Support Information Model
Issuer: openEHR Specification Program | |
Release: RM Release-1.0.3 |
Status: STABLE |
Revision: [latest_issue] |
Date: [latest_issue_date] |
Keywords: EHR, openehr, identifiers, types |
© 2003 - 2019 The openEHR Foundation | |
The openEHR Foundation is an independent, non-profit community organisation, facilitating the sharing of health records by consumers and clinicians via open standards-based implementations. |
Licence |
Support |
Issues: Problem Reports |
Amendment Record
Issue | Details | Raiser | Completed |
R E L E A S E 1.0.3 |
SPECRM-29: Change DV_COUNT.magnitude to integer64 type. |
R Chen |
1.7.0 |
SPECRM-31: Upgrade |
T Beale |
10 Oct 2015 |
R E L E A S E 1.0.2 |
1.6.1 |
SPEC-256: Correct extension_validity in |
R Chen |
20 Oct 2008 |
SPEC-260: Correct the regex published for the |
P Gummer |
R E L E A S E 1.0.1 |
1.6.0 |
CR-000215: Merge |
T Beale |
08 Apr 2007 |
CR-000209: Minor changes to correctly define |
Y S Lim |
CR-000200: Correct Release 1.0 typographical errors. Move |
S Heard |
CR-000202: Correct minor errors in |
S Heard, |
CR-000203: Release 1.0 explanatory text improvements. |
A Patterson |
CR-000204: Add generic id subtype of |
H Frankel |
CR-000216: Allow mixture of W, D etc in ISO8601 Duration (deviation from standard). |
S Heard |
CR-000219: Use constants instead of literals to refer to terminology in RM. |
R Chen |
CR-000220: Tighten semantics of |
A Patterson |
CR-000144: Add new |
S Heard |
CR-000221. Add |
H Frankel |
CR-000228: Add minor deviations from ISO 8601 to assumed date/time types. |
H Frankel |
CR-000229: Minor date/time corrections. Allow 2-digit timezones. |
H Frankel |
CR-000236: Change use of Character to Octet in |
G Grieve |
CR-000239: Add common parent type of |
H Frankel |
CR-000243: Add template_id to |
T Beale |
CR-000246: Correct openEHR terminology rubrics. |
B Verhees |
R E L E A S E 1.0 |
1.5 |
CR-000162. Allow party identifiers when no demographic data. Relax invariant on |
S Heard |
06 Feb 2006 |
CR-000184. Separate out terminology from Support IM. |
T Beale |
CR-000188: Add |
T Beale |
CR-000161. Support distributed versioning. Move |
T Beale |
R E L E A S E 0.96 |
1.3 |
CR-000135: Minor corrections to |
D Lloyd |
25 Jun 2005 |
R E L E A S E 0.95 |
1.2.1 |
CR-000129. Fix errors in UML & specs of Identification package. Adjust invariants & postcondition of |
D Lloyd |
25 Feb 2005 |
1.2 |
CR-000128. Update Support assumed types to ISO 11404:2003. |
T Beale |
10 Feb 2005 |
CR-000107. Add support for exclusion and inclusion of Interval limits. |
A Goodchild |
CR-000116. Add |
T Beale |
CR-000122. Fix UML in |
D Lloyd |
CR-000118. Make package names lower-case. |
T Beale |
CR-000111. Move |
CR-000064. Re-evaluate |
D alra |
R E L E A S E 0.9 |
1.1 |
CR-000047. Improve handling of codes for structural attributes. Populated Terminology and |
S Heard |
11 Mar 2004 |
1.0 |
CR-000091. Correct anomalies in use of |
T Beale |
09 Mar 2004 |
CR-000095. Remove property attribute from |
Formally validated using ISE Eiffel 5.4. |
T Beale |
0.9.9 |
CR-000063. |
D Kalra |
13 Feb 2004 |
0.9.8 |
CR-000068. Correct errors in |
T Beale |
20 Dec 2003 |
0.9.7 |
CR-000032. Basic numeric type assumptions need to be stated. |
09 Oct 2003 |
CR-000041. Visually differentiate primitive types in openEHR documents. |
D Lloyd, |
0.9.6 |
CR-000013. Rename key classes. Based on CEN ENV13606. |
T Beale |
18 Sep 2003 |
0.9.5 |
CR-000036. Add |
T Beale |
16 Aug 2003 |
0.9.4 |
CR-000022. Code |
G Grieve |
20 Jun 2003 |
0.9.3 |
CR-000007. Added forgotten terminologies for |
T Beale |
11 Apr 2003 |
0.9.2 |
Detailed review by Ocean, DSTC, Grahame Grieve. Updated valid characters in |
G Grieve |
25 Mar 2003 |
0.9.1 |
Added specification for |
T Beale |
18 Mar 2003 |
0.9 |
Initial Writing. Taken from Data types and Common Reference Models. Formally validated using ISE Eiffel 5.2. |
T Beale |
25 Feb 2003 |
The work reported in this paper has been funded in by the following organisations:
University College London - Centre for Health Informatics and Multi-professional Education (CHIME);
Ocean Informatics;
Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC), under the Cooperative Research Centres Program through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the Commonwealth Government of Australia.
Special thanks to Prof David Ingram, head of CHIME, who provided a vision and collegial working environment ever since the days of GEHR (1992).
1. Preface
1.1. Purpose
This document describes the openEHR Support Information Model, whose semantics are used by all openEHR Reference Models.
The intended audience includes:
Standards bodies producing health informatics standards;
Academic groups using openEHR;
The open source healthcare community;
Solution vendors;
Medical informaticians and clinicians interested in health information.
1.2. Related Documents
Prerequisite documents for reading this document include:
The openEHR Architecture Overview ([openehr_overview]);
1.3. Status
This specification is in the STABLE state. The development version of this document can be found at http://www.openehr.org/releases/RM/latest/support.html.
Known omissions or questions are indicated in the text with a 'to be determined' paragraph, as follows:
TBD: (example To Be Determined paragraph)
Users are encouraged to comment on and/or advise on these paragraphs as well as the main content. Feedback should be provided either on the technical mailing list, or on the specifications issue tracker.
1.4. Conformance
Conformance of a data or software artifact to an openEHR Reference Model specification is determined by a formal test of that artifact against the relevant openEHR Implementation Technology Specification(s) (ITSs), such as an IDL interface or an XML-schema. Since ITSs are formal, automated derivations from the Reference Model, ITS conformance indicates RM conformance.
2. Support Package
2.1. Overview
The Support Reference Model comprises types used throughout the openEHR models, including
assumed primitive types defined outside of openEHR. The package structure is illustrated below.
The assumed_types
'pseudo-package' stands for types assumed by the openEHR specifcations
to exist in an implementation technology, such as a programming language, schema language or database
environment. The four Support packages define the semantics respectively for constants, terminology
access, access to externally defined scientific units and conversion information. The class
is a mixin class providing access to the service interface classes.
3. Assumed Types
3.1. Overview
This section describes types assumed by all openEHR models. The set of types chosen here is based on a common set from various published sources, including:
ISO 11404 (2003 revision) general purpose data types;
ISO 8601 (2004) date/time specification;
Well-known interoperability formalisms, including OMG IDL, W3C XML-schema;
Well-known object-oriented programming languages, including Java, C#, C++ and Eiffel.
The intention in openEHR is twofold. Firstly, to ensure that openEHR software based on the models
integrates as easily as possible with existing implementation technologies, and secondly, to make the
minimum possible assumptions about types found in implementation formalisms, while making sufficient
assumptions to both enable openEHR models to be conveniently specified. The ISO 11404
(2003) standard contains basic semantics of "general purpose data types" (GPDs) for information
technology, and is used here as a normative basis for describing assumptions about types. The operations
and properties described here are compatible with those used in ISO 11404, but not always the
same, as 11404 does not use object-oriented functions. For example, the notional function has (x:T)
(test for presence of a value in a set) defined on the type Set<T>
below is not defined on the ISO
11404 Set type; instead, the function IsIn(x: T; s: Set<T>)
is defined. However, in object-oriented
formalisms, the function IsIn defined on a Set type would usually mean 'subset of'. In the
interests of clarity for developers, an object-oriented style of functions and properties has been used
ISO8601:2004 is used as the definitional basis for assumed date/time types, since it is commonly used around the world, and is also the basis for the date/time types in W3C XML-schema. See section Section 3.4 below for details of dates and times.
Two groups of assumed types are identified: primitive types, which are those built in to a formalism’s type system, and library types, which are assumed to be available in a (class) library defined in the formalism. Thus, the type Boolean is always assumed to exist in a formalism, while the type Array<T> is assumed to be available in a library. For practical purposes, these two categories do not matter that much - whether String is really a library class (the usual case) or an inbuilt type doesn’t make much difference to the programmer. They are shown separately here mainly as an explanatory convenience.
The assumptions that openEHR makes about existing types are documented below in terms of interface
definitions. Each of these definitions contains only the assumptions required for the given type to be used in the openEHR Reference Model - it is not by any means a complete interface definition.
The name and semantics of any function used here for an assumed type might not be identical to
those found in some implementation technologies. Any mapping required should be stated in the relevant
implementation technology specification (ITS). To give a concrete example, where the
assumed Set<T>
type defined below has an operation has (item: T): Boolean
which is used throughout
the openEHR specifications, Java has the method contains() on its Set<T>
class. In a Java implementation,
the contains ()
method should then be used throughout the openEHR classes as expressed
in Java, in place of the has ()
3.2. Inbuilt Primitive Types
The following types consititute the minimum set of primitive types assumed by openEHR of an implementation formalism.
