application to load BMM schemas and convert them to BMM model form, and is shown below. In this model, a schema is the serial form of a model or part of a model (i.e. instances of a persistence model like the lang.bmm_persistence
model P_XXX
classes). One or more schema files are parsed, validated and then converted to create a single BMM_MODEL
PackageMore than one format for representing serialised BMM models is possible, each having its load, validation and error-reporting logic. The common elements of the load, validate and convert logic are defined by the non format-specific classes in the package, with specific forms of the classes BMM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR
required for each concrete format. The package above shows the relevant classes for the P_BMM
version 2.x format, which is normally saved in .bmm
files. Other formats may be saved in files with different extensions.
The singleton class BMM_MODEL_ACCESS
acts as the entry point for client software to obtain access to loaded BMM models. Since the latter start as schema files which are typically nested according to an 'include' hierarchy, they must be parsed, validated and merged to create each 'top-level' model. The schemas are accessed via instances of the BMM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR
object, one for each schema file. The load()
routine of this class loads a BMM schema file by direct deserialisation.
If the file is structurally correct (say ODIN, JSON etc), an in-memory schema instance will result (e.g. P_BMM_SCHEMA
in the case of the P_BMM
format), and its validate_created
method called. If this succeeds, BMM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR.bmm_schema
will be set to this instance, of type BMM_SCHEMA
. Subsequently, BMM_SCHEMA.merge()
will be called repeatedly, which results in each bmm_schema
instance being the merged result of its include children and itself. After merging, BMM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR.validate_merged()
will be called, and if successful, a call to create_model()
will result in BMM_SCHEMA_DESCRIPTOR.model
being populated.
Each successfully loaded model is thus instantiated as a BMM_MODEL
, and retrievable by calling BMM_MODEL_ACCESS.bmm_model()
with a model key, which is a model identifier with full, partial or no version part. In the latter cases, the most recent version model is retrieved for the key. For example, the keys "openEHR_EHR_1.0.4"
, "openEHR_EHR_1.0"
, "openEHR_EHR_1"
, and "openEHR_EHR"
will all match the "openEHR_EHR_1.0.4"
model, assuming it is the most recent version available. This is convenient for matching models to artefacts (e.g. archetypes) that only mention the model publisher and name, but no version.
The following screenshot shows the BMM schema configuration dialog in the openEHR ADL Workbench, including some meta-data, validation status etc, and also the schema nesting structure. A single hierarchy of schemas corresponds to a single instantiated BMM model.

The screenshot below shows a number of merged BMM models loaded into the AWB, including some of the packages and classes for the openehr_ehr_extract_1.0.4

3.2. Class Definitions
Class |
Description |
Access to BMM models that have been loaded and validated from one or more schema sets. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
List of directories where all the schemas loaded here are found. |
0..1 |
all_schemas: |
All schemas found and loaded from |
0..1 |
Top-level (root) models in use, keyed by |
0..1 |
Validated models, keyed by |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
initialise_with_load_list ( |
Initialise with a specific schema load list, usually a sub-set of schemas that will be found in a specified directories |
0..1 |
Load all schemas found in a specified directories |
0..1 |
reload_schemas |
Reload BMM schemas. |
1..1 |
Return model containing the model key which is a |
1..1 |
True if a model for a |
Class |
Description |
Descriptor for a BMM schema. Contains a meta-data table of attributes obtained from a mini-ODIN parse of the schema file. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
bmm_schema: |
Persistent form of model. |
0..1 |
bmm_model: |
Computable form of model. |
1..1 |
schema_id: |
Schema id, formed by
e.g. |
1..1 |
Table of |
0..1 |
Identifiers of schemas included by this schema. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
is_top_level (): |
True if this is a top-level schema, i.e. not included by some other schema. |
1..1 |
is_bmm_compatible (): |
True if the BMM version found in the schema (or assumed, if none) is compatible with that in this software. |
0..1 |
load |
Load schema into in-memory form, i.e. a |
0..1 |
validate_merged |
Validate loaded schema and report errors. |
0..1 |
Validate includes list for this schema, to see if each mentioned schema exists in |
0..1 |
create_model |
Create |
Class |
Description |
Core properties of |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
rm_publisher: |
Publisher of model expressed in the schema. |
1..1 |
rm_release: |
Release of model expressed in the schema as a 3-part numeric, e.g. "3.1.0" . |
3.2.4. BMM_SCHEMA Class
Class |
BMM_SCHEMA (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent of any persistable form of a BMM model, e.g. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
bmm_version: |
Version of BMM model, enabling schema evolution reasoning. Persisted attribute. |
0..1 |
includes: |
Inclusion list of any form of BMM model, in the form of a hash of individual include specifications, each of which at least specifies the id of another schema, and may specify a namespace via which types from the included schemas are known in this schema. Persisted attribute. |
0..1 |
bmm_model: |
Generated by |
1..1 |
state: |
Current processing state. |
0..1 |
model_name: |
Name of this model, if this schema is a model root point. Not set for sub-schemas that are not considered models on their own. |
1..1 |
schema_name: |
Name of model expressed in schema; a 'schema' usually contains all of the packages of one 'model' of a publisher. A publisher with more than one model can have multiple schemas. |
1..1 |
schema_revision: |
Revision of schema. |
1..1 |
schema_lifecycle_state: |
Schema development lifecycle state. |
1..1 |
schema_author: |
Primary author of schema. |
1..1 |
schema_description: |
Description of schema. |
0..1 |
Contributing authors of schema. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
validate_created |
Do some basic validation post initial creation
0..1 |
load_finalise |
Finalisation work:
0..1 |
merge ( |
Merge in class and package definitions from |
0..1 |
validate |
Main validation prior to generation of |
0..1 |
create_bmm_model |
Populate |
1..1 |
read_to_validate (): |
True when validation may be commenced. |
1..1 |
schema_id (): |
Identifier of this schema, used for stating inclusions and identifying files. Formed as:
E.g. |
3.2.5. BMM_SCHEMA_STATE Enumeration
Enumeration |
Description |
Enumeration of processing states of a |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
State_created |
Initial state directly after instantiation of schema. |
State_validated_created |
Initial validation pass after instantiation. |
State_includes_pending |
State of schema processing if there are still included schemas to process. |
State_includes_processed |
State when all included schemas have been processed. |
Class |
Description |
Schema inclusion structure. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
id: |
Full identifier of the included schema, e.g. |
4. Model Structure
4.1. Overview
The core
package defines the main BMM meta-model, within which the model
sub-package defines the top-level structure of a model which is an instance of the BMM. The UML for this package is shown below.
Package - Model structure4.2. Naming Convention
In a BMM model, names typically appear in the common case-sensitive form used by the model users, and may therefore follow one of a number of common conventions, including 'camel case', 'snake-case' and so on. When used computationally within an instantiated BMM model, it is assumed that case-insensitive matching is used. This means that the class name "Hashable"
refers to the same class as "HASHABLE"
. Note however that underscores are not removed during matching, so that the classes "HashMap"
and "HASH_MAP"
are understood as different classes.
a future version of BMM may define an option to import schemas using differing naming styles, with transformation into a single style for the target model. |
4.3. Model Semantics
In BMM, a model is understood as a set of package and module definitions that are developed and maintained as a unit, by some organisation, and usually having an associated hierarchical namespace. The abstract BMM_MODULE
class is the ancestor for any kind of module, which is understood as a container for features of various kinds, including the usual properties, routines, and so on. A BMM model is structured in the same general way as a UML model, i.e. with a hierarchical package containment structure and a set of module definitions, where a commonly used type of module is the class. The following illustrates the structure of a typical 'class' or 'object' model.
class defines the single instance of each distinct BMM model that may exist within a collection of models, such as shown in the model_access
package above. It provides an interface that enables any class definition to be retrieved, as well as various accessor functions to interrogate the model. A BMM Model has a name (the inherited name
attribute) that is used to identify the model as a whole within a system using multiple models. It contains a number of other meta-data attributes describing authorship etc, and otherwise contains a list of package and class definitions.
4.3.1. Packages
In BMM, packages have the same role as in UML - as non-semantic organisational logical containers of classes, usually corresponding to file system folders in software implementations. They provide an organisational convenience, and in an instantiated BMM model, contain references to class definitions. A model validity checker ensures that every class is contained within exactly one package.
Package paths are only used in BMM to specify package structures in the serialised form in an efficient way, i.e. by using paths to avoid defining a hierarchy in which only lower packages contain classes. They are not used as namespaces as in UML. Consequently, all classes in a BMM model should be uniquely named.
4.3.2. Use of other Models
A model may use another model. This is the same kind of relationship denoted by the 'import' keyword in many programming languages. In BMM, the use of other models is declared once only, in the using model, rather than on a per-class level as in some languages (e.g. Java). The use of another model makes its contents available for use in declarations (e.g. inheritance) and expressions within the using model. This is achieved by populating the BMM_CLASS.scope
attribute with a reference to the used model. In a serial form, a typical syntax such as other_model_name::Class
would be used.
4.3.3. Documentation
A documentation
attribute is inherited from BMM_DECLARATION
(the latter two via BMM_PACKAGE_CONTAINER
), enabling packages, classes and properties to be individually documented using a keyed table (i.e. Hash) of values.
It is strongly recommended to use the following key /type combinations for the relevant purposes:
"purpose": String
"keywords": List<String>
"use": String
"misuse": String
"references": String
Other keys and value types may be freely added.
4.4. The Any Class and Type
While a BMM model defines a model in terms of class declarations, it must always have a top class named Any
from which all others inherit. Similar to the root class in a typical OOPL type systems (sometimes called 'Object'), the Any
class defines semantics true for all objects such as equality (i.e. semantics for an '=' operator) and copying.
A BMM model may define its own Any
class, but if it does not, the BMM_MODEL
instance representing the model will produce a standard 'Any' class via the any_class_definition()
method. This will create the following structure, including a default package structure, and an Any
classThe Any
type defined by the model’s Any
class, or else the default one above, will be used as the inheritance parent for every class in the model that doesn’t have any other inheritance parent. As a result, the inheritance graph will always have the Any
type as its top node.
4.5. Class Definitions
Class |
BMM_DECLARATION (abstract) |
Description |
Meta-type of BMM declared model elements. A declaration is a an element of a model specified by an author within a model definition within a context, which defines the scope of the element. Thus, a class definition and its property and routine definitions are model elements, but Types are not, since they are derived from model elements. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
name: |
Name of this model element. |
0..1 |
Optional documentation of this element, as a keyed list. It is strongly recommended to use the following key /type combinations for the relevant purposes:
Other keys and value types may be freely added. |
1..1 |
scope: |
Model element within which an element is declared. |
0..1 |
Optional meta-data of this element, as a keyed list. May be used to extend the meta-model. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
is_root_scope (): |
True if this declaration entity is the root of the declaration hierarchy. |
Class |
Description |
A BMM model component that contains packages and classes. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
packages: |
Child packages; keys all in upper case for guaranteed matching. |
1..1 |
scope: |
Model element within which a referenceable element is known. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
package_at_path ( |
Package at the path |
0..1 |
do_recursive_packages ( |
Recursively execute |
1..1 |
True if there is a package at the path |
4.5.3. BMM_PACKAGE Class
Class |
Description |
Abstraction of a package as a tree structure whose nodes can contain other packages and classes. The |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
Classes listed as being in this package. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
Obtain the set of top-level classes in this package, either from this package itself or by recursing into the structure until classes are obtained from child packages. Recurse into each child only far enough to find the first level of classes. |
1..1 |
path (): |
Full path of this package back to root package. |
4.5.4. BMM_MODEL Class
Class |
Description |
Definition of the root of a BMM model (along with what is inherited from |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
All classes in this model, keyed by type name. |
0..1 |
List of other models 'used' (i.e. 'imported' by this model). Classes in the current model may refer to classes in a used model by specifying the other class’s |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
model_id (): |
Identifier of this model, lower-case, formed from:
E.g. |
1..1 |
Retrieve the class definition corresponding to |
1..1 |
type_definition (): |
Retrieve the class definition corresponding to |
1..1 |
True if |
1..1 |
True if |
1..1 |
enumeration_definition ( |
Retrieve the enumeration definition corresponding to |
0..1 |
List of keys in |
0..1 |
List of keys in |
1..1 |
property_definition (): |
Retrieve the property definition for |
1..1 |
ms_conformant_property_type ( |
True if |
1..1 |
property_definition_at_path (): |
Retrieve the property definition for |
1..1 |
class_definition_at_path ( |
Retrieve the class definition for the class that owns the terminal attribute in |
0..1 |
Return all ancestor types of |
1..1 |
is_descendant_of ( |
True if |
1..1 |
type_conforms_to ( |
Check conformance of Conformance is found if:
1..1 |
Generate type substitutions for the supplied type, which may be simple, generic (closed, open or partially open), or a container type. In the generic and container cases, the result is the permutation of the base class type and type substitutions of all generic parameters. Parameters
1..1 |
any_class_definition (): |
1..1 |
any_type_definition (): |
1..1 |
boolean_type_definition (): |
Invariants |
Inv_top_level_scope: |
4.5.5. BMM_MODULE Class
Class |
BMM_MODULE (abstract) |
Description |
Meta-type defining a generalised module concept. Descendants define actual structure and contents. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
scope: |
Model within which module is defined. |
5. Types
5.1. Overview
One of the foundational distinctions in the BMM is between class and type, in common with the type systems of the modern forms of most object-oriented languages, but in contrast to the UML meta-model. This division is reflected in the two top-level meta-classes BMM_CLASS
, and their respective descendants, as shown in the following UML diagram.
