Reference Model Notes - Alkmaar 2017 SEC Meeting

System id semantics

EHR.system_id should not be settable by the client, should be supplied by system.

=> system has to know its own system id.

What are the rules for merging EHRs from 2 source openEHR systems (system-A and system-B) into system-B or system-C? Current rules: EHR.system_id is always for the system EHR was created in; a 'system' can contain EHRs with different system_ids. I.e. EHR.system_id's meaning is id of creating system.

EHR COMPOSITION merging - where forked VERSIONED_COMPOSITIONs exist, they have to be machine-merged using the change control model; with semantic content-merging (normal manual) occurring as a second step.

Branched versioning

Sebastian Iancu - in Code24 they want to do local branching