Type name in openEHR |
Description | ISO 11404 Type |
represents a type whose value is an 8-bit value. |
represents a type whose value is a member of an 8-bit character-set (ISO: "repertoire"). |
represents logical True/False values; usually physically represented as an integer, but need not be |
represents 32-bit integers |
represents 64-bit integers |
represents 32-bit real numbers in any interoperable representation, including single-width IEEE floating point |
type which represents 64-bit real numbers, in any interoperable representation including double-precision IEEE floating point. |
The figure below illustrates the built-in primitive types. Simple inheritance relationships are shown which facilitate the type descriptions below. A class "Any" is used to stand for the usual top-level class in all object-oriented type systems, typically called something like "Any" or "Object". Inheritance from or subsitutability for an Any class is not assumed in openEHR (hence the dotted lines in the UML). It is used here to enable basic operations like '=' to be described once for the type Any, rather than in every subtype. The type Ordered_numeric is on the other hand assumed for purposes of specification in the openEHR data_types.quantity package, and is intended to be mapped to an equivalent type in a real type system (e.g. in Java, java.lang.Number). Here it is assumed that the operations defined on Ordered_numeric are available on the types Integer, Real and Double in implementation type systems, where relevant. Data-oriented implementation type systems such as XML-schema do not have such operations.
3.2.1. Any Class
Class |
Any (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract supertype. Usually maps to a type like “Any” or “Object” in an object system. Defined here to provide the value and reference equality semantics. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
(abstract) |
is_equal ( |
Value equality. |
infix = ( |
instance_of ( |
Create new instance of a type. |
type_of ( |
3.2.2. Numeric Class
Class |
Numeric (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract notional parent class of numeric types, which are types which have various arithmetic and comparison operators defined. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
(abstract) |
infix * ( |
Product by `other'. Actual type of result depends on arithmetic balancing rules. |
(abstract) |
infix + ( |
Sum with `other' (commutative). Actual type of result depends on arithmetic balancing rules. |
(abstract) |
infix - ( |
Result of subtracting `other'. Actual type of result depends on arithmetic balancing rules. |
3.2.3. Ordered Class
Class |
Ordered (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract notional parent class of ordered, types i.e. types on which the ‘<‘ operator is defined. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
(abstract) |
infix < ( |
Arithmetic comparison. In conjunction with ‘=’, enables the definition of the operators ‘>’, ‘>=’, ‘<=’, ‘<>’. In real type systems, this operator might be defined on another class for comparability. |
3.2.4. Ordered_Numeric Class
Class |
Ordered_Numeric (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract notional parent class of ordered, numeric types, which are types with ‘<‘ and arithmetic operators defined. |
Inherit |
3.2.5. Boolean Class
Class |
Boolean |
Description |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
infix and ( |
Logical conjunction |
infix and_then ( |
Boolean semi-strict conjunction with other |
infix or ( |
Boolean disjunction with other. |
infix or_else ( |
Boolean semi-strict disjunction with `other'. |
infix xor ( |
Boolean exclusive or with `other'. |
infix implies ( |
Boolean implication of `other' (semi-strict) |
Invariants |
Involutive_negation: |
Non_contradiction: |
Completeness: |
3.3. Assumed Library Types
The types described in this section are also assumed to be fairly standard in implementation technologies by openEHR, but usually come from type libraries rather than being built into the type system of implementation formalisms.
Type name in openEHR |
Description | ISO 11404 Type |
represents unicode-enabled strings |
Character-String/Sequence |
physical container of items indexed by number |
Array |
container of items, implied order, non-unique membership |
Sequence |
container of items, no order, unique membership |
Set |
a table of values of any type T, keyed by values of any basic comparable type U, typically String or Integer, but may be more complex types, e.g. a coded term type. |
Table |
Intervals with open or closed upper and lower bounds. |
- |
The following UML diagram illustrates the assumed library types. As with the assumed primitive types, inheritance and abstract classes are used for convenience of the definitions below, but are not formally assumed in openEHR.
3.3.1. String Class
Class |
String |
Description |
Strings of characters, as used to represent textual data in any natural or formal language. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
infix + ( |
Concatenation operator - causes ‘other’ to be appended to this string. |
is_empty (): |
True if string is empty, i.e. equal to "". |
is_integer (): |
True if string can be parsed as an integer. |
as_integer (): |
Return the integer corresponding to the integer value represented in this string. |
3.3.2. Unicode
It is assumed in the openEHR specifications that Unicode is supported by the type String. Unicode is needed for all Asian, Arabic and other script languages, for both data values (particularly plain text and coded text) and for many predefined string attributes of the classes in the openEHR Reference Model. It encompasses all existing character sets. In openEHR, UTF-8 encoding is assumed.
3.3.3. Aggregate Class
Class |
Aggregate (abstract) |
Description |
Number of items in container. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
(abstract) |
has ( |
Test for membership of a value. |
(abstract) |
count (): |
(abstract) |
is_empty (): |
True if container is empty. |
3.3.4. List Class
Class |
List |
Description |
Ordered container that may contain duplicates. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
first (): |
Return first element. |
last (): |
Return last element. |
Invariants |
First_validity: |
Last_validity: |
3.3.5. Set Class
Class |
Set |
Description |
Unordered container that may not contain duplicates. |
Inherit |
3.3.6. Array Class
Class |
Array |
Description |
Container whose storage is assumed to be contiguous. |
Inherit |
3.3.7. Hash Class
Class |
Hash |
Description |
Type representing a keyed table of values. T is the value type, and U the type of the keys. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
has_key ( |
Test for membership of a key. |
item ( |
Return item for key a_key'. Equivalent to ISO 11404 fetch operation. |
3.3.8. Interval Class
Class |
Interval |
Description |
Interval of ordered items. |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
lower: |
lower bound. |
0..1 |
upper: |
Upper bound. |
1..1 |
lower_unbounded: |
lower boundary open (i.e. = -infinity) |
1..1 |
upper_unbounded: |
upper boundary open (i.e. = +infinity) |
1..1 |
lower_included: |
lower boundary value included in range if not lower_unbounded. |
1..1 |
upper_included: |
upper boundary value included in range if not upper_unbounded. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
has ( |
True if (lower_unbounded or lower_included and v >= lower) or v > lower and (upper_unbounded or upper_included and v <= upper or v < upper) |
Invariants |
Lower_included_valid: |
Upper_included_valid: |
Limits_consistent: |
Limits_comparable: |
3.4. Date/Time Types
Although the ISO 11404 (2003) standard defines a date-and-time type generator (section 8.1.6), and a timeinterval type (section 10.1.6), a more widely used specification of date/times is given by ISO 8601:2004, which is used as the normative basis for both string literal representation and properties used within openEHR. The types are shown in the UML diagram below.
ISO 8601 semantics not used in openEHR include:
"expanded" dates, which have year numbers of greater than 4 digits, and may be negative; in openEHR, only 4-digit year numbers are assumed;
the YYYY-WW-DD method of expressing dates (since this is imprecise and difficult to compute with due to variable week starting dates, and not required in health);
partial date/times with fractional minutes or hours, e.g. hh,hhh or mm,mm; in openEHR, only fractional seconds are supported;
the interval syntax. Intervals of date/times are supported in openEHR, but their syntax form is defined by ADL, and is standardised across all comparable types, not just dates and times.
Deviations from the published standard include the following:
durations are supposed to take the form of PnnW or PnnYnnMnnDTnnHnnMnnS, but in openEHR, the W (week) designator can be used in combination with the other designators, since it is very common to state durations of pregnancy as some combination of weeks and days.
partial variants of ISO8601_DATE_TIME can include missing hours, days and months, whereas ISO 8601:2004 (section 4.3.3 c) only allows missing seconds and minutes. The reasons for this deviation are:
the same deviation is used in HL7v2 and HL7v3 TS (timestamp) type, i.e. there are data in existing clinical systems matching this specification;
in a typed object model, this deviation is more sensible anyway; the ISO 8601 rule is most likely a limitation of the purely syntactic means of expression. In real systems where a timestamp/date-time is specified in a screen form, it makes sense to allow it to be as partial as possible, rather than artifically restricted to only missing seconds and minutes.
the time 24:00:00 (or 240000) is not allowed anywhere, whereas in ISO8601:2004 it appears to be legal at least for times. This deviation is also appears to be used in HL7v2 and HL7v3 (where midnight is defined as the time 00:00:00), and is preferable to the documented standard, since a date/time with time of 24:00:00 is really the next day, i.e. the date part is then incorrect.
The following class definitions provide an object-oriented expression of the semantics of the subset of ISO 8601:2004 used by openEHR.
See http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html and the official ISO standard for ISO 8601 details. Note that in the date, time and date_time formats shown below, 'Z' and 'T' are literals. In the duration class shown below, 'P', 'Y', 'M', 'W', 'D', 'H', 'S' and 'T' are literals.