Package - TypesClasses are definitional entities, while types are understood in BMM as the formal generators of instances (where non-abstract), as the basis of static typing in a formal model, and dynamic conformance, i.e. at execution time, when polymorphic attachment is possible. Most types are specified via the definitions of classes and their constituent parts. Types are used for the following purposes in a BMM model:
to define the types of properties;
to defined the types of routine parameters and return values;
to define formal type parameters in a generic class;
to define type(s) of inheritance ancestors of class definitions;
to formalise concepts relating to functional programming, including tuples and routine signatures;
to determine conformance, which is a relation between types (not classes).
A simple example of typing of properties is shown in the instance diagram below.
Most types are based on one or more defining class(es), which provide the formal definition for the type. The exceptions are formal generic parameters (e.g. the T
in List<T>
) and the special types for tuples and routine signatures, which are treated as built-in. The BMM meta-type BMM_TYPE
and its descendants define the kinds of types available in a BMM model. The design of the types part of the BMM is based on a taxonomy that makes various distinctions convenient to a formalism intended for modelling rather than pure programming. This leads in particular to the top-level distinction between unitary and container meta-types. The taxonomy is illustrated below, including differentiae.
includes features common to all meta-types:
: indicates a type based on an abstract class - i.e. one that cannot be directly instantiated; -
: indicates that a type is derived from a primitive class; primitive status has no effect on BMM model semantics, and is provided as a convenience for visualisation and type-system mapping; -
: the effective type name of an entity; for simple classes, this will just be the class name (
); for generic and container classes it will be generic name such asList<T>
etc; for feature types it will be the declared type, i.e. a simple name, an open type name (e.g.T
) or a generic type name (e.g.Interval<Time>
); -
: a form of the type name that can be used as a fully-defined type signature, which for generic classes includes generic constrainer types, giving a signature such asInterval<T:Ordered>
are the abstract meta-type BMM_UNITARY_TYPE
and the concrete meta-type BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
and its specialisation BMM_INDEXED_CONTAINER_TYPE
is a meta-type for types whose instances are unitary i.e. singular, while the container meta-types correspond to collections of instances. The latter are further described below. This distinction is made to enable BMM to directly represent the notion of collections in the type system rather than treating them in the same way as any other type, which would force modellers (i.e. authors of actual BMM models) to state concrete containment types such as ArrayedList<Packet>
, where ArrayedList
would have to be defined in the model as well as Packet
Unitary meta-types are further distinguished as formal generic parameters (BMM_PARAMETER TYPE
) and effective types, i.e. concrete unitary types. The former meta-type is used to represent replaceable formal generic parameters (typically 'T', 'U' within types such as List<T>
etc) within generic type declarations.
Effective types have as their meta-type BMM_EFFECTIVE_TYPE
. Its subtypes are BMM_MODEL_TYPE
, a meta-type for types defined by classes in the model (thus characterised by the property base_class: BMM_CLASS
, a meta-type for tuples (a list of objects of varying types), and BMM_SIGNATURE
, a meta-type representing signatures of routines and typed model elements (properties, variables etc).
divides into BMM_SIMPLE_TYPE
, corresponding to the standard notions of types familiar in modern programming languages. The class definitions of instances (i.e. BMM model class definitions) of these meta-types are available via the property base_class
, of meta-type BMM_CLASS
for a BMM simple type, and BMM_GENERIC_CLASS
for BMM generic type.
These various concrete meta-types are described in more detail below.
5.2. Simple Type
A simple type is a type based only on a simple class, which is a class with no formal generic parameters. An instance of a simple type is fully described by the class on which it is based, with the only difference being the usual object-oriented possibility of polymorphic attachments of sub-objects whose dynamic types conform to their static type counterparts in the original simple type. Thus, for example, a class Organisation
may have a property manager
of static type Employee
. An instance of the simple type Organisation
might have its manager
property attached to an instance of Manager
, which is legal as long as Manager
conforms to Employee
, which it will do if Manager
is defined as a subtype of Employee
5.2.1. Conformance
Conformance of Simple types follows the inheritance hierarchy via which they are defined, according to the rules:
meta-rule: A Simple type can only conform to a Model type, i.e. either another Simple type or a Generic type;
concrete rule: A Simple type A conforms to Simple type B iff for
of A,all_ancestors()
contains B.
5.3. Generic Type
A generic type is a type based on a generic class, which has one or more formal type parameters that are substituted by actual types in its declaration. For example, the generic type Interval<Quantity>
can be used in a model that contains the generic class Interval<T:Ordered>
and Quantity
. The general case is that the generic parameter substitution type (BMM_GENERIC_TYPE.generic_parameters
) for any formal parameter (BMM_GENERIC_CLASS.generic_parameters
) is of meta-type BMM_UNITARY_TYPE
A typical programmatic usage of such a type, and its instantiated BMM model structure is shown below.
The parameters of a generic type may be:
a substitution of a formal parameter from the generic class with a concrete type, including other generic types and container types;
an unsubstituted formal parameter, if used as the type of a feature, routine argument etc, whose context has an open generic type to which this parameter conforms.
Consequently, a generic type may be:
closed: all formal parameters substituted e.g.
; -
partially closed: at least one formal parameter is substituted e.g.
Document<ClinicalContent, U>
; -
open: no formal parameters substituted, e.g.
Document<T, U>
The first case is detected via the function is_closed
, while the function is_partially_closed
distinguishes the latter two cases.
The following shows the BMM instance structure of a generic type that is open.
Since the meta-type of BMM_GENERIC_TYPE.generic_parameters
, constructions such as MyGenericType<List<OtherType>>
are prevented, due to the concrete parameter type List<OtherType>
being an instance of BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
rather than of BMM_UNITARY_TYPE
. Such constructions are nearly always wrong, and not needed in a model expressed in BMM, because containment can be expressed where the formal generic parameter is used, not where the concrete parameter is declared. The following diagram shows the BMM concrete model structure created for a generic type whose formal parameter type is used in this way, i.e. within a container type.
5.3.1. Conformance
Conformance of Generic types is according to the rules:
meta-rule: A Generic type can only conform to another Generic type;
concrete rules: A Generic type
Ga<Tai, …>
conforms to Generic typeGb<Tbi, …>
contains Gb; and -
the number of generic parameters is equal;
for each
, either-
is an open formal parameter, andTai
conforms to any generic constraint type, or; -
conforms toTbi
5.4. Tuple Meta-type
The meta-type BMM_TUPLE_TYPE
enables the type of a tuple i.e. an array of objects each of which may be of any type, to be stated in terms of other types. This is mostly used to state the type of a set of arguments in the BMM_SIGNATURE
class, but standalone tuple types may also be used in a model, providing roughly the effect of an anonymous class (or a struct
in C/C++).The notional type Tuple
defined by BMM_TUPLE_TYPE
is treadted as a BMM built-in, and is therefore not stated in any BMM model.
5.5. Signature Meta-type
Within any typed formalism, any entity declared as having a type also has a signature. In BMM, this is is the case for any kind of feature of a class, including constants, properties, and routines. The signature of a feature is a formal construct capturing the type structure of the feature. The simplest type of signature is that of properties and constants, which may be expressed formally in a typical abstract syntax as follows:
This indicates that both have a return type, being the type of the value they are attached to at execution time.
The general form of routine signatures is as follows:
<[T_arg1, T_arg2, ...], T_result> -- Function type <[T_arg1, T_arg2, ...]> -- Procedure type
In the above, the construction [Type, …]
represents a type-tuple.
Typical examples of function signatures are as follows:
<[], Date> -- a 0-order function like current_date <[Real, Real], Real> -- a 2nd-order function like '*' for the domain R <[Integer, Integer], Integer> -- a 2nd-order function like 'add' for the domain I
Typical procedure signatures include the following:
<[]> -- a 0-order (argumentless) procedure <[Real]> -- a 1st-order procedure for the domain R <[String, Integer]> -- a procedure taking a String and an Integer argument
In order to support functional semantics such as function-as-object, the notion of signature must exist as a first order type. Since signatures have a special structure and usage, they have their own meta-type in BMM, BMM_SIGNATURE
. Instances of this meta-type represent any kind of signature, and consist of argument_types
, whose meta-type is BMM_TUPLE_TYPE
(See [Tuple Type]), and result_type
, representing the result type.
The following signatures state the types 'any function' and 'any procedure':
Function -- any function Procedure -- any procedure
As for the Tuple meta-type, the notional Signature
meta-type is a BMM built-in, and is not itself defined in any BMM model.
5.5.1. Conformance
Conformance of Signature types is as follows:
meta-rule: A Signature type can only conform to another Signature type;
concrete rules:
all specific Function signatures conform to the signature
); -
all specific Procedure signatures conform to the signature
; -
the conformance of specific Function or Procedure signatures to another Function or Procedure signature is such that:
the number of argument types accord and;
the type conformance of each corresponding argument and result type (for functions) follows the rules for conformance given by the meta-types of those types.
5.6. Container Meta-types
In object-oriented type theory, 'container' types are generic types whose outer class happens to have the semantics of a container object, such as a list, set etc. Container types such as List<T>
, Set<T>
and Hash<K,V>
are used ubiquitously in object models. In the BMM, containers and non-container generic types are distinguished via the meta-classes BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
respectively. This allows the BMM to treat container types in a special way. A BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
can be thought of as a 1:N counterpart to a BMM_UNITARY_TYPE
, such as the type List<Paragraph>
with respect to Paragraph
is thus used for objects considered to be singular, but whose types are a product of the base class and one or more parameter types, e.g. Interval<Quantity>
The explicit provision of BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
enables BMM models to mention logical linear container types such as List<T>
and Set<T>
, on the assumption of their standard semantics in computer science , without worrying about providing concrete types which may be numerous and also variable across programming languages, e.g. ArrayedList<T>
, LinkedSet<T>
, ArrayedStack<T>
and so on.
List and Set semantics are achieved via the BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
attributes is_ordered
and is_unique
, used in the standard combinations i.e.:
is_ordered and not is_unique
; -
(ordered or not); -
not is_ordered and not is_unique
The following diagram shows how the container type List<Paragraph>
, declared as the type of an attribute paragraphs
in a class Document
, is represented in a BMM model.
The semantics of indexed containers, commonly known under the type names Hash<K,V>
, HashMap<K,V>
, HashTable<K,V>
, Dictionary<K,V>
and so on, are represented by the meta-type BMM_INDEXED_CONTAINER_TYPE
, which inherits from BMM_CONTAINER_TYPE
, and adds the property index_type
. The latter type represents the key type, which must be such that hash values can be generated, and may be any type, but practically speaking, is almost always a String
, Integer
, or a Date/Time type.
The following diagram shows how the container type Hash<String, Person>
is represented in a BMM model.
5.6.1. Conformance
Conformance of Container types is according to the rules:
meta-rule: A Container type can only conform to another Container type;
concrete rules:
A Container type
conforms to Container typeCb<Vb>
conforms to iff:-
; andVa
conforms toVb
An indexed Container type
Ca<Ka, Va>
conforms to indexed Container typeGb<Kb, Vb>
conforms toKb
conforms toVb
5.7. Type Conformance
An algorithm to determine conformance of two type-names (e.g. to implement BMM_MODEL.type_conforms_to()
) is as follows:
Boolean type_conforms_to (String a_type, anc_type)
BMM_TYPE_NAME a_type_name, anc_type_name;
if attached create_type_name_from_string (a_a_type) as a_type_name and
attached create_type_name_from_string (anc_type) as anc_type_name
base_class =;
anc_base_class =;
if (base_class.is_case_insensitive_equal (anc_base_class) or else
class_definition (base_class).has_ancestor_class (anc_base_class))
BMM_CLASS bmm_def_class = class_definition (base_class);
// ---- Tuple types
// ---- Signature types ----
// ---- Generic types
// handle case where formal generic names appear in type name
if (valid_generic_type_name (a_type) and bmm_def_class instanceOf (BMM_GENERIC_CLASS) {
// in the case of both being generic, we need to compare generics
// to start with, the number of generics must match
BMM_CLASS anc_bmm_def_class = class_definition (anc_base_class);
if (valid_generic_type_name (anc_type) and anc_bmm_def_class instanceOf (BMM_GENERIC_CLASS)) {
ArrayedList<String> a_type_gen_params = a_type_name.generic_parameters_type_list;
ArrayedList<String> anc_type_gen_params = anc_type_name.generic_parameters_type_list;
if (a_type_gen_params.count = anc_type_gen_params.count) {
Iterator<String> this_gen_parms_it = a_type_gen_params.iterator();
Iterator<String> other_gen_parms_it = anc_type_gen_params.iterator();
Boolean result = True;
String a_type_gen_type, anc_type_gen_type;
while (this_gen_parms_it.hasNext() && other_gen_parms_it.hasNext() || !result) {
// first we convert any open generic parameters to their conformance types
// We assume type names of 1 letter are open parameters
String this_gen_parm =;
String other_gen_parm =;
if (formal_generic_parameter_name (this_gen_parm))
a_type_gen_type = this_bmm_gen_class.generic_parameter_conformance_type (this_gen_parm);
a_type_gen_type = this_gen_parm;
if (formal_generic_parameter_name (other_gen_parm))
anc_type_gen_type = other_bmm_gen_class.generic_parameter_conformance_type (other_gen_parm);
anc_type_gen_type = other_gen_parm;
-- now do the test
result = type_conforms_to (a_type_gen_type, anc_type_gen_type);
return result;
// Conforms - case where anc type is not provided in generic form, but desc is
// e.g. Interval<Integer> conforms to Interval
return True;
// in the following case, the descendant type is not generic,
// so the ancestor type cannot be either, for conformance
return not valid_generic_type_name (anc_type);
5.8. Model Theoretic Questions
The above model produces a number of outcomes that are not necessarily immediately obvious or expected, including:
Inheritance is from classes to types rather than classes;
A Generic type parameter can only be a unitary type, i.e. not a container type;
Tuple and Signature types are pure types, i.e. not defined in generating model other than by implication due to use as routine argument lists;
In theory, a Signature type could be a
descendant but the specialisation restriction would make the meta-model more complex for no obvious benefit.
5.9. Class Definitions
5.9.1. BMM_TYPE Class
Class |
BMM_TYPE (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract idea of specifying a type in some context. This is not the same as 'defining' a class. A type specification is essentially a reference of some kind, that defines the type of an attribute, or function result or argument. It may include generic parameters that might or might not be bound. See subtypes. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Formal string form of the type as per UML. |
1..1 |
type_signature (): |
Signature form of the type name, which for generics includes generic parameter constrainer types E.g. Defaults to the value of |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
If true, indicates an abstract class in a BMM model, or a type based on an abstract class, i.e. a type that cannot be directly instantiated. |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
If True, indicates that the entity in a BMM model is considered to relate to a primitive type set, i.e. be a primitive type, or be a definer of one. |
1..1 |
unitary_type (): |
Type with any container abstracted away; may be a formal generic type. |
1..1 |
effective_type (): |
Type with any container abstracted away, and any formal parameter replaced by its effective constraint type. |
1..1 |
Completely flattened list of type names, flattening out all generic parameters. |
Class |
BMM_UNITARY_TYPE (abstract) |
Description |
Parent of meta-types that may be used as the type of any instantiated object that is not a container object. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
unitary_type (): |
Result = self. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for a concrete, unitary type that can be used as an actual parameter type in a generic type declaration. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
effective_type (): |
Result = self. |
1..1 |
type_base_name (): |
Name of base generator type, i.e. excluding any generic parts if present. |
Class |
Description |
Definition of a generic parameter in a class definition of a generic type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
name: |
Name of the parameter, e.g. 'T' etc. The name is limited to 1 character and upper-case. |
0..1 |
type_constraint: |
Optional conformance constraint that must be the name of a defined type. |
0..1 |
inheritance_precursor: |
If set, is the corresponding generic parameter definition in an ancestor class. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
flattened_conforms_to_type (): |
Result is either |
1..1 |
type_signature (): |
Signature form of the open type, including constrainer type if there is one, e.g. |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Return |
1..1 |
Result is either |
1..1 |
effective_type (): |
Generate ultimate conformance type, which is either |
Invariants |
Inv_generic_name: |
5.9.5. BMM_MODEL_TYPE Class
Class |
BMM_MODEL_TYPE (abstract) |
Description |
A type that is defined by a class (or classes) in the model. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
value_constraint: |
1..1 |
base_class: |
Base class of this type. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_base_name (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
Result = |
5.9.6. BMM_SIMPLE_TYPE Class
Class |
Description |
Type reference to a single type i.e. not generic or container type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
base_class: |
Defining class of this type. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Result is |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
Result is |
1..1 |
Result is |
1..1 |
effective_base_class (): |
Main design class for this type, from which properties etc can be extracted. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type based on a non-container generic class, e.g. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
generic_parameters: |
Generic parameters of the |
1..1 |
base_class: |
Defining generic class of this type. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Return the full name of the type including generic parameters, e.g. |
1..1 |
type_signature (): |
Signature form of the type, which for generics includes generic parameter constrainer types E.g. |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
True if |
1..1 |
Result is |
1..1 |
is_partially_closed (): |
Returns True if there is any substituted generic parameter. |
1..1 |
effective_base_class (): |
Effective underlying class for this type, abstracting away any container type. |
1..1 |
is_open (): |
True if all generic parameters from ancestor generic types have been substituted in this type. |
5.9.8. BMM_TUPLE_TYPE Class
Class |
Description |
Special type representing the type of a tuple, i.e. an array of any number of other types. This includes both container and unitary types, since tuple instances represent concrete objects. Note that both open and closed generic parameters are allowed, as with any generic type, but open generic parameters are only valid within the scope of a generic class. |
Inherit |
Constants |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
base_name: |
Base name (built-in). |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
List of types of the items of the tuple, keyed by purpose in the tuple. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_base_name (): |
Return |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Return |
1..1 |
Return the logical set (i.e. unique types) from the merge of |
5.9.9. BMM_SIGNATURE Class
Class |
Description |
Non-entity meta-type that expresses the type structure of any referenceable element of a model. Consists of potential |
Inherit |
Constants |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
base_name: |
Base name (built-in). |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
argument_types: |
Type of arguments in the signature, if any; represented as a type-tuple (list of arbitrary types). |
0..1 |
result_type: |
Result type of signature, if any. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_base_name (): |
Return |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
Result = |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Return |
1..1 |
Return the logical set (i.e. unique items) consisting of |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type that specifies linear containers with a generic parameter corresponding to the type of contained item, and whose container type is a generic type such as |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
container_class: |
The type of the container. This converts to the |
1..1 |
item_type: |
The container item type. |
0..1 |
is_ordered: |
True indicates that order of the items in the container attribute is considered significant and must be preserved, e.g. across sessions, serialisation, deserialisation etc. Otherwise known as 'list' semantics. |
0..1 |
is_unique: |
True indicates that only unique instances of items in the container are allowed. Otherwise known as 'set' semantics. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Return full type name, e.g. |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
True if the container class is abstract. |
1..1 |
flattened_type_list (): |
Flattened list of type names of |
1..1 |
unitary_type (): |
Return |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
True if |
1..1 |
effective_type (): |
Return |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type of linear container type that indexes the contained items in the manner of a standard Hash table, map or dictionary. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
index_type: |
Type of the element index, typically |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type_name (): |
Return full type name, e.g. |
6. Classes
6.1. Overview
This section describes the semantics of the BMM_CLASS
meta-class, its sub-types, constituent parts and relationships. The parts of a class are collectively known as features, and consist of functions, procedures, constants and properties, which appear in feature groups. The following UML illustrates classes and relationships to constituent feature meta-types. Features are described in detail in the following section.
Package - ClassesClass definitions are the definitional basis of a BMM model, i.e. they are the means of defining the types that are statically used in the model, and the dynamic types generated at runtime. Types are thus derived entities.
The top meta-class BMM_CLASS
defines two properties inherent in classes defined in a model, and derived in resulting types: is_abstract
and is_primitive
. The Boolean attribute is_abstract
indicates a class that cannot be directly instantiated. The attribute is_primitive
indicates that a class is considered to be part of a primitive type set (typically corresponding to primitive types in another type system). Primitive status has no effect on BMM model semantics, and is provided as a convenience for visualisation and type-system mapping.
BMM distinguishes between simple and generic class definitions via two descendants of BMM_CLASS
, with the first providing a concrete form of BMM_CLASS
that applies to non-generic classes, and the latter defining the additional semantics of generic classes. The meta-type BMM_ENUMERATION
is a specialisation of BMM_SIMPLE_CLASS
used to represent enumeration classes in BMM models. The meta-types are further described below.
6.2. Simple Classes
The simplest type of class definition in a model is an instance of the meta-type BMM_SIMPLE_CLASS
, and has a 1:1 relationship with its type. Such classes might be specified in the following abstract syntax:
class DvQuantity
// feature definitions
class Observation
// feature definitions
6.3. Generic Classes
The generic class meta-type BMM_GENERIC_CLASS
adds generic parameters to BMM_CLASS
, enabling formal generic parameters to be represented. Each such parameter is expressed using an instance of BMM_PARAMETER_TYPE
which names the parameter and optionally allows a type constraint to be associated with it, in the usual object-oriented fashion. In BMM, formal parameters have single-letter names, such as 'T', 'U' etc, following typical usage in programming languages. A generic class may also be primitive. Generic classes can be defined in a syntax similar to the following.
// a primitive generic class with an open type parameter
primitive class List <T>
// feature definitions
// a generic class with a constrained type parameter
class DvInterval <T:DvOrdered>
// feature definitions
// a primitive generic class two type parameters
primitive class HashMap <K:Ordered, V>
// feature definitions
The following example shows a generic class Interval<T:Ordered>
, which is a class Interval
with one formal parameter T
constrained to be of type Ordered
or any descendant.

6.4. Range-Constrained Classes
The value range of any defined type is by default open, meaning that its instances may take any value allowed by the type definition. For primitive types such as String
and Integer
, this means that any String or Integer value is a valid instance. For composed types, instances are composed of hierarchies of values which are similarly un-constrained with respect to their types.
A useful derived form of any concrete type definition (i.e. instance of BMM_EFFECTIVE_TYPE
in a model) is one that constrains the legal values of its instances to a particular set of values. The Pascal language provided a well-known precedent, 'sub-range types' that could restrict primitive type value ranges. BMM supports two kinds of range constraint: enumeration and 'value sets'. The additional meta-classes are shown below.
Package - Constrained-range Meta-Types, including Enumeration6.4.1. Enumerated Types
In modern programming languages, the enumerated type is the most common kind of range constraint mechanism. In Java for example, an enumeration is a finite set of labels each associated with singleton value object - either automatically assigned integers, or else programmatically associated instances of any other kind. Enumerated types are supported in BMM via the BMM_ENUMERATION
meta-type and descendants.
An enumerated type could in theory be based on any BMM defined type, i.e. any simple or generic type, since instances of either could be constrained. BMM makes the simplification that an enumerated type can only be based on a BMM simple type, which means that in the defined model, an enumeration of a closed generic type Gen<T_subst>
is achieved by first defining a simple type based on the closed generic type via inheritance, e.g. a type Gen_T_subst
that inherits from Gen<T_subst>
can be used as the ancestor of a BMM enumeration type.
For this reason, the BMM_ENUMERATION
meta-type is defined as a descendant of BMM_SIMPLE_CLASS
, and may have only one ancestor. The value enumeration is represented via a set of enumeration labels (item_names
) and constant values (item_values
), the latter of which must be of the type represented in the concrete model by the instance of the ancestor class.
Since String
and Integer
valued enumerations are by far the most common in real models, two descendant classes BMM_ENUMERATION_STRING
are provided, which fix the values and types to String
and Integer
The following diagram shows the BMM instance structure corresponding to an attribute declaration lifecycle: TaskLifecycle
in a class Order
The following shows the same class in an abstract syntax.
// an Integer-based enumeration
enumeration class TASK_LIFECYCLE
feature -- Enumeration Literals
planned = 0;
available = 1;
cancelled = 2;
aborted = 3;
abandoned = 4;
underway = 5;
suspended = 6;
resumed = 7;
completed = 8;
The following screenshot shows how this enumeration class appears within a BMM model.

The following shows another enumeration class, this time based on the String
// a String-based enumeration
enumeration class ContractStatus
feature -- Enumeration Literals
initial = "Initial";
cancelled = "Cancelled";
active = "Active";
completed = "Completed";
The types String
and Integer
are assumed to be defined via primitive classes of the same names.
6.4.2. Value-set Types
Another form of range constraint that occurs in many models is the use of 'coded terms' that represent codes from e.g. ISO or IANA value sets such as ISO 639 (languages) and IANA media types. These are particularly prevalent in type systems used in the biosciences where object models routinely include attributes of a Coded Term type that refer to terminologies such as SNOMED CT, WHO ICD10 etc. In such models, it is typical to want to define an attribute being not just of a Coded Term type, but also limited to a particular terminology (such as a coded attribute representing 'language'), or even a specific 'value set' from such a terminology.