Class |
Description |
Definitions for date/time classes. Note that the timezone limits are set by where the international dateline is. Thus, time in New Zealand is quoted using +12:00, not -12:00. |
Constants |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Seconds_in_minute: |
1..1 |
Minutes_in_hour: |
1..1 |
Hours_in_day: |
1..1 |
Nominal_days_in_month: |
Used for conversions of durations containing months to days and / or seconds. |
1..1 |
Max_days_in_month: |
1..1 |
Days_in_year: |
1..1 |
Days_in_leap_year: |
1..1 |
Max_days_in_year: |
1..1 |
Nominal_days_in_year: |
Used for conversions of durations containing years to days and / or seconds. |
1..1 |
Days_in_week: |
1..1 |
Months_in_year: |
1..1 |
Min_timezone_hour: |
Minimum hour value of a timezone (note that the -ve sign is supplied in the ISO8601_TIMEZONE class). |
1..1 |
Max_timezone_hour: |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
valid_year ( |
valid_month ( |
valid_day ( |
True if d >= 1 and d <= days_in_month (m, y) |
valid_hour ( |
True if (h >= 0 and h < Hours_in_day) or (h = Hours_in_day and m = 0 and s = 0) |
valid_minute ( |
True if m >= 0 and m < Minutes_in_hour. |
valid_second ( |
True if s >= 0 and s < Seconds_in_minute . |
valid_fractional_second ( |
True if fs >= 0.0 and fs < 1.0 . |
3.4.2. ISO8601_TYPE Class
Class |
ISO8601_TYPE (abstract) |
Description |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
is_partial (): |
is_extended (): |
3.4.3. ISO8601_DATE Class
Class |
ISO8601_DATE |
Description |
Represents an absolute point in time, as measured on the Gregorian calendar, and specified only to the day. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
year (): |
Year. |
month (): |
Month in year. |
day (): |
Day in month. |
month_unknown (): |
Indicates whether month in year is unknown. If so, the date is of the form “YYYY”. |
day_unknown (): |
Indicates whether day in month is unknown. If so, and month is known, the date is of the form “YYYY-MM” or “YYYYMM”. |
as_string (): |
ISO8601 string for date, in format YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD, or a partial invariant. See valid_iso8601_date for validity. |
(redefined) |
is_partial (): |
True if this date is partial, i.e. if day or more is missing. |
is_expanded (): |
True if this date uses ‘-’ separators. |
valid_iso8601_date (): |
String is a valid ISO 8601 date, i.e. takes the complete form:
or the equivalent extended form:
The combinations of YYYY, MM, DD numbers must be correct with respect to the Gregorian calendar. |
Invariants |
Year_valid: |
Month_valid: |
Day_valid: |
Partial_validity: |
3.4.4. ISO8601_TIME Class
Class |
ISO8601_TIME |
Description |
Represents an absolute point in time from an origin usually interpreted as meaning the start of the current day, specified to the second.
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
hour (): |
Hour in day, in 24-hour time. |
minute (): |
Minute in hour. |
second (): |
fractional_second (): |
Fractional seconds. |
has_fractional_second (): |
True if the fractional_second part is signficant (i.e. even if = 0.0). |
minute_unknown (): |
Indicates whether minute is unknown. If so, the time is of the form “hh”. |
second_unknown (): |
Indicates whether second is unknown. If so and month is known, the time is of the form “hh:mm” or “hhmm”. |
is_decimal_sign_comma (): |
True if this time has a decimal part indicated by ‘,’ (comma) rather than ‘.’ (period). |
timezone (): |
as_string (): |
ISO8601 string for time, i.e. in form: hhmmss[,sss][Z|hh[mm]] or the extended form: hh:mm:ss[,sss][Z|hh[mm]], or a partial invariant. See valid_iso8601_time for validity. |
(redefined) |
is_partial (): |
True if this time is partial, i.e. if seconds or more is missing. |
(redefined) |
is_extended (): |
True if this time uses ‘:’ separators. |
valid_iso8601_time (): |
String is a valid ISO 8601 date, i.e. takes the form:
or the extended form:
or one of the partial forms:
or the extended form:
with an additional optional timezone indicator of: * Z or hh[mm] Where:
Invariants |
Hour_valid: |
Minute_valid: |
Second_valid: |
Fractional_second_valid: |
Partial_validity: |
3.4.5. ISO8601_DATE_TIME Class
Class |
Description |
Represents an absolute point in time, specified to the second. Note that this class includes 2 deviations from ISO 8601:2004:
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
year (): |
Year. |
month (): |
Month in year. |
day (): |
Day in month. |
month_unknown (): |
Indicates whether month in year is unknown. |
day_unknown (): |
Indicates whether day in month is unknown. |
hour (): |
Hour in day. |
minute (): |
Minute in hour. |
second (): |
Second in minute. |
fractional_second (): |
Fractional seconds. |
has_fractional_second (): |
True if the fractional_second part is signficant (i.e. even if = 0.0). |
minute_unknown (): |
Indicates whether minute in hour is known. |
second_unknown (): |
Indicates whether minute in hour is known. |
is_decimal_sign_comma (): |
True if this time has a decimal part indicated by ‘,’ (comma) rather than ‘.’ (period). |
timezone (): |
Timezone; may be Void. |
as_string (): |
ISO8601 string for date/time, in format |
(redefined) |
is_extended (): |
True if this date/time uses ‘-’, ‘:’ separators. |
(redefined) |
is_partial (): |
True if this date time is partial, i.e. if seconds or more is missing. |
valid_iso8601_date_time ( |
String is a valid ISO 8601 date-time, i.e. takes the form:
or the extended form:
or one of the partial forms:
or the equivalent extended forms:
(meanings as in DV_DATE, DV_TIME) and the values in each field are valid. |
Invariants |
Year_valid: |
Month_valid: |
Day_valid: |
Hour_valid: |
Minute_valid: |
Second_valid: |
Fractional_second_valid: |
Partial_validity_year: |
Partial_validity_month: |
Partial_validity_day: |
Partial_validity_hour: |
Partial_validity_minute: |
3.4.6. ISO8601_DURATION Class
Class |
Description |
Represents a period of time corresponding to a difference between two timepoints. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
years (): |
Number of years of nominal 365-day length. |
months (): |
days (): |
Number of 24 hour days. |
hours (): |
Number of 60 minute hours. |
minutes (): |
Number of 60 second minutes. |
seconds (): |
Number of seconds. |
fractional_seconds (): |
Fractional seconds. |
is_decminal_sign_comma (): |
True if this time has a decimal part indicated by ',' (comma) rather than '.' (period). |
weeks (): |
Number of 7 day weeks. |
as_string (): |
ISO8601 string for duration, in format
valid_iso8601_duration ( |
Where each nn represents a number of years, months, etc. nnW represents a number of 7- day weeks.
to_seconds (): |
Total number of seconds equivalent (including fractional) of entire duration. |
Invariants |
Years_valid: |
Months_valid: |
Weeks_valid: |
Days_valid: |
Hours_valid: |
Minutes_valid: |
Seconds_valid: |
Fractional_second_valid: |
3.4.7. ISO8601_TIMEZONE Class
Class |
Description |
Represents a timezone as used in ISO 8601. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
hour (): |
Hour part of timezone - in the range 00 - 13. |
minute (): |
Minute part of timezone. Generally 00 or 30. |
is_gmt (): |
True if timezone is UTC, i.e. +0000. |
sign (): |
Direction of timezone expresssed as +1 or -1. |
minute_unknown (): |
Indicates whether minute part known. |
as_string (): |
ISO8601 timezone string, in format:
Invariants |
Min_hour_valid: |
Max_hour_valid: |
Minute_valid: |
Sign_valid: |
4. Identification Package
4.1. Overview
The rm.support.identification
package describes a model of references and identifiers for
information entities and is illustrated below.
4.1.1. Requirements
Identification of entities both in the real world and in information systems is a non-trivial problem. The needs for identification across systems in a health information environment include the following:
real world identifiers such as social security numbers, veterans affairs ids etc can be recorded as required by health care facilities, enterprise policies, or legislation;
identifiers for informational entities which represent real world entities or processes should be unique;
it should be possible to determine if two identifiers refer to information entities that represent the same real world entity, even if instances of the information entities are maintained in different systems;
versions or changes to real-world entity-linked informational entities (which may create new information instances) should be accounted for in two ways:
it should be possible to tell if two identifiers refer to distinct versions of the same informational entity in the same version tree;
it should not be possible to confuse same-named versions of informational entities maintained in multiple systems which purport to represent the same real world entity. E.g. there is no guarantee that two systems' "latest" version of the Person "Dr Jones" is the same.
Medico-legal use of information relies on previous states of information being distinguishable from other previous states and the current state.
It should be possible for an entity in one system or service (such as the EHR) to refer to an entity in another system or service in such a way that:
the target of the reference is easily finable within the shared environment, and
the reference does is valid regardless of the physical architecture of servers and applications.
The following subsections describe some of the features and challenges of identification.
Identification of Real World Entities (RWEs)
Real world entities such as people, car engines, invoices, and appointments can all be assigned identifiers. Although many of these are designed to be unique within a jurisdiction, they are often not, due to data entry errors, bad design (ids that are too small or incorporate some non-unique characteristic of the identified entities), bad process (e.g. non-synchronised id issuing points); identity theft (e.g. via theft of documents of proof or hacking). In general, while some real world identifiers (RWIs) are "nearly unique", none can be guaranteed so. It should also be the case that if two RWE identifiers are equal, they refer to the same RWE, but this is often not the case. For practical purposes, RWIs cannot be regarded as computationally safe for making the inferences described here.
Identification of Informational Entities (IEs)
As soon as information systems are used to record facts about RWEs, the situation becomes more complex because of the intangible nature of information. In particular:
the same RWE can be represented simultaneously on more than one system ('spatial multiplicity');
the same RWE may be represented by more than one "version" of the same IE in a system ('temporal multiplicity').