The same kind of constraint may be applied to any kind of model type, for example a type representing Medication may be constrained to be instantiated only as instances defined by a medications database. This kind of constraint is known here as a value set, following the common usage in the biomedical sciences, and is supported in a different way than enumerations. The latter is a common programming concept which always involves a dedicated type representing the enumeration. Since the required value-sets are represented explicitly in the model but in an external database or other resource, the constraint is limited to a reference to the relevant resource, and is applied directly to the use of a type within a feature definition, rather than requiring the definition of a new type.
Accordingly, BMM provides the attribute value_constraint: BMM_VALUE_SET_SPEC
defined on BMM_MODEL_TYPE
meta-type contains two String
attributes resource_id
and value_set_id
which may be used to define a resource (equivalently a namespace) and an identifier of a value set within that resource. BMM does not impose any particular format or resolution algorithm on these identifiers - it is assumed that they can be correctly defined and used within the context of the concrete model usage.
Consequently, an attribute within a standard concrete model such as language: CodedTerm
could now be expressed notionally as language: CodedTerm <<iso::639-*>>
or language: CodedTerm <<iso::languages>>
. The construction within the <<>>
is parsed into two pieces around the ::
separator, which are then used to populate the BMM_VALUE_SET_SPEC
for a type.
The following diagram shows the meta-model structure corresponding to an attribute declaration language: CodedText
whose instances are constrained to be from a value-set iso_639-2
within the resource namespace iso
The following shows a possible abstract syntax value-set type definition.
// a Value-set type
class Document
property language: CodedText <<"iso::iso_639-2">> [1];
6.5. Class Qualifiers
The following sub-sections describe qualifiers that may be used on any class definition to achieve a specific status within the model system. BMM qualifiers are designed to map to typical features in programming languages.
6.5.1. Abstract Classes
Any class definition in a BMM model may be marked as 'abstract', to indicate that it cannot be directly instantiated. This qualifier generally maps to the concept of abstract classes in most OOPLs. It may be specified in an abstract syntax as follows.
abstract class ENTRY
// feature definitions
6.5.2. Primitive Type Classes
Class definitions within a BMM model may be marked as 'primitive', enabling them to be visualised and queried as a separate group without otherwise changing the semantics of the entity in the BMM meta-type system. This is normally done to distinguish 'built-in' types used by a model from the classes for which the model was created. An abstract syntax definition may look as follows:
primitive class Integer
// feature definitions
primitive class String
// feature definitions
The following shows part of a BMM model in which a number of classes are classified as primitive (shown in light and dark grey).

Primitive classes are normal BMM classes, other than being marked primitive for convenience, and do not have different semantics.
6.6. Class Invariants
A class defined within a model may include invariants, i.e. assertions relating to its state that hold true before and after all public routine calls. Assertions are instances of the class BMM_ASSERTION
, which is a tagged Boolean-valued Expression.
The following shows classes with invariants.
// a class with simple invariants
// feature definitions
Is_archetype_root: is_archetype_root
Content_valid: content /= Void implies not content.is_empty
// a class with more complex invariants
// feature definitions
Archetype_node_id_valid: all_versions.for_all (
agent (v: VERSION) {
v.archetype_node_id.is_equal (all_versions.first.archetype_node_id);
Persistent_validity: all_versions.for_all (
agent (v: VERSION) {
v.is_persistent =;
6.7. Inheritance
Inheritance in BMM is a relation between a class and one or more types, rather than classes, as in many class-based formalisms. This is primarily to allow classes to be based on specific generic types, rather than just the 'open' type represented by the underlying classes. Multiple inheritance is permitted, with same-named features from different types being treated as clashes needing resolution. See Section 12.1 for a detailed description.
6.8. Model Theoretic Questions
The class meta-model as defined here entails certain choices that have consequences, including:
All Enumeration types are based on literal values (i.e. not only names), which may be of any concrete type, including constructed types.
6.9. Class Definitions
6.9.1. BMM_CLASS Class
Class |
BMM_CLASS (abstract) |
Description |
Meta-type corresponding a class definition in an object model. Inheritance is specified by the
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
ancestors: |
List of immediate inheritance parents. |
1..1 |
package: |
Package this class belongs to. |
0..1 |
properties: |
List of attributes defined in this class. |
1..1 |
source_schema_id: |
Reference to original source schema defining this class. Useful for UI tools to determine which original schema file to open for a given class for manual editing. |
0..1 |
List of computed references to base classes of immediate inheritance descendants, derived when members of |
1..1 |
is_override: |
True if this definition overrides a class of the same name in an included schema. |
0..1 |
constants: |
List of constants defined in this class. |
0..1 |
functions: |
List of functions defined in this class. |
0..1 |
procedures: |
List of procedures defined in this class. |
0..1 |
is_primitive: |
True if this class represents a type considered to be primitive in the type system, i.e. any typically built-in or standard library type such as |
0..1 |
is_abstract: |
True if this class is marked as abstract, i.e. direct instances cannot be created from its direct type. |
0..1 |
invariants: |
0..1 |
creators: |
Subset of |
0..1 |
converters: |
Subset of |
0..1 |
feature_groups: |
List of feature groups in this class. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type (): |
Generate a type object that represents the type for which this class is the definer. |
0..1 |
List of all inheritance parent class names, recursively. |
0..1 |
Compute all descendants by following |
0..1 |
List of names of immediate supplier classes, including concrete generic parameters, concrete descendants of abstract statically defined types, and inherited suppliers. (Where generics are unconstrained, no class name is added, since logically it would be |
0..1 |
Same as |
0..1 |
List of names of all classes in full supplier closure, including concrete generic parameters; (where generics are unconstrained, no class name is added, since logically it would be |
1..1 |
package_path (): |
Fully qualified package name, of form: |
1..1 |
class_path (): |
Fully qualified class name, of form: |
1..1 |
is_primitive (): |
True if this class is designated a primitive type within the overall type system of the schema. Set from schema. |
1..1 |
is_abstract (): |
True if this class is abstract in its model. Value provided from an underlying data property set at creation or construction time. |
0..1 |
features (): |
List of all feature definitions introduced in this class. |
0..1 |
flat_features (): |
Consolidated list of all feature definitions from this class and all inheritance ancestors. |
0..1 |
flat_properties (): |
List of all properties due to current and ancestor classes, keyed by property name. |
Invariants |
Inv_constructors: |
Inv_converters: |
Class |
Description |
Definition of a simple class, i.e. a class that has no generic parameters and is 1:1 with the type it generates. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type (): |
Generate a type object that represents the type of this class. Can only be an instance of |
Class |
Description |
Definition of a generic class in an object model. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
generic_parameters: |
List of formal generic parameters, keyed by name. These are defined either directly on this class or by the inclusion of an ancestor class which is generic. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
Add suppliers from generic parameters. |
1..1 |
type (): |
Generate a fully open |
1..1 |
generic_parameter_conformance_type ( |
For a generic class, type to which generic parameter |
Class |
Description |
Definition of an enumeration class, understood as a class whose value range is constrained extensionally, i.e. by an explicit enumeration of named singleton instances. Only one inheritance ancestor is allowed in order to provide the base type to which the range constraint is applied. The common notion of a set of literals with no explicit defined values is represented as the degenerate subtype |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
The list of names of the enumeration. If no values are supplied, the integer values 0, 1, 2, … are assumed. |
0..1 |
item_values: |
Optional list of specific values. Must be 1:1 with |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Map of |
Class |
Description |
String-based enumeration meta-type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
item_values: |
Optional list of specific values. Must be 1:1 with |
Class |
Description |
Integer-based enumeration meta-type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
item_values: |
Optional list of specific values. Must be 1:1 with |
Class |
Description |
Definition of a range-constrained class whose value range is defined by reference to a 'value set' within an external resource, e.g. a reference data service. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
resource_id: |
Identifier of a resource (typically available as a service) that contains legal values of a specific type. This is typically a URI but need not be. |
1..1 |
value_set_id: |
Identifier of a value set within the resource identified by |
7. Class Features
7.1. Overview
Within the definition of each class in a BMM model are found the declarations of its features, consisting of routines, properties and constants. The overall meta-model of features, as well as the elements that occur within them, namely parameters and local variables is shown below, and described in this section.
The taxonomy of meta-types that classify the concrete meta-types representing features is somewhat complicated in an object-oriented approach by the presence of procedures, which are declared features (sometimes called commands or modifiers) that change internal object state, rather than returning a value as is the case with all other kinds of features. The consequence is that the cleanest approach to definition of meta-attributes is the use of two taxonomies, one corresponding to feature declarations (including procedures) and one to do with typed value-returning entities, which excludes procedures.
7.1.1. Feature Groups
Features are arranged within a class in feature groups, each represented by an instance of the meta-type BMM_FEATURE_GROUP
. By default there is at least one feature group called "feature"
. Feature groups may be given any name, and are usually used to group features on the basis of things like:
meta-type, e.g. a group called
limited to publicly visible functions only; -
logical feature type, e.g. commands, queries, factory methods etc.
The primary purpose of feature groups is to represent specific meta-data that naturally applies to more than one feature in general, and is thus convenient to represent on a logical container rather than repeat individually. Feature group meta-data is recorded in the properties
attribute. A feature group may also set default visibility for all features in the group.
7.1.2. Feature Visibility
Selective visibility of features to external clients is expressed in the attributes BMM_FEATURE_GROUP.visibility
with potential overrides achieved using BMM_CLASS_FEATURE.visibility
, i.e. at an individual feature level. Visibility is defined using sub-types of the abstract meta-class BMM_VISIBILITY
TBD: define visibility meta-model; probably need to support C/Java approach and type-based.
7.1.3. Feature Declarations
Features are understood in BMM as entities referenceable within a module or lower context. The 'module' in BMM is the class. Class features consist of the formal sub-parts of a class, namely:
routines: procedures and functions;
properties: mutable static definitions, described in detail in previous sections;
constants: immutable static definitions.
Variables are also understood as a kind of class feature, whose scoping entity is further restricted to a containing routine.
The taxonomy of feature declarations is shown below.
This taxonomy is concerned with model elements that can be lexically declared within some scope. Those elements defined within a class scope have a type signature, i.e. a formal 'shape' in terms of types. This applies even to procedures, which are formal entities despite having no return type.
7.1.4. Typed Entities
For entities with a type, i.e. which can potentially produce a value, the following taxonomy of typing applies.
This taxonomy is concerned with typedness, valuedness, and mutability, which is the notion that a typed value-producing entity may be Void (null) at execution time. Features, which are declarations in context can be mutable, but value objects (e.g. literal values, delayed routine calls) cannot.
7.1.5. Class Model
The class model that results from the above considerations is shown below.
package - Features7.1.5.1. A Note on Multiple Inheritance
In the above model, multiple inheritance is used in order to express the design intention of the model. In many modern languages, multiple inheritance of classes containing attributes is not possible. Accordingly, to aid implementation in these languages, the diagram distinguishes the two inheritance hierarchies as follows:
the 'true' inheritance hierarchy under the class
(shown in green), corresponding to the type taxonomy illustrated in Figure 26 above; -
a second hierarchy used to obtain structural elements, under
(shown in blue), corresponding to the feature taxonomy illustrated in Figure 25 above.
hierarchy is the one requiring type substitutability, and is thus implemented using class inheritance (e.g. extends
in Java), while the other should be implemented by inheritance of interfaces. This can be achieved as follows:
define the interfaces
etc, with attributes from the UML model (such asBMM_ROUTINE.parameters
) declared as methods and declare the inheritance as interface inheritance (e.g.implements
in Java); -
define a parallel class hierarchy
, etc whose design follows the UML model above (i.e. defines real attributes) and which are declared as the types of private data elements in the main classes (e.g.BmmFunction
, in order to obtain the attributes logically defined byBMM_ROUTINE
in the UML); -
implement the methods inherited from the interface hierarchy via a declaration via the appropriate dispatch code referencing the relevant private data member.
The above approach should result in the same semantics as defined by the model shown above.
7.1.6. Differential and Flat Form
In modelling or programming terms, the features defined on a particular class within a model constitute the features it introduces with respect to its inheritance parent(s). We can think of this list of features as the differential set. A 'top-level' class with no declared inheritance ancestor is considered to inherit by default from the Any
class, and its feature set is relationally differential to the top class.
In contrast, the effective set of features for an instance at runtime is the result of evaluating these lists of features down the inheritance hierarchy to obtain the flat set of features. The features properties and flat_properties defined on BMM_CLASS
provide access to these two lists for any class.
7.1.7. Signatures
All class-scoped features have formal signatures (described in Section 5.5), realised as BMM_CLASS_ENTITY.signature
. This includes procedures, even though they have no return type.
The two types of routines, i.e. functions and procedures, include zero or more formal parameters in their signatures, with functions also having a return type. The standard taxonomy of feature signature types is illustrated below, with each form being controlled by invariants stated in the relevant containing meta-classes (e.g. BMM_FUNCTION
, representing a function definition has an invariant requiring signature.result /= Void
7.1.8. Synthesis due to Generic Parameter Substitution
Due to the possibility of generating concrete types via substitution of concrete generic parameters for formal parameters of generic classes, new concrete types of features may routinely result anywhere in a fully computed in-memory BMM model. BMM allows such features to be synthesised with their resulting concrete types rather than their 'source-defined' open parameter types, and provides the Boolean flag is_synthesised_generic
on the class BMM_CLASS_ENTITY
to mark any such synthesised feature. An example of the use of this is described below in Section 12.1.2.
7.2. Constants
Constant features in a class are represented by the BMM meta-type BMM_CONSTANT
, which is:
a descendant of
has no arguments; and -
a descendant of
that is not run-time nullable.
At runtime a constant has a value, which may be of any type, including complex types, and which is set using its generator
expression (i.e. an instance of the meta-type EL_INSTANCE_REF
). In the common degenerate case, generator
consists simply of a literal value, but may also be a function call or other expression valid in the context of the scoping class. This latter capability is the means by which computed constants are supported.
The following abstract syntax illustrates how constants may be defined in a BMM model.
// simple constants
constant CR: Character = '\015';
constant LF: Character = '\012';
// constant of complex type
// TODO: correct JSON (maybe YAML?) or other syntax
constant SafeSpeed: Interval<Quantity> = |0.0 km/h .. 60.0 km/h|;
// constant generated by a one-time expression evaluation
constant ProxyVar<Quantity> = {ProxyVar<Quantity>}(arg1, arg2);
7.3. Properties
Class properties are defined via the meta-class BMM_PROPERTY
, and its subtypes which distinguish unitary properties (single-valued attributes in a class) from container properties (multiply-valued attributes).
meta-type defines semantics common to all properties, including is_composition
, which indicates whether the property reference instantiates a part-of relationship or an association.
7.3.1. Unitary versus Container Properties
Single-valued properties in a BMM model are instances of the type BMM_UNITARY_PROPERTY
, and have as their type
the meta-type UNITARY_TYPE
. Container properties are instances of the meta-type BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY
, which adds the attribute cardinality
, enabling the possible number of container elements to be constrained (this corresponds to the multiplicities used at the end of UML associations). The meta-type BMM_INDEXED_CONTAINER_PROPERTY
adds the attribute index_type
, enabling representation of indexed concrete container types such as Hash<K,V>
A typical example of properties of class is shown below, in which the flattened property view of a class OBSERVATION
includes the inherited properties other_participations
and links
properties exemplifying the container property meta-type:

The following illustrates how various kinds of properties may appear in a BMM model. The first two properties are associations, used to represent references to shared objects (including singletons), while the remainder are normal compositional sub-parts, i.e. owned sub-instances that will cease to exist when the parent object is destroyed. All of the properties are single-valued, other than other_participations
, which is defined as a container property with cardinality [*]
(i.e. 0..*
) and 'set' semantics.
abstract class ENTRY extend CARE_ENTRY
feature -- Locale
association property language: CODE_PHRASE <<"iso::iso_639-2">> [0..1];
association property encoding: CODE_PHRASE <<"iana::character-sets">> [0..1];
feature -- Access
composition property protocol: ITEM_STRUCTURE[1];
composition property guideline_id: OBJECT_REF[0..1];
composition property subject: PARTY_PROXY[0..1];
composition property other_participations: PARTICIPATION[*]{set};
7.3.2. Semantic level
TBD: this BMM feature requires review
Properties also include two other Boolean meta-data items, is_im_runtime
and is_im_infrastructure
, which can be used to classify property values in a model according to 'semantic level', which roughly corresponds to the continuum from domain-specific to infrastructure. These may be individually set, or both may be False. The three meaningful value settings are as follows:
both False: the value of the property is considered to be design-time constrainable;
is IM runtime: True if the property value is only knowable at runtime, as is typically the case for identifiers, dates etc;
is infrastructure: True if the property is not a user- or business-oriented property, but something required by software design, e.g instance identifier, meta-data etc.
The above screenshot also includes properties have different settings of the is_im_runtime
and is_im_infrastructure
meta-data flags: property names in black are neither; those in grey are IM runtime (guideline_id
, workflow_id
), and those in light grey are infrastructure properties (language
, encoding
, uid
, etc).
7.4. Functions and Procedures
Functions and procedures are kinds of routine, which are computational features of a class. The classes BMM_FUNCTION
respectively provide the meta-model for definitions of the two types of routine.
The formal parameter definitions of both kinds of routines are represented by an ordered list of instances of the meta-class BMM_PARAMETER
, which is defined as a kind of variable. A formal parameter may optionally have the read/write direction defined, which indicates whether the variable contains an input value, should only be written to, or both, i.e. read then written to. The is_nullable
meta-attribute inherited from BMM_TYPED_FEATURE
indicates whether each parameter is mandatory or not.
An additional feature of the meta-model for functions is the notion of operator, which supports the representation of a function call in a formal expression as an operator symbol with one or two operands, in the typical form found in programming languages and first order logics. The BMM approach considers an operator as an optional addition to any function of arity
1 or 2 that may reasonably be represented in an abstract syntax using operator syntax. Operators thus support the use of expressions like weight > 90
to mean (90)
, where weight
is of type Real
, and the function gt(other: Real)
is defined.
Any routine may have pre- and/or post-conditions defined for it, represented in BMM by BMM_ASSERTIONs
populating the pre_conditions
and post_conditions
attributes of BMM_ROUINE
. An Assertion is a tagged Boolean Expression.
The following abstract syntax illustrates the various elements of function definitions.
abstract class DV_AMOUNT
feature -- Arithmetic Operations
function equal (other: DV_AMOUNT[1]): Boolean[1]
alias {infix '='};
function less_than (other: DV_AMOUNT[1]): Boolean[1]
alias {infix '<'};
feature -- Arithmetic Operations
function add (other: DV_AMOUNT[1]): DV_AMOUNT[1]
alias {infix '+'};
function subtract (other: DV_AMOUNT[1]): DV_AMOUNT[1]
alias {infix '-'};
function multiply (val: Real[1]): DV_AMOUNT[1]
alias {infix '*'};
function divide (val: Real[1]): DV_AMOUNT[1]
alias {infix '/', infix '÷'};
7.4.1. Pre- and Post-conditions
All BMM routine definitions may include pre- and/or post-conditions, with the semantics of Djikstra’s weakest pre-condition logic (Dijkstra (1976)), Object-Z (Smith (2000)) and the Eiffel language (Meyer (1997)).
The essential semantics are as follows:
pre-conditions specify truth conditions on public object state and/or parameters that must hold for the routine to execute correctly;
if a pre-condition is not met at the moment of routine call, the client (caller) is at fault;
post-conditions specify truth conditions on public object state and/or result (in the case of functions) that will hold at the end of routine execution;
if a post-condition is not met at the moment of routine completion, the routine is at fault, i.e. contains bugs.
The use of pre- and post-conditions is also known as design by contract (DbC), a term introduced by Meyer, and is widely used in general IT, particularly in specification languages such as OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL).
The following shows how a routine contract may be specified in an abstract syntax.
feature -- Creation
create_ehr_with_id (
an_ehr_id: UUID[1];
an_ehr_status: EHR_STATUS[0..1]
): UUID[1]
No_duplicate: not has_ehr (an_ehr_id)
Has_ehr: has_ehr (Result)
7.4.2. Creators and Converters
In common with may OOPLs, BMM classes may specify creators, i.e. instance-creating procedures, known as 'constructors' in some OOPLs. These are just a subset of all procedures known in BMM_CLASS.procedures
that when executed will satisfy the class invariants. A further subset of the creators are single-argument converters which can initialise a new instance from an instance of another type. Converter routines are typically used to support type conversion in expressions, e.g. String
to Date
etc. These two subsets are formally defined as the creators
and converters
reference lists of procedures on BMM_CLASS
, as shown in the following UML view.
Creators and converters might be distinguished among other procedures in an abstract syntax as follows.
class Date
feature -- Creators
procedure create_from_string (a_date_str: String[1])
procedure create (a_day, a_month, a_year: Integer[1])
feature -- Modification
procedure set_day (a_day: Integer[1])
7.4.3. Routine Body
BMM supports the definition of statements, i.e. implementation within a ROUTINE
as well as 'external' routines, which are represented by an instance of the meta-class BMM_ROUTINE_EXTERNAL
. These classes are shown in the following UML view.
The meta-model of statements is described in detail in Section 11.
7.5. Variables
At the finest level of detail of a model definition are what are typically thought of as variables within a routine scope. These may be either local variables (variables declared locally within a routine) and parameter variables (declared in the arguments part of a routine declaration). Local variables and parameters have the meta-types BMM_LOCAL
respectively. The special pre-defined variable Result
is automatically available within any function, and is represented by the meta-model type BMM_RESULT
7.6. Model Theoretic Questions
The features meta-model as defined here entails certain choices that have consequences. The primary choice that affects this part of the meta-model is not to treat Void
as a type, with the result a procedure is not a typed entity, meaning its signature has no result part. This makes procedures an anomaly within an otherwise typed system of entities, and complicates the inheritance structure of the BMM meta-model. The alternative would have been to treat procedures as Void-returning entities, and thus of type Void
(a pseudo-type), as per languages such as C++ and Java, or an equivalent, such as the Unit
pseudo-type of Kotlin. The major disadvantage of the latter is that it makes procedure definitions (BMM_PROCEDURE
instances within a BMM model) look like typed entities, and as a result, procedure calls look like value-returning entities that could be used within expressions (i.e. no different than function calls).
Ultimately this difficulty arises from the decision to include procedures at all within the formal framework, when from a purely functional perspective they would not exist. Avoiding procedures means going down a pure functional route, which, although providing a cleaner model of pure computation, inevitably entails various artificial and non-intuitive means of making a computational entity do something. BMM has taken the route of objects as black boxes having queries (functions, properties) and commands (procedures), with well-behaved models relying on the principle of command-query separation (CQS), i.e. side-effect free functions. CQS is not enforced by BMM, but its use would make a formal model expressed in BMM more tractable to proof-based tools.