At first sight, it appears that there can also be purely informational entities, i.e. IEs which do not refer to any RWE, such as books, online-only documents and software. However, as soon as one considers an example it becomes clear that there is always a notional 'definitive' or 'authoritative' (i.e. trusted) version of every such entity. These entities can better be understood as 'virtual RWEs'. Thus it can still be said that multiple IEs may refer to any given RWE.
The underlying reason for the multiplicity of IEs is that 'reality' - time and space - in computer systems is not continuous but discrete, and each 'entity' is in fact just a snapshot of certain attribute values of a RWE, at a point in time, in a particular system. If identifiers are assigned to IEs without regard to versions or duplicates, then no assertion can be made about the identified RWE when two IE ids are compared.
Identification of Versions
The notion of 'versioning' applies only to informational entities, i.e. distinct instances of content each
representing a snapshot of some logical entity. Where such instances are stored and managed in versioned
containers within a versioning system of some kind, explicit identification of the versions is
required. The requirements are discussed in detail in the Common IM, change_control
They can be summarised as follows:
it must be possible to distinguish two versions of the same logical entity, i.e. know from the identifier if they are the same or different versions of the same thing;
it must be possible to distinguish two versions of the same logical entity created in two distinct systems;
it must be possible to tell the relationship between the items in a versioned lineage, from the version identifiers.
Referencing of Informational Entities
Within a distributed information environment, there is a need for entities not connected by direct references in the same memory space to be able to refer to each other. There are two competing requirements: * that the separation of objects in a distributed computing environment not compromise the semantics of the model; * that different types of information can be managed relatively independently; for example EHR and demographic information can be managed by different groups in an organisation or community, each with at least some freedom to change implementation and model details.
4.2. Design
This package models only informational identifiers, i.e. transparent identifiers understood by
openEHR or related computational systems. Real World Entity Identifiers such as driver’s license
numbers are modelled using the data type DV_IDENTIFIER
. This is not to imply that such identifiers
are any less systematic or well-managed than the system identifiers defined here, only that from the
point of view of openEHR, they have the same status as other informational attributes such as name,
address etc of a Person.
A key design decision has been to choose a string representation for all identifiers, with subparts being made available by appropriate functions which perform simple parsing on the string. This ensures that the data representation of identifiers (e.g. in XML) is as small as possible, while not losing object-oriented typing.
4.2.1. Primitive Identifiers
Three kinds of types are defined in this package. The abstract UID type and its subtypes correspond to
permanent, computationally reliable, primitive identifiers. Such identifiers are regarded as 'primitive'
because they are treated as having no further internal structure, in the sense that part of such an identifier
is not in general meaningful. The three subtypes UUID
all have
these properties, and are commonly accepted ways of uniquely identifying entities in computer systems.
In openEHR (and generally in health informatics) they are usually used as parts of other identifiers.
A consequence of the string representation approach used in these classes is that to set an attribute of
type UID from a string value, as would be done when reading from a database, deserialising from
XML or another text form, a piece of code that inspects the string structure has to be used in order to
decide which of the subtypes of UID
it is. This is a safe thing to do, since all three subtypes have
mutually exclusive string patterns, and can easily be distinguished.
4.2.2. Composite Identifiers
type and its hierarchy of subtypes define all of the identifier types used within
openEHR systems. Most of these have a multi-part structure, and some are 'meaningful' i.e. human
readable. The identifier types can be used to represent identifier values that fall into two groups
semantically: those defined by openEHR (which may incorporate generic standard identifiers, such as
ISO Oids etc) and those defined by external organisations. The groups are as shown in the following
table. Identifiers whose form is defined by the HIER_OBJECT_ID
type are used both by openEHR
and many other organisations.
openEHR-defined identifiers | Externally defined identifiers |
UID-based Identifiers
The abstract type UID_BASED_ID
and its two subtypes HIER_OBJECT_ID
provide respectively, UID-based identifiers for non-versioned and versioned
items. The design of the latter subtype is explained in the openEHR Common IM, change_control
Archetype Identifiers
subtype defines a multi-axial identifier for archetypes, meaning that each identifier
instance denotes a single archetype within a multi-dimensional space. The space is can be thought
of as 3-dimensional, or as a versioned 2-dimensional space, consisting of the following axes:
reference model entity, i.e. target of archetype, defined as:
name of model issuer;
name of model (there may be more than one from the same issuer);
name of concept in model, i.e. class name
domain concept;
The three outer sections are delimited by '.' characters, while the parts of the first section are delimited by '-' characters. As with any multi-axial identifier, the underlying principle of an archetype identifier is that all parts of the identifier must be able to be considered immutable. This means that no variable characteristic of an archetype (e.g. accrediting authority, which might change due to later accreditation by another authority, or may be multiple) can be included in its identifier. The explicit inclusion of version as part of the identifier means that two 'versions' of an archetype are actually two distinct archetypes. (The rules for archetype versions, revisions and other variants are given in the openEHR Archetype Identification specification [openehr_am_identification].)
Examples of archetype identifiers include:
The grammar of archetype identifiers is given below in [Archetype Id Syntax].
WARNING:some archetype authoring tools have historically allowed a nonconforming version part within archetype identifiers which included the lifecycle status. This has led to some archetypes having an identifier whose version part is of the form '.v1draft' or similar. The openEHR Foundation will publish guidelines and a timeline on its website for dealing with this problem. New and existing archetype tools may have to support this exception, depending on where they are to be used, and it is recommended that it at least be supported via a command line switch or option. Where such non-conforming archetypes are re-used within a new environment, the identifier should be corrected.
Template Identifiers
The template identifier is similar in intention to the achetype identifier - it provides a multi-axial, readable identifier in addition to any UID-style of identifier that may be used. In this release, the exact structure has not been defined, but a current proposal is as follows:
authoring organisation reverse domain name;
identifier of reference model class being templated;
logical name of the template;
version identifier in the form 'vn' where n is a numerical version identifier.
This would lead to identifiers like the following:
A firm form of template identifiers will be described in a future release.
Terminology Identifiers
subtype defines a globally unique single string identifier for terminologies.
Terminology identifier values may include a version, either as part of the name, and/or according to
the syntax defined in section 4.3.12 below. Examples of terminology identifiers include:
Currently the best authoritative source for the name part of the identifier (i.e. the part excluding the optional version part in parentheses) is the US National Library of Medicine UMLS identifiers for included terminologies - see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html.
The scheme defined by the TERMINOLOGY_ID
class provides for the situation where major 'versions'
of a terminology such as the World Health Organisation’s 'ICD10' and 'ICD10AM' (AM = 'Australian
modifications') can accommodate a finer grain of versioning or revisioning, e.g.:
The version part of a terminology identifier is in theory only absolutely necessary for those terminologies which break the rule that the concept being identified with a code loses or changes its meaning over versions of the terminology. This should not be the case for modern terminologies and ontologies, particularly those designed since the publication of Cimino’s 'desiderata' [Doc No:] of which the principle of 'concept permanance' is applicable here - "A concept’s meaning cannot change and it cannot be deleted from the vocabulary". However, there may be older terminologies, or specialised terminologies which may not have obeyed these rules, but which are still used; version ids should always be used for these. At a practical level, versions may be included routinely in some systems to support the potential medico-legal need to prove that a) a given code was in fact defined in the terminology (it may not have existed in an earlier edition) and b) that the meaning assmued in the system was indeed the one assigned to it in the particular version or edition.
Although there are anomalies in some published terminologies and between some versions or editions of the same terminology, two terminology identifiers that are the same, disregarding the version part, can usually be considered as semantic equivalents in the terminology world. However, depending on which source of strings have been chosen for the name part of the identifier, two different identifiers may also indicate the same terminology, e.g. "ICD10AM_2000" (NLM identifier used in UMLS) and "ICD10AM(2nd_ed)" refer to the same thing.
Identifying Versions within openEHR Versioned Containers
defines the semantics of the scheme used in openEHR for identifying
versions within a versioned container, and uses a three-part identifier, consisting of:
object_id: the identifier of the version container, in the form of an UID;
version_tree_id: the location in the version tree, as a 1- or 3-part numeric identifier, where the latter variant expresses branching; this is modelled using the
type; -
creating_system_id: the identifier of the system in which this version was created, or type UID.
Under this scheme, multiple versions in the same container all have the same value for object_id, while their location in the version tree is given by the combination of the version tree identifier and the identifier of the creating system.
The requirements on the third part of the identifier are that it be unique per system, and that it be easy
to obtain or generate. It is also helpful if it is a meaningful identifier. The two most practical candidates
appear to be GUIDs (which are not meaningful, but are easy to generate) and reverse internet
domain identifiers, as recommended in [3] (these are easy to determine if the system has an internet
address, and are meaningful and directly processible, however unconnected systems pose a problem).
ISO Oids might also be used. All of these identifier types are accommodated via the use of UID.
A full explanation of the version identification scheme and its capabilities is given in the
section of the Common IM.
Generic and External Identifiers
type provides for identifiers of schemes other than defined concretely in the
package. It has a single method scheme, which may be used to
record the identifier type. The names of schemes are not currently controlled.
Hierarchical Identifiers
type is defined to support hierarchical identifiers, often based on ISO Oids or
other similar machine-readable and -resolvable schemes.
Composite Identifiers and Case
All composite identifiers should follow two rules with regard to case, namely:
to be case-preserving - not change case due to persistence, copying, transfer or other computation processes;
to be case-insensitive - two identifiers identical apart from case are considered to be identical, and therefore to identify the same thing.
The practical consequences of these rules are as follows:
mixed-case identifiers may be used, such as archetype identifiers, mixed-case reverse domain identifiers (the
type); -
the original case chosen in the letters of identifiers on creation within an openEHR system should be as published by the relevant issuing organisation (e.g. NLM UMLS terminology names are all upper case);
if identifiers are used as part of filenames within computer file systems, care must be taken to create and preserve filenames correctly. For this reason, software usually has to handle filename creation and modification differently on Unix-style operating systems, which are case-sensitive (and therefore case-preserving), and Windows-style operating systems, which are case-insensitive but usually case-preserving.
These rules do not apply to any identifier constructed in a language in which case does not exist as a concept. For this reason, for identifiers translated in and out of the Turkish language (and possibly in smaller related languages), care must be taken with the 'I/i' characters.
Composite Identifiers and Language
In all of the 'meaningful' identifier types above, with the posible exception of GENERIC_ID
, the
human-readable identifier sections are assumed to use only the basic latin character set, possibly with
the addition of other special characters as allowed by the production rules defined below for each
identifier. In most cases, the textual parts of these identifiers will be words from the English language,
or else they will be recognisable words from other languages, where necessary alliterated into the
latin alphabet. Accented and other diacritical letter variants are not allowed. This limitation is made in
the interests of practical computability of identifiers, and is in common with class and attribute naming in shared UML models in the standards world, and also with internet domain names and internet
4.2.3. References
are used as identifier attributes within the thing they identify, in the same way as a
database primary key. To refer to an identified object from another object, an instance of the class
should generally be used, in the same way as a database foreign key. The class
is provided as a means of distributed referencing, and includes the object namespace
(typically 1:1 with some service, such as "terminology") and type. The general principle of object references
is to be able to refer to an object available in a particular namespace or service. Usually they
are used to refer to objects in other services, such as a demographic entity from within an EHR, but
they may be used to refer to local objects as well. The type may be the concrete type of the referred-to
object (e.g. "GP") or any proper ancestor (e.g. PARTY
4.3. Class Descriptions
4.3.1. UID Class
Class |
UID (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract parent of classes representing unique identifiers which identify information entities in a durable way. UIDs only ever identify one IE in time or space and are never re-used. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
The value of the id. |
Invariants |
Value_valid: |
4.3.2. ISO_OID Class
Class |
Description |
Model of ISO’s Object Identifier (oid) as defined by the standard ISO/IEC 8824. Oids are formed from integers separated by dots. Each non-leaf node in an Oid starting from the left corresponds to an assigning authority, and identifies that authority’s namespace, inside which the remaining part of the identifier is locally unique. |
Inherit |
4.3.3. UUID Class
Class |
Description |
Model of the DCE Universal Unique Identifier or UUID which takes the form of hexadecimal integers separated by hyphens, following the pattern 8-4-4-4-12 as defined by the Open Group, CDE 1.1 Remote Procedure Call specification, Appendix A. Also known as a GUID. |
Inherit |
4.3.4. INTERNET_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Model of a reverse internet domain, as used to uniquely identify an internet domain. In the form of a dot-separated string in the reverse order of a domain name, specified by IETF RFC 1034 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1034.txt). |
Inherit |
4.3.5. OBJECT_ID Class
Class |
OBJECT_ID (abstract) |
Description |
Ancestor class of identifiers of informational objects. Ids may be completely meaningless, in which case their only job is to refer to something, or may carry some information to do with the identified object. Object ids are used inside an object to identify that object. To identify another object in another service, use an |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
The value of the id in the form defined below. |
4.3.6. UID_BASED_ID Class
Class |
UID_BASED_ID (abstract) |
Description |
Abstract model of UID-based identifiers consisting of a root part and an optional extension. Lexical form: |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
root (): |
The identifier of the conceptual namespace in which the object exists, within the identification scheme. Returns the part to the left of the first '::' separator, if any, or else the whole string. |
extension (): |
Optional local identifier of the object within the context of the root identifier. Returns the part to the right of the first '::' separator if any, or else any empty String. |
has_extension (): |
True if extension /= Void. |
Invariants |
Has_extension_valid: |
4.3.7. HIER_OBJECT_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Concrete type corresponding to hierarchical identifiers of the form defined by |
Inherit |
Class |
Description |
Globally unique identifier for one version of a versioned object; lexical form: |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
object_id (): |
Unique identifier for logical object of which this identifier identifies one version; normally the object_id will be the unique identifier of the version container containing the version referred to by this |
version_tree_id (): |
Tree identifier of this version with respect to other versions in the same version tree, as either 1 or 3 part dot-separated numbers, e.g. |
creating_system_id (): |
Identifier of the system that created the Version corresponding to this Object version id. |
is_branch (): |
True if this version identifier represents a branch. |
4.3.9. VERSION_TREE_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Version tree identifier for one version. Lexical form:
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
value: |
String form of this identifier. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
trunk_version (): |
Trunk version number; numbering starts at 1. |
is_branch (): |
True if this version identifier represents a branch, i.e. has branch_number and branch_version parts. |
branch_number (): |
Number of branch from the trunk point; numbering starts at 1. |
branch_version (): |
Version of the branch; numbering starts at 1. |
Invariants |
Value_valid: |
Trunk_version_valid: |
Branch_number_valid: |
Branch_version_valid: |
Branch_validity: |
Is_branch_validity: |
Is_first_validity: |
4.3.10. ARCHETYPE_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Identifier for archetypes. Ideally these would identify globally unique archetypes. Lexical form: |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
qualified_rm_entity (): |
Globally qualified reference model entity, e.g. |
domain_concept (): |
Name of the concept represented by this archetype, including specialisation, e.g. Biochemistry_result-cholesterol . |
rm_originator (): |
Organisation originating the reference model on which this archetype is based, e.g. openehr , cen , hl7 . |
rm_name (): |
Name of the reference model, e.g. rim, ehr_rm, en13606 . |
rm_entity (): |
Name of the ontological level within the reference model to which this archetype is targeted, e.g. for openEHR, folder , composition , section , entry . |
specialisation (): |
Name of specialisation of concept, if this archetype is a specialisation of another archetype, e.g. cholesterol . |
version_id (): |
Version of this archetype. |
4.3.11. TEMPLATE_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Identifier for templates. Lexical form to be determined. |
Inherit |
4.3.12. TERMINOLOGY_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Identifier for terminologies such as accessed via a terminology query service. In this class, the value attribute identifies the Terminology in the terminology service, e.g. SNOMED-CT . A terminology is assumed to be in a particular language, which must be explicitly specified. The value if the id attribute is the precise terminology id identifier, including actual release (i.e. actual version), local modifications etc; e.g. ICPC2. Lexical form: |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
name (): |
Return the terminology id (which includes the version in some cases). Distinct names correspond to distinct (i.e. non-compatible) terminologies. Thus the names ICD10AM and ICD10 refer to distinct terminologies. |
version_id (): |
Version of this terminology, if versioning supported, else the empty string. |
4.3.13. GENERIC_ID Class
Class |
Description |
Generic identifier type for identifiers whose format is otherwise unknown to openEHR. Includes an attribute for naming the identification scheme (which may well be local). |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
scheme: |
Name of the scheme to which this identifier conforms. Ideally this name will be recognisable globally but realistically it may be a local ad hoc scheme whose name is not controlled or standardised in any way. |
4.3.14. OBJECT_REF Class
Class |
Description |
Class describing a reference to another object, which may exist locally or be maintained outside the current namespace, e.g. in another service. Services are usually external, e.g. available in a LAN (including on the same host) or the internet via Corba, SOAP, or some other distributed protocol. However, in small systems they may be part of the same executable as the data containing the Id. |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
id_namespace: |
Namespace to which this identifier belongs in the local system context (and possibly in any other openEHR compliant environment) e.g. terminology , demographic . These names are not yet standardised. Legal values for the namespace are: local | unknown | [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-:/&+?]* |
1..1 |
type: |
Name of the class (concrete or abstract) of object to which this identifier type refers, e.g. PARTY , PERSON , GUIDELINE etc. These class names are from the relevant reference model. The type name ANY can be used to indicate that any type is accepted (e.g. if the type is unknown). |
1..1 |
id: |
Globally unique id of an object, regardless of where it is stored. |
4.3.15. ACCESS_GROUP_REF Class
Class |
Description |
Reference to access group in an access control service. |
Inherit |
Invariants |
Type_validity: |
4.3.16. PARTY_REF Class
Class |
Description |
Identifier for parties in a demographic or identity service. There are typically a number of subtypes of the |
Inherit |
Invariants |
Type_validity: |
4.3.17. LOCATABLE_REF Class
Class |
Description |
Purpose Reference to a |
Inherit |
Attributes |
Signature |
Meaning |
0..1 |
path: |
The path to an instance in question, as an absolute path with respect to the object found at |
1..1 |
id: |
The identifier of the Version. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
as_uri (): |
A URI form of the reference, created by concatenating the following: ehr:// + id.value + / + path |
4.4. Syntaxes
The identifiers defined above are defined in their string form by the following EBNF grammar rules.