7.7. Class Definitions
7.7.1. BMM_TYPED Class
Class |
BMM_TYPED (abstract) |
Description |
Any entity that has a declared or inferred static type, and that can therefore be generate a value. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
is_boolean (): |
True if |
Class |
Description |
A logical group of features, with a name and set of properties that applies to the group. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
name: |
Name of this feature group; defaults to 'feature'. |
1..1 |
Set of properties of this group, represented as name/value pairs. These are understood to apply logically to all of the features contained within the group. |
0..1 |
features: |
Set of features in this group. |
0..1 |
visibility: |
Optional visibility to apply to all features in this group. |
Class |
BMM_VISIBILITY (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent of visibility representation. TODO: define schemes; probably need to support C++/Java scheme as well as better type-based schemes. |
Class |
BMM_CLASS_ENTITY (abstract) |
Description |
Any entity declared within a class. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
is_synthesised_generic: |
True if this feature was synthesised due to generic substitution in an inherited type, or further constraining of a formal generic parameter. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
signature (): |
Formal signature of this element, in the form:
Specific implementations in descendants. |
Class |
BMM_CLASS_FEATURE (abstract) |
Description |
A class entity having a signature and a class as its scope. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
visibility: |
Visibility of this item to client entities. |
0..1 |
feature_extensions: |
Extensions to feature-level meta-types. |
1..1 |
group: |
Group containing this feature. |
1..1 |
scope: |
Class within which a referenceable element is known. |
Class |
BMM_TYPED_FEATURE (abstract) |
Description |
A typed entity that is a feature within a context, and which may therefore be Void, i.e. 'nullable'. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
is_nullable: |
True if this element can be null (Void) at execution time. May be interpreted as optionality in subtypes.. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type representing instantiable features, i.e. features that are created as value objects. |
Inherit |
7.7.8. BMM_CONSTANT Class
Class |
Description |
An immutable, static value-returning element scoped to a class. The |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
generator: |
Generator expression for the constant value. In the degenerate case, this is just a literal value, but may also be any other expression valid in the context. |
Invariants |
Inv_not_nullable: |
Inv_signature_no_args: |
7.7.9. BMM_PROPERTY Class
Class |
BMM_PROPERTY (abstract) |
Description |
Meta-type of a property definition within a class definition of an object model. The |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
is_im_runtime: |
True if this property is marked with info model |
0..1 |
is_im_infrastructure: |
True if this property was marked with info model |
0..1 |
is_composition: |
True if this property instance is a compositional sub-part of the owning class instance. Equivalent to 'composition' in UML associations (but missing from UML properties without associations) and also 'cascade-delete' semantics in ER schemas. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
existence (): |
Interval form of |
1..1 |
display_name (): |
Name of this property to display in UI. |
Invariants |
Inv_signature_no_args: |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type of for properties of unitary type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type of for properties of linear container type, such as List<T> etc. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
cardinality: |
Cardinality of this container. |
1..1 |
type: |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
display_name (): |
Name of this property in form |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type of for properties of linear container type, such as |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
display_name (): |
Name of this property in form |
7.7.13. BMM_ROUTINE Class
Class |
BMM_ROUTINE (abstract) |
Description |
A feature defining a routine, scoped to a class. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
parameters: |
Formal parameters of the routine. |
0..1 |
Local variables of the routine. |
0..1 |
pre_conditions: |
0..1 |
post_conditions: |
0..1 |
body: |
Body of a routine, i.e. executable program. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
arity (): |
Return number of arguments of this routine. |
1..1 |
signature () |
Formal signature of this element, in the form
7.7.14. BMM_FUNCTION Class
Class |
Description |
A formal element with signature of the form: |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
operator_definition: |
Optional details enabling a function to be represented as an operator in a syntactic representation. |
1..1 |
result: |
Automatically created Result variable, usable in body and post-condition. |
Invariants |
Operator_validity: |
Inv_signature_has_result: |
Inv_result_type: |
7.7.15. BMM_OPERATOR Class
Class |
Description |
Definition of a symbolic operator associated with a function. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
position: |
Position of operator in syntactic representation. |
1..1 |
Set of |
1..1 |
name: |
Formal name of the operator, e.g. 'minus' etc. |
7.7.16. BMM_OPERATOR_POSITION Enumeration
Enumeration |
Description |
Enumeration of possible position of operator in a syntactic representation for operators associated with 1- and 2- degree functions. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
prefix |
Prefix operator position: operator comes before operand. |
infix |
Infix operator position: operator comes between left and right operands. |
7.7.17. BMM_PROCEDURE Class
Class |
Description |
A formal element with signature of the form: |
Inherit |
Invariants |
Inv_signature_no_result: |
7.7.18. BMM_VARIABLE Class
Class |
BMM_VARIABLE (abstract) |
Description |
A mutable entity whose scope is a routine. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
scope: |
Routine within which variable is defined. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
signature () |
Formal signature of this element, in the form |
Invariants |
Inv_signature_no_args: |
7.7.20. BMM_PARAMETER Class
Class |
Description |
A routine parameter variable. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
direction: |
Optional read/write direction of the parameter. If none-supplied, the parameter is treated as |
7.7.21. BMM_RESULT Class
Class |
Description |
Automatically declared variable representing result instance of a Function call. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
name: |
Name of this model element. |
Enumeration |
Description |
Enumeration of parameter read/write direction values. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
in |
Parameter is an input parameter, and treated as readonly by the receiving routine. |
out |
Parameter is an output parameter, and treated as a reference to an entity writeable by the receiving routine. |
in_out |
Parameter is an input and output parameter, and treated as a reference to an entity readable and writeable by the receiving routine. |
7.7.23. BMM_ROUTINE_BODY Class
Class |
BMM_ROUTINE_BODY (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract ancestor of routine body meta-types. |
Class |
Description |
External routine placeholder, containing sufficient meta-data to enable a routine in an external library to be called. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
External call general meta-data, including target routine name, type mapping etc. |
0..1 |
Optional argument-mapping meta-data. |
8. Literal Values
8.1. Overview
With a typical formal model, there is a need for formal representation of literal values. This is needed to support constant declarations, 'default values' (a UML concept), enumeration literals and literal routine calls (see next section). In BMM, all such values have as their meta-type the type BMM_LITERAL_VALUE
or a descendant. The type hierarchy mostly mimicks the hierarchy of the BMM_TYPE
hierarchy, allowing for literal values of any of the meta-types in that part of the model. The UML model of these types is shown below.
package - Literal Values8.2. General Model
When a BMM model is instantiated in its in-memory form, e.g. in a BMM modelling tool, any literal values in the model such as constant values (e.g. Real Pi = 3.1415926
), default values (e.g. String = "(unknown)"
) etc are instances of 'two types':
their declared types withing the model, e.g.
; -
the meta-type
(or a matching descendant if there is one), which is instantiated to represent the value object within the model.
The value of any such instance is represented by the value_literal
field within its BMM_LITERAL_VALUE
. This is assumed to carry a serialised form of the value expressed in a syntax known to the model processing environment within which the BMM model is being used. This may be a programming language syntax, JSON, or any other serialisable format, and is specified by BMM_LITERAL_VALUE.syntax
8.3. Container Literals
Literals representing Lists or Sets of values of objects of other types have as their BMM meta-type BMM_CONTAINER_VALUE
. For example, if the serialised value ["Feyerabend", "Lakatos", "Popper"]
(which happens to be a JSON Array of Strings) were parsed as a List<String>
instance, its meta-type would be a BMM_CONTAINER_VALUE
instance whose value_literal
was the same string, assuming JSON were used as the syntax, and whose type
. Similarly a syntax that supported literal Sets using braces, e.g. {"Feyerabend", "Lakatos", "Popper"}
may be parsed to a Set<String>
instance, with the same meta-type as for the List.
In a similar way, a Hash table (aka 'map', 'dictionary' etc) structure has as its meta-type BMM_INDEXED_CONTAINER_VALUE
8.4. Literal Tuples
Literal tuples may be expressed in BMM, but are not instances of BMM_LITERAL_VALUE
; instead they are instances (at the meta level) of EL_TUPLE
, an expression-related meta-type. This is a consequence of the fact that Tuple
is considered a BMM built-in type rather than a model-provided type, and also that a Tuple instance may contain items of any meta-type, not just literal values. Tuple instances are used in BMM expressions and described in Section 9.2.
8.5. Type Extensions
If it were desired to create a full set of 'native' types for BMM, in the way supplied for UML in the UML Standard Profile, specific descendants would be added to the meta-type classes BMM_SIMPLE_TYPE
, as well as BMM_LITERAL_VALUE
, which would allow such instances to be directly representable in the internal BMM type system. This would still need to be ultimately mapped to the types actually available in any language in which BMM is implemented.
8.6. Class Definitions
Class |
BMM_LITERAL_VALUE (abstract) |
Description |
Meta-type for literal instance values declared in a model. Instance values may be inline values of primitive types in the usual fashion or complex objects in syntax form, e.g. JSON. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value_literal: |
A serial representation of the value. |
0..1 |
value: |
A native representation of the value, possibly derived by deserialising |
0..1 |
syntax: |
Optional specification of formalism of the |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for literals whose concrete type is a linear container type, i.e. array, list or set. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for literals whose concrete type is an indexed container, i.e. Hash table, Map etc. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Class |
BMM_UNITARY_VALUE (abstract) |
Description |
Meta-type for literals whose concrete type is a unitary type in the BMM sense. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for literals whose concrete type is a primitive type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Declared or inferred static type of the entity. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for a literal String value, for which |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
Native String value. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for a literal Integer value, for which |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
Native Integer value. |
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for a literal Boolean value, for which |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
Native Boolean value. |
9. Expressions
9.1. Overview
Expressions in BMM are used to specify class invariants, routine pre- and post-conditions, and may be used more generally in other contexts requiring expressions. They are defined by a set of classes prefixed by 'EL', indicating 'expression language'. The BMM expression meta-model is based on the following taxonomy of expression entities:
The meta-types defined in this part of the BMM model may be understood as the types of entities in an abstract syntax tree (AST) generated from expression parsing. Conversely, one or more expression syntaxes may be parsed into a tree based on the model described here. Note however, that whatever the variation in surface syntax, all such syntaxes parsed this way ultimately have the semantics defined by the BMM EL meta-model described here. This is true even for expressions written in a syntax whose published semantics are in fact different, e.g. a well-known programming language.
The key abstract meta-types shown in the taxonomy are Simple (EL_SIMPLE
), Complex (EL_COMPLEX
) and under Simple, Terminal (EL_TERMINAL
) and Predicate (EL_PREDICATE
). The first split between Simple and Complex distinguishes 'simple' expressions that are either Terminals or classical operator trees of Terminals, from 'complex' constructs, such as those used to represent multi-way decision structures. The split between Terminal and Predicate distinguishes 'real' expression entities (the former), and meta-level predicates having a Terminal expression as a target. The Predicate meta-type is the parent of 'existence' and also path-based meta-expressions targetting instance entities (such as defined by Xpath etc).
The UML model of the BMM expression
package, consisting of mostly direct equivalents of the taxonomy classes above, is shown below.
PackageMost EL
classes are descendants of the class EL_EXPRESSION
, which is characterised by the feature eval_type()
. This is the BMM meta-type of the result type of the expression entity when used in an expression; for literals, this is the inferred type; for object references (including function calls), this is the same as the declared type, and for agents it is the meta-type BMM_SIGNATURE
9.2. Terminal Entities
The underlying semantic concept of expressions in BMM, as for any language, is of a construct that refers to instantiated model entities and which generates values when evaluated at execution time. The notion of a reference is fundamentally different from a definition, which is the concern of the rest of the meta-model, in that it operates at the instance level rather than at the type level. The primitive elements of a BMM expression may take the form of any of the following:
literal values: inline-generated values created without reference to a model instance, but which must be instances of types defined by the model (
); -
model-based references: (
references to instances: symbolic references to instance values stored (as properties or variables) within the current or another object scope (
); -
calls to functions: appropriately constructed calls to functions of the types that define instances (
); -
generation of agents: a special kind of reference to any routine of a model type that generates a delayed routine call object (
Generally speaking, the latter two categories - function calls and delayed routine calls - will involve literal values and instance references where call arguments are stated. Consequently, the value generated by an expression is founded upon literal values and instance references. To be valid, any model-based reference must have a scoping object, which is one of:
the 'current' object, within which the expression is situated and being evaluated;
another object, which may be designated via:
a specified scoping object, usually achieved through 'dot-notation' in most languages;
an anonymous object representing a type;
a type, for which no instance is created, on which argumentless function calls and constants may be accessed.
The notion of scoping object is supported via the attribute scope
defined in EL_SCOPED_REF
In addition, one other category of primitive expression element is supported:
predicates: Boolean-generating expression elements formed by built-in predicates applied to any of the other value-generating expression elements.
The model described in this section supports these primitive elements via descendants of the EL_TERMINAL
meta-type. For ease of comprehension, the following UML diagram provides an annotated view of these meta-types.
9.2.1. Literals
A literal value may appear in an expression as a separate entity within an operator expression, as well as a functional call or agent parameter. The literal values that may be used are either instances of the openEHR Foundation Types in ODIN format, or a complex object instance in structured serial format, specified by BMM_SERIAL_FORMALISM
if not a primitive type.
9.2.2. Tuples
Although rarely useful in class definitions, a Tuple of any degree may be formed from any combination of other EL expressions and used on its own as an expression terminal element. The main use for this construct is to express a literal tuple, i.e. one whose constituents consist only of proper literal values.
For more general uses of BMM Expressions, tuple instances are the basis of representing ad hoc query results which have a formal type such as List<[Ta, Tb, Tc]>
, where [Ta, Tb, Tc]
represents a tuple of three types.
9.2.3. Feature References
In BMM, a feature reference is any symbolic reference to a class feature or variable that resolves to an object at evaluation time. This includes all referenceable entities within classes except procedures, which have no return value. Concretely, a feature reference takes the form of one of:
a property name, e.g.
; -
a constant name, e.g.
; -
a variable or parameter name, e.g.
; -
a function call.
Function calls are described in detail in the following section.
9.2.4. Self Reference
A special meta-type, EL_SELF_REF
is provided for references to the current scoping object for any expressions in which it appears. An instance of this meta-class corresponds to references such as 'this' or 'self' found in object-oriented programming languages.
9.2.5. Type Reference
A special meta-type, EL_TYPE_REF
is provided to refer to a type as an object. This is exclusively used as a convenient way (common in many programming languages) of accessing class features that do not depend on instance properties (i.e. 'constant', 'enum', and 'static' members in C-based languages) without having to explicitly create an instance. As an expression, a type reference will normally only appear as a qualifier of a feature reference, using syntax such as {TypeName}.feature
, or with arguments, {TypeName}.function (args…)
A class feature is defined as one that is:
a constant;
an enumeration literal;
a function that does not reference any class property or make any call that does, in its
The last category typically includes 'external' functions that are wrappers for calls to the operating system or other external resource that maintains its own state independently.
Since a type reference can be made without instantiation, it may be made to an abstract class as well as a concrete one. This facilitates the use of so-called 'utility' classes containing groups of useful functions e.g. for handling specific kinds of strings.