(* --------------------------- INTERNET_ID --------------------------- *)
(* According to IETF http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034[RFC 1034] and *)
(* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035[RFC 1035], as clarified by *)
(* http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2181[RFC 2181] (section 11), *)
(* the syntax of a domain name follows the grammar: *)
domain = subdomain | ' ' ;
subdomain = label | subdomain, '.', label ;
label = letter [ [ ldh-str ] let-dig ] ;
ldh-str = let-dig-hyp | let-dig-hyp, ldh-str ;
let-dig-hyp = let-dig | '-' ;
let-dig = letter | digit ;
(* --------------------------- INTERNET_ID --------------------------- *)
internet_id = root [ '::' extension ] ;
root = uid ;
extension = ? any string ? ; (* any string *)
(* ------------------------- OBJECT_VERSION_ID ----------------------- *)
object_version_id = object_id '::' creating_system_id '::' version_tree_id ;
object_id = uid ;
creating_system_id = uid ;
(* ------------------------- VERSION_TREE_ID ------------------------- *)
version_tree_id = trunk_version [ '.' branch_number '.' branch_version ] ;
trunk_version = number ;
branch_number = number ;
branch_version = number ;
(* ------------------------- UID, OID, GUID -------------------------- *)
uid = iso_oid | guid ;
iso_oid = number, { '.', number } ;
guid = hex-number, '-', hex-number, '-', hex-number, '-', hex-number, '-', hex-number ;
(* -------------------------- ARCHETYPE_ID --------------------------- *)
archetype_id = qualified_rm_entity '.' domain_concept '.' version_id ;
qualified-rm-entity = rm_originator '-' rm_name '-' rm_entity ;
rm-originator = alphanum-str ; (* id of org originating the RM on which this archetype is based *)
rm-name = alphanum-str ; (* id of the RM on which the archetype is based *)
rm-entity = alphanum-str ; (* ontological level in the RM *)
domain-concept = concept-name { '-' specialisation } ;
concept-name = alphanum-str ;
specialisation = alphanum-str ;
version-id = 'v', non-zero-digit, [ number ] ; (* numeric version identifier *)
(* ------------------------- TERMINOLOGY_ID -------------------------- *)
terminology_id = name-str, [ '(', name-str, ')' ] ;
(* -------------------------- generic rules -------------------------- *)
name-str = letter, { letter | digit | '_' | '-' | '/' | '+' } ;
alphanum-str = letter, { letter | digit | '_' } ;
letter = 'a' | .. | 'z' | 'A' | .. | 'Z' ;
number = digit, { digit } ;
hex-number = hex-digit, { hex-digit } ;
digit = '0' | nz_digit ;
non-zero-digit = '1' | .. | '9' ;
hex-digit = '0' | .. | 'A' | .. | 'F' .. | 'a' | .. | 'f' ;
5. Terminology Package
5.1. Overview
This section describes the terminology package, which contains classes for accessing terminologies
and code sets, including the openEHR Support Terminology, from within instances of classes
defined in the reference model. The classes shown here would normally be inherited via the classes
, although the exact details of
how this is done may vary depending on implementation language.
5.2. Service Interface
5.2.1. Code Sets
A simple terminology service interface is defined according to FIGURE 6, enabling openEHR code sets and terminology to be referenced formally from within the Reference Model. Two types of coded entities are distinguished in openEHR, and are accessible via the service interface. The first is codes from 'code sets', which are the kind of terminology where the code stands for itself, such as the ISO 639-1 language codes. The identifiers themselves of these code sets do not appear to be standardised, but names such as "ISO_639-1" are expected to be used (see below).
In any case, code sets needed within the openEHR models themselves (e.g. for attributes whose value
is a language code) are not referred to directly by an external name such as "ISO_639-1", but via an
internal constant, in this case, the constant Code_set_id_languages, whose value is defined to be "languages".
These constants are defined in the class OPENEHR_CODE_SET_IDENTIFIERS
in the UML diagram.
The mapping between the internal identifiers and external names should be done in configuration
files. The service function TERMINOLOGY_SERVICE
is used to retrieve code sets
on the basis of a constant. The current mapping and external identifiers assumed in openEHR is
defined in the openEHR Support Terminology document. This use of indirection is employed to
ensure that the obsoleting and superseding of code-sets does not directly affect openEHR software.
For code sets not mapped to internally used constants, i.e. code sets not required in the openEHR
model itself, but otherwise known in the terminology service, the function
can be used to retrieve these code sets by their external identifier.
5.2.2. Terminologies
Terminologies, including the openEHR Support Terminology are accessed via the
functions terminology()
and terminology_identifiers()
, where the argument
includes "openehr", "centc251" (for CEN TC/251codes) and names from the US NLM terminologies
list (see below). The openEHR Terminology supports groups, and the set of groups required by the
reference model is defined in the class OPENEHR_TERMINOLOGY_GROUP_IDENTIFIERS
. These
groups correspond to coded attributes found in the openEHR Reference Model.
5.2.3. Terms and Codes in the openEHR Reference Model
True coded attributes in the Reference Model (i.e. attributes of type DV_CODED_TEXT
), such as
.change_type are defined by an invariant in the enclosing class, such as the following:
Change_type_valid: terminology (Terminology_id_openehr).has_code_for_group_id (Group_id_audit_change_type, change_type.defining_code)
This is a formal way of saying that the attribute change_type must have a value such that its
defining_code (its CODE_PHRASE
) is in the set of CODE_PHRASEs
in the openEHR Terminology
which are in the group whose indentifier is Group_id_audit_change_type
A similar invariant is used for attributes of type CODE_PHRASE
, which come from a code_set
. The
following invariant appears in the class ENTRY
(rm.composition.content.entry package
Language_valid: media_type /= Void and then code_set (Code_set_languages).has_code (language)
5.3. Identifiers
In openEHR, the identifier of a terminology or code set is found in the terminology_id
attribute of the
(Data Types Information Model, text
5.3.1. Code Set Identifiers
Internal code set identifiers (such as "languages") used in openEHR are defined in the class
; assumed external identifiers (such as "ISO_639-1") for code
sets used by the openEHR Reference Model are defined in the openEHR Support Terminology document.
5.3.2. Terminology Identifiers
Valid identifiers that can be used for this attribute for terminologies include but are not limited to the following:
an identifier value from the first column of the US National Library or Medicine (NLM) UMLS terminology identifiers table below, in either of two forms:
as is, e.g. "ICD10AM_2000", "ICPC93";
with any trailing section starting with an underscore removed, e.g. "ICD10AM".
Other identification schemes are used in some standards, such as ISO Oids. These are not specified for direct use in openEHR for various reasons:
they are not currently used by the NLM, and no definitive published list of terminology identifiers is available;
ISO Oids are long identifiers and may significantly increase the size of persisted information due to the ubiquity of coded terms;
determing the identity of the terminology in data always requires a request to a service containing the Oid / name mapping;
there is a safety factor in having human readable terminology identifiers in the data.
The use of Oid-based or other terminology identification schemes is not however incompatible with openEHR; all that is required is a terminology identifier / name mapping service or table.
The following table is a snapshot of the US National Library of Medicine UMLS terminology identifiers list. A definitive up-to-date list may be found on the NLM website [NLM_UML_list].
UMLS 2003 Terminology Identifiers | |
Identifier |
Description |
AIR93 |
AI/RHEUM,1993 |
ALT2000 |
Alternative Billing Concepts, 2000 |
AOD2000 |
Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus, 2000 |
BI98 |
Beth Israel Vocabulary, 1.0 |
BRMP2002 |
Portuguese translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2002 |
BRMS2002 |
Spanish translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2002 |
Canonical Clinical Problem Statement System, 1999 |
CCS99 |
Clinical Classifications Software, 1999 |
CDT4 |
Current Dental Terminology(CDT), 4 |
COSTAR_89-95 |
COSTAR, 1989-1995 |
CPM93 |
Medical Entities Dictionary, 1993 |
Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology, Spanish Translation, 2001 |
CPT2003 |
Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology, 2003 |
CSP2002 |
CRISP Thesaurus, 2002 |
CST95 |
COSTART, 1995 |
DDB00 |
Diseases Database, 2000 |
DMD2003 |
German translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2003 |
DMDICD10_1995 |
German translation of ICD10, 1995 |
DMDUMD_1996 |
German translation of UMDNS, 1996 |
DSM3R_1987 |
DSM-III-R, 1987 |
DSM4_1994 |
DSM-IV, 1994 |
DUT2001 |
Dutch Translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2001 |
DXP94 |
DXplain, 1994 |
FIN2003 |
Finnish translations of the Medical Subject Headings, 2003 |
HCPCS Version of Current Dental Terminology(CDT), 4 |
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System, 2003 |
HCPT03 |
HCPCS Version of Current Procedural Terminology(CPT), 2003 |
HHC96 |
Home Health Care Classification, 1996 |
HL7_1998-2002 |
Health Level Seven Vocabulary, 1998-2002 |
HLREL_1998 |
ICPC2E-ICD10 relationships from Dr. Henk Lamberts, 1998 |
HPC99 |
Health Product Comparison System, 1999 |
ICD10AE_1998 |
ICD10, American English Equivalents, 1998 |
ICD10AMAE_2000 |
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Australian Modification, Americanized English Equivalents, 2000 |
ICD10AM_2000 |
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification, January 2000 Release |
ICD10_1998 |
ICD10, 1998 |
ICD9CM_2003 |
ICD-9-CM, 2003 |
ICPC2AE_1998 |
International Classification of Primary Care, Americanized English Equivalents, 2E, 1998 |
ICPC2E_1998 |
International Classification of Primary Care 2nd Edition, Electronic, 2E, 1998 |
ICPC2P_2000 |
International Classification of Primary Care, Version2-Plus, 2000 |
ICPC93 |
International Classification of Primary Care, 1993 |
ICPCBAQ_1993 |
ICPC, Basque Translation, 1993 |
ICPCDAN_1993 |
ICPC, Danish Translation, 1993 |
ICPCDUT_1993 |
ICPC, Dutch Translation, 1993 |
ICPCFIN_1993 |
ICPC, Finnish Translation, 1993 |
ICPCFRE_1993 |
ICPC, French Translation, 1993 |
ICPCGER_1993 |
ICPC, German Translation, 1993 |
ICPCHEB_1993 |
ICPC, Hebrew Translation, 1993 |
ICPCHUN_1993 |
ICPC, Hungarian Translation, 1993 |
ICPCITA_1993 |
ICPC, Italian Translation, 1993 |
ICPCNOR_1993 |
ICPC, Norwegian Translation, 1993 |
ICPCPAE_2000 |
International Classification of Primary Care ,Version2-Plus, Americanized English Equivalents, 2000 |
ICPCPOR_1993 |
ICPC, Portuguese Translation, 1993 |
ICPCSPA_1993 |
ICPC, Spanish Translation, 1993 |
ICPCSWE_1993 |
ICPC, Swedish Translation, 1993 |
INS2002 |
French translation of the Medical Subject Headings, 2002 |
ITA2003 |
Italian translation of Medical Subject Headings, 2003 |
JABL99 |
Online Congenital Multiple Anomaly/ Mental Retardation Syndromes, 1999 |
LCH90 |
Library of Congress Subject Headings, 1990 |
LNC205 |
LOINC, 2.05 |
MCM92 |
McMaster University Epidemiology Terms, 1992 |
MDDB99 |
MasterDrug DataBase, 1999 |
MDR51 |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), 5.1 |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), American English Equivalents, 5.1 |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), American English, with expanded abbreviations, 5.1 |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), with expanded abbreviations, 5.1 |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), 5.1, Portuguese Edition |
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), 5.1, Spanish Edition |
MIM93 |
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 1993 |
MMSL01 |
Multum MediSource Lexicon, 2001 |
MMX01 |
Micromedex DRUGDEX, 2001-08 |
MSH2003_2002_10_24 |
Medical Subject Headings, 2002_10_24 |
UMLS Metathesaurus |
Metathesaurus CPT Hierarchical Terms, 2003 |
Metathesaurus HCPCS Hierarchical Terms, 2003 |
MTHICD9_2003 |
Metathesaurus additional entry terms for ICD-9-CM, 2003 |
MTHMST2001 |
Metathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy, 2001 |
Metathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy, French Translation, 2001 |
Metathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy, Italian Translation, 2001 |
NAN99 |
Classification of Nursing Diagnoses, 1999 |
NCBI2001 |
NCBI Taxonomy, 2001 |
NCI2001a |
NCI Thesaurus, 2001a |
NCISEER_1999 |
NCISEER ICD Neoplasm Code Mappings, 1999 |
NDDF01 |
FirstDataBank National Drug DataFile, 2001-07 |
NEU99 |
Neuronames Brain Hierarchy, 1999 |
NIC99 |
Nursing Interventions Classification, 1999 |
NOC97 |
Nursing Outcomes Classification, 1997 |
OMIM97 |
OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 1997 |
OMS94 |
Omaha System, 1994 |
PCDS97 |
Patient Care Data Set, 1997 |
PDQ2002 |
Physician Data Query, 2002 |
PPAC98 |
Pharmacy Practice Activity Classification , 1998 |
PSY2001 |
Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 2001 |
QMR96 |
Quick Medical Reference (QMR), 1996 |
RAM99 |
QMR clinically related terms from Randolph A. Miller, 1999 |
RCD99 |
Clinical Terms Version 3 (CTV3) (Read Codes), 1999 |
RCDAE_1999 |
Read thesaurus, American English Equivalents, 1999 |
RCDSA_1999 |
Read thesaurus Americanized Synthesized Terms, 1999 |
RCDSY_1999 |
Read thesaurus, Synthesized Terms, 1999 |
RUS2003 |
Russian Translation of MeSH, 2003 |
RXNORM Project, META2003AA |
SNM2 |
SNOMED-2, 2 |
SNMI98 |
SNOMED International, 1998 |
SNOMED International Clinical Terms, 2002 |
SPN02 |
Standard Product Nomenclature, 2002 |
Metathesaurus Source Terminology Names |
ULT93 |
UltraSTAR, 1993 |
UMD2003 |
UMDNS: product category thesaurus, 2003 |
UMLS: National Library of Medicine, USA |
UWDA155 |
University of Washington Digital Anatomist, 1.5.5 |
Veterans Health Administration National Drug File, 2001 |
WHO97 |
WHO Adverse Reaction Terminology, 1997 |
WHOFRE_1997 |
WHOART, French Translation, 1997 |
WHOGER_1997 |
WHOART, German Translation, 1997 |
WHOPOR_1997 |
WHOART, Portuguese Translation, 1997 |
WHOSPA_1997 |
WHOART, Spanish Translation, 1997 |
5.4. Class Definitions
Class |
Description |
Defines an object providing proxy access to a terminology service. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
terminology ( |
Return an interface to the terminology named name. Allowable names include:- * openehr, * centc251, * any name from are taken from the US NLM UMLS meta-data list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html |
code_set ( |
Return an interface to the code_set identified by the external identifier name (e.g. ISO_639-1). |
code_set_for_id ( |
Return an interface to the code_set identified internally in openEHR by id. |
has_terminology ( |
True if terminology named name known by this service. Allowable names include:- * openehr * centc251 * any name from are taken from the US NLM UMLS meta-data list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html |
has_code_set ( |
True if code_set linked to internal name (e.g. languages ) is available. |
terminology_identifiers (): |
Set of all terminology identifiers known in the terminology service. Values from the US NLM UMLS meta-data list at:- http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html |
openehr_code_sets (): |
Set of all code set identifiers known in the terminology service. |
code_set_identifiers (): |
Set of all code sets identifiers for which there is an internal openEHR name; returned as a Map of ids keyed by internal name. |
Interface |
Description |
Defines an object providing proxy access to a terminology. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
id (): |
Identification of this Terminology. |
all_codes (): |
Return all codes known in this terminology. |
codes_for_group_id ( |
Return all codes under grouper 'a_group_id' from this terminology. |
codes_for_group_name ( |
Return all codes under grouper whose name in 'a_lang' is 'a_name' from this terminology. |
has_code_for_group_id (): |
True if a_code' is known in group group_id' in the openEHR terminology. |
rubric_for_code ( |
Return all rubric of code code' in language lang'. |
5.4.3. CODE_SET_ACCESS Interface
Interface |
Description |
Defines an object providing proxy access to a code_set. |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
id (): |
External identifier of this code set. |
all_codes (): |
Return all codes known in this code set. |
has_lang ( |
True if code set knows about 'a_lang' . |
has_code ( |
True if code set knows about 'a_code'. |
Class |
Description |
List of identifiers for groups in the openEHR terminology. |
Constants |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Terminology_id_openehr: |
Name of openEHR’s own terminology. |
1..1 |
Group_id_audit_change_type: |
1..1 |
Group_id_attestation_reason: |
1..1 |
Group_id_composition_category: |
1..1 |
Group_id_event_math_function: |
1..1 |
Group_id_instruction_states: |
1..1 |
Group_id_instruction_transitions: |
1..1 |
Group_id_null_flavours: |
1..1 |
Group_id_property: |
1..1 |
Group_id_participation_function: |
1..1 |
Group_id_participation_mode: |
1..1 |
Group_id_setting: |
1..1 |
Group_id_term_mapping_purpose: |
1..1 |
Group_id_subject_relationship: |
1..1 |
Group_id_version_life_cycle_state: |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
valid_terminology_group_id ( |
Validity function to test if an identifier is in the set defined by this class. |
Class |
Description |
List of identifiers for code sets in the openEHR terminology. |
Constants |
Signature |
Meaning |
1..1 |
Code_set_id_character_sets: |
1..1 |
Code_set_id_compression_algorithms: |
1..1 |
Code_set_id_countries: |
1..1 |
Code_set_integrity_check_algorithms: |
1..1 |
Code_set_id_languages: |
1..1 |
Code_set_id_media_types: |
1..1 |
Code_set_id_normal_statuses: |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
valid_code_set_id ( |
Validity function to test if an identifier is in the set defined by this class. |
6. Measurement Package
6.1. Overview
The Measurement package defines a minimum of semantics relating to quantitative measurement, units, and conversion, enabling the Quantity package of the openEHR Data Types Information Model to be correctly expressed. As for the Terminology package, a simple service interface is assumed, which provides useful functions to other parts of the reference model. The definitions underlying measurement and units come from a variety of sources, including:
CEN ENV 12435, Medical Informatics - Expression of results of measurements in health sciences (see http://www.centc251.org);
the Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM), developed by Gunther Schadow and Clement J. McDonald of The Regenstrief Institute (available in HL7v3 ballot materials; http://www.hl7.org).
These of course rest in turn upon a vast amount of literature and standards, mainly from ISO on the subject of scientific measurement.
6.2. Service Interface
A simple measurement data service interface is defined according to the figure below, enabling quantitative semantics to be used formally from within the Reference Model. Note that this service as currently defined in no way seeks to properly model the semantics of units, conversions etc - it provides only the minimum functions required by the openEHR Reference Model.