Examples of type references as qualifiers of class features include the following:
to access the class functioncurrent_time
defined on the class (or interface)Env
; -
, to access an enumeration literal; -
{Version_utils}.version_higher ("1.5.40", "11.5.4")
A type reference may also be used on its own, such as in the following type test, which is the EL equivalent of programming language operators like type_of()
admission_dates.type = {Interval<Iso8601_date_time>}
9.2.6. Agents
An agent is the BMM term for a delayed routine call, and has the meta-type EL_AGENT
, which in turn has as its formal evaluation type (eval_type
) is the meta-type BMM_SIGNATURE
. It usually appears as a standalone expression, or else a parameter within another agent or function call. Agents are described in detail in the following section.
9.2.7. Predicates
Predicates in BMM are Boolean-returning terminal expressions taking one feature reference operand, and are represented by the meta-type EL_PREDICATE
. Predicates conceptually apply to data instance structures and may be understood as queries on data. Any number of specific predicates might be added as extensions via inheritance. In particular, Xpath-style predicates could be supported by addition of meta-types descending from EL_PREDICATE
The following predicates are pre-defined. Attached (x)
The attached
predicate is used to test for an instance reference (including a function call result) being Void
. It may be used in expressions such as the following class invariant.
class SmartRef
property url: Url;
property value: Base64String;
Validity: attached(url) or attached(value)
9.3. Constrained Expressions
In some cases there is a need to define a constrained form of an existing expression meta-type, such that the constraint can be conveniently asserted in other contexts. The meta-class EL_CONSTRAINED
is provided for this purpose. It has an attribute base_expression
referring to the underlying expression meta-type to be constrained. Any descendant of EL_CONSTRAINED
may then be defined in order to add specific type or other constraints. One commonly used meta-type, EL_BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION
, is defined, which constrains the base expression to being one whose evaluation type (eval_type
) is Boolean
9.4. Operator Expressions
BMM contains meta-types representing operators, but assumes that all operators are surface aliases for functions defined on some class. For this reason, an occurrence of an operator within an expression, represented an instance of a descendant of EL_OPERATOR
, contains the attribute definition
to refer to the corresponding function definition. This has to be inferred from the types of its operands. Consequently, 'operator expressions' as commonly understood are simply function calls (often nested) in BMM. The following example illustrates the general meta-model of expressions, using a typical use of expression, the class invariant.
class Account
balance: Decimal
overdraft_limit: Decimal
balance + overdraft_limit > 0
The expression balance + overdraft_limit > 0
makes use of two operators + and `>
, which are really functions defined on the type Decimal
, as follows.
class Decimal
greater_than (other: Decimal): Boolean
alias '>'
addition: (other: Decimal): Decimal
alias '+'
A parser processing this expression would produce the result shown below, assuming that the BMM model containing these classes had already been instantiated.
Below, we consider a number of examples illustrating expressions containing the various kinds of terminal reference, based on the following assumed declarations.
feature -- Definitions
Fast_resting_heart_rate: Real = 100;
Atrial_fibrillation_heart_rate: Real = 120;
Erratic: Terminology_code = {
"terminology_id": "snomed_ct",
"code_string": "286761003"
Blood_pressure_units: String = "mm[Hg]";
feature -- Accessors
heart_rate: Real;
heart_rhythm: Terminology_code;
bp_samples: List<Quantity>;
patient: Patient;
The first example is a comparison of a property value to a value, where the >=
operator maps to the function Real.greater_than_or_equal()
heart_rate >= 80
The following shows the comparison of a property value with a constant, where the >=
operator maps to the function Real.greater_than_or_equal()
heart_rate >= Fast_resting_heart_rate
The following is a logical condition, where the =
operator maps to a function such as Terminology_code.equal()
; and
maps to Boolean.and()
; and >=
maps to Real.greater_than_or_equal()
heart_rhythm = Erratic and heart_rate >= Atrial_fibrillation_heart_rate
The following is the same logical condition, but with the use of object scope specified with 'dot notation', here 'patient.'
patient.heart_rhythm = Erratic and patient.heart_rate >= Atrial_fibrillation_heart_rate
The following shows a function call whose argument is an expression.
date_of_birth.earlier ({Env}.current_date - P10Y)
The following shows the use of an inline agent as an argument to the function List.for_all()
bp_samples.for_all (
agent (a_quantity: Quantity) {
a_quantity.units.is_equal (Blood_pressure_units);
9.5. Decision Tables
The BMM expression
package contains the meta-class EL_DECISION_TABLE
that defines an abstract decision table construct, consisting of an ordered set of items
, each of type EL_DECISION_BRANCH
, and having a result
of any expression type (including another decision table). Two concrete subtypes of each of these abstract meta-types are used to represent two common kinds of decision table:
an if/then/elseif/else condition chain (meta-classes
); and -
a case statement style table (meta-classes
), whose conditions are value intervals against which the table’sinput
value expression is evaluated to determine the result.
The else
branch will be used to provide the result expression in the case that all other branches fail, guaranteeing a result.
and its descendants are also kind of expression, enabling them to be used as value-returning entities in certain other expression contexts, including inside other decision tables.
The following UML illustrates.
is the same as an if/then/elseif/else chain in procedural programming, except that instead of assignment statements on each branch, pure result expressions are used. This enables a more sophisticated syntactic rendering, resembling a table, such as the following:
molecular_subtype: Terminology_term
Result := choice in
er_positive and
her2_negative and
not ki67.in_range ([high]): [luminal_A],
er_positive and
her2_negative and
ki67.in_range ([high]): [luminal_B_HER2_negative],
er_positive and
her2_positive: [luminal_B_HER2_positive],
er_negative and
pr_negative and
her2_positive and
ki67.in_range ([high]): [HER2],
er_negative and
pr_negative and
her2_negative and
ki67.in_range ([high]): [triple_negative],
*: [none]
The above is a function that computes the molecular subtype of breast cancer using a decision table whose branches are based on a number of input variables that appear in expressions down the left-hand side and which returns a Terminology_code
instance (the notation [identifier]
is represents a literal Terminology_code
An example of EL_CASE_TABLE
is shown below. Here, two case tables are used, with each generating a numeric result based on the values of the platelets
and gfr
variables respectively.
cyclophosphamide_dose: Quantity
Result := cyclophosphamide_dose_per_m2 * BSA.bsa_m2
* case platelets.range in
[normal]: 1,
[low]: 0.75
* case gfr.range in
[normal]: 1,
[low]: 0.75,
[very_low]: 0.5
9.6. Usage in BMM Models
Expressions as used in BMM models to express class invariants and routine pre- and post-conditions are always in the form of an BMM_ASSERTION
, i.e. a tagged Boolean-returning EL_EXPRESSION
9.6.1. Simple Assertions
Simple assertions may be formed from common operators and operands, including the usual logical arithmetic and comparison operators, as well as any operators relating to specific data types. Normally the top-level operator in the Expression graph is a logical or relational operator. Since all operators are mapped to functions defined on types, there are no 'floating' or 'built-in' operators as such.
9.6.2. Existential and Universal Quantifier Invariants
A common kind of expression used in class invariants operates over collections and uses the existential and universal quantifier operators, i.e. ∃ and ∀, from predicate logic. A typical expression to use within a class invariant is shown below in an abstract syntax.
class PersonName
property items: String[1..*];
∀ nameItem: items | not nameItem.isEmpty()
A different syntax might express it as follows.
for nameItem in items all
not nameItem.isEmpty()
A similar invariant, this time using ∃, is shown below.
for nameItem in items
∃ not nameItem.isEmpty()
Regardless of the surface syntax, expressions such as the above map to functions such as for_all
and there_exists
defined on relevant linear container types. These functions have the following signatures in which the 'test' expression appears as a Function agent type.
class Container<T>
for_all (test: Function<[T], Boolean>): Boolean;
-- True if for every v in container, test (v) is True
there_exists (test: Function<[T], Boolean>): Boolean;
-- True if there is any v in container for which test (v) is True
9.7. Class Definitions
9.7.1. EL_EXPRESSION Class
Class |
EL_EXPRESSION (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent of all typed expression meta-types. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Meta-type of expression entity used in type-checking and evaluation. Effected in descendants. |
1..1 |
is_boolean (): |
True if |
Class |
EL_CONSTRAINED (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent for second-order or constrained forms of first-order expression meta-types. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
base_expression: |
The base expression of this constrained form. |
Class |
Description |
Boolean-returning expression. |
Inherit |
Invariants |
Inv_boolean_expression: |
9.7.4. EL_OPERATOR Class
Class |
EL_OPERATOR (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent of operator types. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
precedence_overridden: |
True if the natural precedence of operators is overridden in the expression represented by this node of the expression tree. If True, parentheses should be introduced around the totality of the syntax expression corresponding to this operator node and its operands. |
0..1 |
symbol: |
The symbol actually used in the expression, or intended to be used for serialisation. Must be a member of |
1..1 |
definition: |
Function equivalent to this operator, inferred by matching operator against functions defined in interface of principal operand. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
operator_definition (): |
Operator definition derived from |
1..1 |
equivalent_call (): |
Function call equivalent to this operator. |
Class |
Description |
Unary operator expression node. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
operand: |
Operand node. |
Class |
Description |
Binary operator expression node. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
left_operand: |
Left operand node. |
1..1 |
right_operand: |
Right operand node. |
9.7.7. EL_SIMPLE Class
Class |
EL_SIMPLE (abstract) |
Description |
Simple expression type that may be used in other simple expressions. |
Inherit |
9.7.8. EL_TERMINAL Class
Class |
EL_TERMINAL (abstract) |
Description |
Expression terminal entity, representing one of:
Inherit |
9.7.9. EL_PREDICATE Class
Class |
EL_PREDICATE (abstract) |
Description |
Parent type of predicate of any object reference. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
operand: |
The target instance of this predicate. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Return |
9.7.10. EL_DEFINED Class
Class |
Description |
A predicate taking one external variable reference argument, that returns true if the reference is resolvable, i.e. the external value is obtainable.
Inherit |
9.7.11. EL_ATTACHED Class
Class |
Description |
A predicate on any object reference (including function call) that returns True if the reference is attached, i.e. non-Void. |
Inherit |
9.7.12. EL_INSTANCE_REF Class
Class |
EL_INSTANCE_REF (abstract) |
Description |
A reference to an instance of any kind. |
Inherit |
9.7.13. EL_SELF_REF Class
Class |
Description |
Special meta-type used to represent a reference that may appear in any routine, pre- or post-condition, or invariant, and resolves to the current object within which feature references are scoped; corresponds to 'self', 'this' or 'Current' in various programming languages. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Type of the current scoping instance, inferred from expression context. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Return |
9.7.14. EL_TYPE_REF Class
Class |
Description |
Meta-type for reference to a non-abstract type as an object. Assumed to be accessible at run-time. Typically represented syntactically as May be used as a value, or as the qualifier for a function or constant access. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
type: |
Type, directly from the name of the reference, e.g. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Return |
9.7.15. EL_LITERAL Class
Class |
Description |
Literal value of any type known in the model, including primitive types. Defined via a |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
The reference item from which the value of this node can be computed. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Return |
9.7.16. EL_SCOPED_REF Class
Class |
EL_SCOPED_REF (abstract) |
Description |
A reference that is scoped by a containing entity and requires a context qualifier if it is not the currently scoping entity. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
scope: |
Reference to an owning object for this terminal element, if it is not the current scope. |
Class |
Description |
Terminal item corresponding to a reference to a directly instantiable entity, i.e. a variable, constant, or property. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
definition: |
Definition of the constant, property or variable, inferred by inspection of the current scoping instance. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Type definition (i.e. BMM meta-type definition object) of the constant, property or variable, inferred by inspection of the current scoping instance. Return |
9.7.18. EL_AGENT_CALL Class
Class |
EL_AGENT_CALL (abstract) |
Description |
A call made to a 'closed' agent, i.e. one with no remaining open arguments. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
agent: |
The agent being called. |
Invariants |
Inv_valid_call: |
9.7.19. EL_FUNCTION_CALL Class
Class |
Description |
A call made on a closed function agent, returning a result. Equivalent to an 'application' of a function in Lambda calculus. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
agent: |
The function agent being called. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Return |
Invariants |
Inv_valid_agent: |
9.7.20. EL_AGENT Class
Class |
EL_AGENT (abstract) |
Description |
A delayed routine call, whose arguments may be open, partially closed or closed. Instances may include closed delayed calls like Evaluation type (i.e. type of runtime evaluated form) is |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
name: |
Name of the routine being called. |
0..1 |
closed_args: |
Closed arguments of a routine call as a tuple of objects. |
0..1 |
Optional list of names of open arguments of the call. If not provided, and the |
0..1 |
definition: |
Reference to definition of a routine for which this is an agent, if one exists. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Eval type is the signature corresponding to the (remaining) open arguments and return type, if any. |
1..1 |
is_callable (): |
True if there are no open arguments. |
Class |
Description |
An agent whose signature is of a function, i.e. has a result type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
definition: |
Reference to definition of a routine for which this is a direct call instance, if one exists. |
Class |
Description |
An agent whose signature is of a procedure, i.e. has no result type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
definition: |
Reference to definition of routine for which this is a call instance. |
9.7.23. EL_TUPLE Class
Class |
Description |
Defines an array of optionally named items each of any type. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
items: |
Items in the tuple, potentially with names. Typical use is to represent an argument list to routine call. |
1..1 |
type: |
Static type inferred from literal value. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
eval_type (): |
Return |
9.7.24. EL_TUPLE_ITEM Class
Class |
Description |
A single tuple item, with an optional name. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
item: |
Reference to value entity. If Void, this indicates that the item in this position is Void, e.g. within a routine call parameter list. |
0..1 |
name: |
Optional name of tuple item. |
Class |
EL_DECISION_TABLE (abstract) |
Description |
Complex expression structure representing a logical decision table. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
else: |
Result expression of the chain if no member of |
1..1 |
items: |
Members of the chain, equivalent to branches in an if/then/else chain and cases in a case statement. |
Class |
Description |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
result: |
Result expression of conditional, if its |
Class |
Description |
Compound expression consisting of a chain of condition-gated expressions, and an ungated Evaluated by iterating through If no member of |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
items: |
Members of the chain, equivalent to branches in an if/then/else chain and cases in a case statement. |
Class |
Description |
Conditional structure used in condition chain expressions. Evaluated by evaluating its |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
condition: |
Gate expression that acts as the condition under which the target |
Invariants |
Inv_condition_boolean: |
9.7.29. EL_CASE_TABLE Class
Class |
Description |
Compound expression consisting of a list of value-range / expression pairs, and an Evaluated by iterating through If no member of |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
input: |
Input value that is compared against each |
1..1 |
Members of the chain, equivalent to branches in an if/then/else chain and cases in a case statement. |
9.7.30. EL_CASE Class
Class |
Description |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value_constraint: |
10. Functional Elements
10.1. Overview
BMM provides support for representing functional entities, often known as lambdas. The two key functional entities are known in the calculus as a lambda term and an application. The first is more commonly understood by programmers as a delayed routine call, here denoted by the term agent. The latter is what programmers understand as a 'call', i.e. an application of a lambda term.
An agent is formed by reference to a function or procedure in an expression context, potentially with provision of some or all arguments. This creates an entity whose type is an instance of the meta-type BMM_SIGNATURE
. There are three variations as follows:
no arguments supplied: this is just a reference to a function or procedure by name, and is typically used to pass it as an argument to some other routine;
some arguments supplied: this generates a new delayed function or procedure call whose formal signature is the projection of the remaining open arguments with respect to the original signature;
all arguments supplied: this generates a new fully closed delayed call that may be invoked.
A call is thus an invocation of a closed agent. The evaluation type of a function call is the result type of the original function definition, thus its meta-type is just BMM_TYPE
. A procedure call has no evaluation type.
Both calls and agents are special kinds of references to their original routines, and both can appear within an expression context, including as arguments passed to routine invocations. The following UML view of the bmm.expression
package illustrates these details.
package - Functional Elements10.2. Agents
In the model the three classes EL_AGENT
(centre) define respectively, Agent and its Function and Procedure forms. An Agent is understood as one kind of terminal expression element (EL_TERMINAL
), since it is concretely a reference that generates a value, in this case, to a routine that generates a delayed call object. It potentially has closed_args
, in the form of an EL_TUPLE
which is a meta-type for tuple instances, which instantiate an instance BMM_TUPLE_TYPE
(such as [String, Integer]
). The items of the tuple are each in the form of an EL_TUPLE_ITEM
consisting of the argument name (optional) and an item
, which is an EL_EXPRESSION
, having an eval_type
. By this means, the actual arguments to a routine call may be any expression, including operators, and (as shown), terminal expressions. This includes other agent expressions, and also function calls (but not procedure calls, since they are not value-generating entities).
An example of a delayed function call in syntax form is nodeCount (struct=?, depth=3)
(the exact syntax will vary according to programming language). Here, the struct
argument is left open, while the depth
argument is closed with the supplied value 3
. This expression generates an agent whose signature is [StructType]:Integer
(assuming the concrete type of the struct
argument is StructType
). This capability is known as function currying and is the basis for enabling delayed routine calls to have their arguments progressively filled before final execution, each time generating a new agent with a reduced signature.
10.3. Calls
On the left of the UML diagram is the meta-class EL_FUNCTION_CALL
, which represents a call to a function Agent, and which is also an EL_TERMINAL
. For such a call to be possible, all arguments must be supplied (which may be none, in the case of a parameterless function).
An example of a Function Call is calculateAge ('1982-03-22', '2019-06-01')
, which calculates a person’s age from his date of birth and a given date. In normal programming languages, any of the parameters may be any referenceable value-returning entity, i.e. any in-scope variable, other function call, or a valid operator expression, e.g. calculateAge ('1982-03-22', today())
, where today()
is a function returning the date of today.
Such calls are direct equivalents for expressions using basic mathematical operators and functions, on the usual basis that any operator (such as 'plus', i.e. +
) is formally defined as a function such as add (arg1, arg2: Numeric): Numeric
The instance structure for a typical expression such as the Body Mass Index (BMI), i.e. weight / height^2
, is shown below.
11. Statements
11.1. Overview
BMM provides meta-model elements for defining the body of a routine, consisting of statements. This facility is not needed for achieving the original purpose of BMM, i.e. a computable in-memory representation of a model at the interface level (classes, types and signatures), rather it provides a basis for representing program logic, such as function definitions.
BMM statements are formalised using the classes BMM_STATEMENT_ITEM
and various recognisable descendant types, as shown in the UML view below.
The use of the three-class hierarchy pattern allows a Routine body
to be a simple statement or a block, containing statements and/or more blocks. The class BMM_STATEMENT
is abstract, allowing specific statement meta-models to be developed whose 'statement' meta-types inherit from this class. A number of common types are included by default, and are described below.
This facility is primarily provided to support the definition of higher-level languages by embedding them in the outer BMM meta-model.
11.2. Assignment
A BMM assignment is the same concept as found in most frame-based programming languages, and provides a meta-model to represent a writable target (variable or property) being assigned to from a source, which is any expression of the same evaluation type. Type checking is thus based on a comparison of definition.type
of the target and eval_type()
of the source.
The following example shows a simple assignment in the definition of the function position
class Simple_bank_account
feature -- Definitions
overdraft_limit: Decimal = 250;
feature -- State
balance: Decimal;
feature -- Interface
position: Decimal {
Result := balance + overdraft_limit
Solvent: position >= 0.0
The BMM meta-model for this statement is shown below.
11.3. Procedure Call
A procedure call is represented in BMM by the meta-type BMM_PROCEDURE_CALL
, which refers to an instance of EL_PROCEDURE_AGENT
, the same way that a function call is represented in terms of an EL_FUNCTION_AGENT
. In the following example, the procedure put()
is called from the deposit()
and withdraw()
functions in the class Account_access
class Simple_bank_account
feature -- Modification
put (val: Decimal)
valid_amount: val + overdraft_limit >= 0.0
balance := balance + val
class Account_access {
feature -- Command
deposit (v: Decimal; ac: Simple_bank_account)
valid_amount: v > 0.0
ac.put (v);
withdraw (v: Decimal; ac: Simple_bank_account)
valid_amount: ac.overdraft_limit - v >= 0.0
ac.put (-v);
The BMM meta-model for the call is shown below.
11.4. Action Tables
The BMM statement
package includes the meta-classes BMM_ACTION_TABLE
, which together provide a way of representing a decision table whose outputs are statements (rather than values, as in the case of the related Expression meta-classes EL_DECISION_TABLE
). An action table corresponds closely to the standard constructs 'if/then/elseif' and the case statement.
The following example shows a typical instance of the BMM Action table meta-type, within a procedure that generates appropriate alerts or alarms based on patient vital signs.
if systolic_pressure.in_range ([critical_high])
raise_alarm ([emergency])
elseif systolic_pressure.in_range ([high]) and oxygen_sat.in_range([low])
11.5. Assertions
The BMM statement
model includes a statement meta-type to represent the notion of an assertion as a statement, typically expressed in syntax such as assert (<boolean expression>)
. This kind of statement is understood as an executable instruction to check that the condition is true, and if not, to generate an exception of the appropriate type, assuming exceptions are available.
11.6. Class Definitions
Class |
Description |
Abstract parent of statement types representing a locally defined routine body. |
Inherit |
Class |
Description |
A statement 'block' corresponding to the programming language concept of the same name. May be used to establish scope in specific languages. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
items: |
Child blocks of the current block. |
11.6.3. BMM_STATEMENT Class
Class |
BMM_STATEMENT (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent of 'statement' types that may be defined to implement BMM Routines. |
Inherit |
Class |
Description |
Simple statement, i.e. statement with one logical element - a single expression, procedure call etc. |
Inherit |
Class |
Description |
A call made on a closed procedure agent. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
agent: |
The procedure agent being called. |
Invariants |
Inv_valid_agent: |
11.6.6. BMM_ASSIGNMENT Class
Class |
Description |
Statement type representing an assignment from a value-generating source to a writable entity, i.e. a variable reference or property. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
target: |
The target variable on the notional left-hand side of this assignment. |
1..1 |
source: |
Source right hand side) of the assignment. |
11.6.7. BMM_ASSERTION Class
Class |
Description |
A statement that asserts the truth of its expression. If not, generates an exception (depending on run-time settings). May be rendered in syntax as |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
expression: |
0..1 |
tag: |
Optional tag, typically used to designate design intention of the assertion, e.g. |
11.6.8. BMM_ACTION_TABLE Class
Class |
Description |
Multi-branch conditional statement structure |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
items: |
Decision branches. |
Class |
Description |
Conditional, or 'gated' statement, consisting of a Boolean-returning |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
condition: |
The gate condition for the target statement. |
1..1 |
statement: |
Target statement. |
12. Model Semantics
This section describes various semantics that apply at a whole-of-model level rather than within single entities such as a class, type or property.
12.1. Inheritance
12.1.1. Simple Inheritance
The BMM supports single and multiple inheritance, although it does not distinguish between different types of inheritance relation as some programming languages do. Inheritance is formally defined to be between a class definition (an instance of BMM_CLASS
) and a defined type, i.e. a BMM_SIMPLE_TYPE
. This is because the inheritance parents of a class may be any of:
a simple class;
a generic class;
a class type, i.e. the effective class definition corresponding to an effective generic type, which has one or more formal parameters substituted.
The general case for all three is represented by the corresponding type, i.e., a simple type or generic type.
The evaluation of inheritance relations defined in a BMM model results in an acyclic graph such that ancestors and descendants can be visualised for any class. The following screen shot shows the ancestors view of a class OBSERVATION

The next screenshot shows the descendants view of one of the ancestor classes of the same class.

12.1.2. Generic Inheritance
Inheritance between generic classes works in the same way as for simple classes, with the additional semantics of formal parameter inheritance, which are as follows:
each unsubstituted formal parameter of the parent type must have a same-named counterpart in the formal parameters of the inheriting class;
the formal parameters of the inheriting class may further constrain any of the ancestor type’s formal parameters.
The following example shows the class DV_INTERVAL<T:DV_ORDERED>
inheriting from Interval<T:Ordered>
. Here the number of open generic parameters remains unchanged, while the type constraint Ordered
is covariantly narrowed to DV_ORDERED
, which inherits from the Ordered

The resulting types of lower
and upper
are now T:DV_ORDERED
rather than T:Ordered
from the parent. In the fully computed model shown above, these two properties are synthesised within DV_INTERVAL<T>
with their new concrete types. Their BMM meta-type objects (type BMM_UNITARY_PROPERTY
) will both have the meta-attribute is_synthesised_generic
set to True
and are marked with an asterisk within the property view to indicate this.
A simple class may also inherit from a closed generic type, with the parameters of the latter fixed to specific type(s), as shown in the following example.

In this case, The resulting type of event
rather than T:EVENT
from the parent. As in the previous example, this property has been synthesised new within TIMER_WAIT
, with the meta-attribute is_synthesised_generic
set True
and is marked accordingly within the tool.
The general case is that any number of formal generic parameters may be substituted or left open down the inheritance lineage, as shown by the variant descendants of the class GENERIC_PARENT<T:SUPPLIER, U:SUPPLIER>
in the following example.

Generic substitution may be with other open, closed or partly-closed generic types. The following example illustrates the inheritance by X_VERSIONED_COMPOSITION

12.1.3. Multiple Inheritance
Multiple inheritance is typically used in the definition of classes that have a Liskov substitution inheritance relation as well as a re-use inheritance relation. The following shows a class DV_INTERVAL<T>
multiply inheriting from Interval<T>
, where the latter is considered the substitutable type, and the former an interface re-use.

Smith, G. (2000). The Object Z Specification Language. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Retrieved from smith/objectz.html