6.3. Class Definitions
Class |
Description |
Defines an object providing proxy access to a terminology service. |
Inherit |
Functions |
Signature |
Meaning |
terminology ( |
Return an interface to the terminology named name. Allowable names include:- * openehr, * centc251, * any name from are taken from the US NLM UMLS meta-data list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html |
code_set ( |
Return an interface to the code_set identified by the external identifier name (e.g. ISO_639-1). |
code_set_for_id ( |
Return an interface to the code_set identified internally in openEHR by id. |
has_terminology ( |
True if terminology named name known by this service. Allowable names include:- * openehr * centc251 * any name from are taken from the US NLM UMLS meta-data list at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html |
has_code_set ( |
True if code_set linked to internal name (e.g. languages ) is available. |
terminology_identifiers (): |
Set of all terminology identifiers known in the terminology service. Values from the US NLM UMLS meta-data list at:- http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html |
openehr_code_sets (): |
Set of all code set identifiers known in the terminology service. |
code_set_identifiers (): |
Set of all code sets identifiers for which there is an internal openEHR name; returned as a Map of ids keyed by internal name. |
7. Definition Package
7.1. Overview
The definition
package defines symbolic definitions used by the openEHR models. Only a small
number are currently defined.
Publications - e-Health
Articles, Books
[Beale_2000] Beale T. Archetypes: Constraint-based Domain Models for Future-proof Information Systems. 2000. Available at http://www.openehr.org/files/resources/publications/archetypes/archetypes_beale_web_2000.pdf .
[Beale_2002] Beale T. Archetypes: Constraint-based Domain Models for Future-proof Information Systems. Eleventh OOPSLA Workshop on Behavioral Semantics: Serving the Customer (Seattle, Washington, USA, November 4, 2002). Edited by Kenneth Baclawski and Haim Kilov. Northeastern University, Boston, 2002, pp. 16-32. Available at http://www.openehr.org/files/resources/publications/archetypes/archetypes_beale_oopsla_2002.pdf .
[Beale_Heard_2007] Beale T, Heard S. An Ontology-based Model of Clinical Information. 2007. pp760-764 Proceedings MedInfo 2007, K. Kuhn et al. (Eds), IOS Publishing 2007. See http://www.openehr.org/publications/health_ict/MedInfo2007-BealeHeard.pdf.
[Cimino_1997] Cimino J J. Desiderata for Controlled Medical vocabularies in the Twenty-First Century. IMIA WG6 Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, Jan 19-22, 1997.
[Elstein_1987] Elstein AS, Shulman LS, Sprafka SA. Medical problem solving: an analysis of clinical reasoning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1987.
[Elstein_Schwarz_2002] Elstein AS, Schwarz A. Evidence base of clinical diagnosis: Clinical problem solving and diagnostic decision making: selective review of the cognitive literature. BMJ 2002;324;729-732.
[Ingram_1995] Ingram D. The Good European Health Record Project. Laires, Laderia Christensen, Eds. Health in the New Communications Age. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995; pp. 66-74.
[Object_Z] Smith G. The Object Z Specification Language. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000. See http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~smith/objectz.html .
[GLIF] Lucila Ohno-Machado, John H. Gennari, Shawn N. Murphy, Nilesh L. Jain, Samson W. Tu, Diane E. Oliver, Edward Pattison-Gordon, Robert A. Greenes, Edward H. Shortliffe, and G. Octo Barnett. The GuideLine Interchange Format - A Model for Representing Guidelines. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 1998 Jul-Aug; 5(4): 357–372.
[Rector_1994] Rector A L, Nowlan W A, Kay S. Foundations for an Electronic Medical Record. The IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 1992 (Eds. van Bemmel J, McRay A). Stuttgart Schattauer 1994.
[Rector_1999] Rector A L. Clinical terminology: why is it so hard? Methods Inf Med. 1999 Dec;38(4-5):239-52. Available at http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~rector/papers/Why-is-terminology-hard-single-r2.pdf .
[Sottile_1999] Sottile P.A., Ferrara F.M., Grimson W., Kalra D., and Scherrer J.R. The holistic healthcare information system. Toward an Electronic Health Record Europe. 1999. Nov 1999; 259-266.
[Van_de_Velde_Degoulet_2003] Van de Velde R, Degoulet P. Clinical Information Systems: A Component-Based Approach. 2003. Springer-Verlag New York.
[Weed_1969] Weed LL. Medical records, medical education and patient care. 6 ed. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers Inc. 1969.
[Corbamed_PIDS] Object Management Group. Person Identification Service. March 1999. See http://www.omg.org/spec/PIDS/ .
[Corbamed_LQS] Object Management Group. Lexicon Query Service. March 1999. http://www.omg.org/spec/LQS/ .
[hl7_cda] HL7 International. HL7 version Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). Available at http://www.hl7.org.uk/version3group/cda.asp.
[HL7v3_ballot2] HL7 International. HL7 version 3 2nd Ballot specification. Available at http://www.hl7.org.
[HL7v3_data_types] Schadow G, Biron P. HL7 version 3 deliverable: Version 3 Data Types. (2nd ballot 2002 version).
[hl7_v3_rim] HL7 International. HL7 v3 RIM. See http://www.hl7.org .
[hl7_arden] HL7 International. HL7 Arden Syntax. See http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/Arden/index.cfm .
[hl7_gello] HL7 International. GELLO Decision Support Language. http://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=5 .
[IHTSDO_URIs] IHTSDO. SNOMED CT URI Standard. http://ihtsdo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/doc/download/doc_UriStandard_Current-en-US_INT_20140527.pdf?ok.
[NLM_UML_list] National Library of Medicine. UMLS Terminologies List. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metaa1.html.
[ISO_13606-1] ISO 13606-1 - Electronic healthcare record communication - Part 1: Extended architecture. See https://www.iso.org/standard/40784.html.
[ISO_13606-2] ISO 13606-2 - Electronic healthcare record communication - Part 2: Domain term list. See https://www.iso.org/standard/50119.html.
[ISO_13606-3] ISO 13606-3 - Electronic healthcare record communication - Part 3: Distribution rules. See https://www.iso.org/standard/50120.html.
[ISO_13606-4] ISO 13606-4 - Electronic Healthcare Record Communication standard Part 4: Messages for the exchange of information. See https://www.iso.org/standard/50121.html.
[ISO_18308] Schloeffel P. (Editor). Requirements for an Electronic Health Record Reference Architecture. See https://www.iso.org/standard/52823.html.
[ISO_20514] ISO. The Integrated Care EHR. See https://www.iso.org/standard/39525.html .
[ISO_13940] ISO. Health informatics - System of concepts to support continuity of care. See https://www.iso.org/standard/58102.html.
[ISO_22600] ISO. Health informatics - Privilege management and access control. See https://www.iso.org/standard/62653.html.
[EHCR_supA_14] Dixon R, Grubb P A, Lloyd D, and Kalra D. Consolidated List of Requirements. EHCR Support Action Deliverable 1.4. European Commission DGXIII, Brussels; May 2001 59pp Available from http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/EHCR-SupA/del1-4v1_3.PDF.
[EHCR_supA_35] Dixon R, Grubb P, Lloyd D. EHCR Support Action Deliverable 3.5: "Final Recommendations to CEN for future work". Oct 2000. Available at http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/EHCRSupA/documents.htm.
[EHCR_supA_24] Dixon R, Grubb P, Lloyd D. EHCR Support Action Deliverable 2.4 "Guidelines on Interpretation and implementation of CEN EHCRA". Oct 2000. Available at http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/EHCR-SupA/documents.htm.
[EHCR_supA_31_32] Lloyd D, et al. EHCR Support Action Deliverable 3.1&3.2 “Interim Report to CEN”. July 1998. Available at http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/EHCR-SupA/documents.htm.
[GEHR_del_4] Deliverable 4: GEHR Requirements for Clinical Comprehensiveness. GEHR Project 1992. Available at http://www.openehr.org/files/resources/related_projects/gehr/gehr_deliverable-4.pdf .
[GEHR_del_7] Deliverable 7: Clinical Functional Specifications. GEHR Project 1993.
[GEHR_del_8] Deliverable 8: Ethical and legal Requirements of GEHR Architecture and Systems. GEHR Project 1994. Available at http://www.openehr.org/files/resources/related_projects/gehr/gehr_deliverable-8.pdf .
[GEHR_del_19_20_24] Deliverable 19,20,24: GEHR Architecture. GEHR Project 30/6/1995. Available at http://www.openehr.org/files/resources/related_projects/gehr/gehr_deliverable-19_20_24.pdf .
[GeHR_AUS] Heard S, Beale T. The Good Electronic Health Record (GeHR) (Australia). See http://www.openehr.org/resources/related_projects#gehraus .
[GeHR_Aus_gpcg] Heard S. GEHR Project Australia, GPCG Trial. See http://www.openehr.org/resources/related_projects#gehraus .
[GeHR_Aus_req] Beale T, Heard S. GEHR Technical Requirements. See http://www.openehr.org/files/resources/related_projects/gehr_australia/gehr_requirements.pdf .
[Synapses_req_A] Kalra D. (Editor). The Synapses User Requirements and Functional Specification (Part A). EU Telematics Application Programme, Brussels; 1996; The Synapses Project: Deliverable USER 1.1.1a. 6 chapters, 176 pages.
[Synapses_req_B] Grimson W. and Groth T. (Editors). The Synapses User Requirements and Functional Specification (Part B). EU Telematics Application Programme, Brussels; 1996; The Synapses Project: Deliverable USER 1.1.1b.
[Synapses_odp] Kalra D. (Editor). Synapses ODP Information Viewpoint. EU Telematics Application Programme, Brussels; 1998; The Synapses Project: Final Deliverable. 10 chapters, 64 pages. See http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/66235/ .
[synex] University College London. SynEx project. http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/SynEx/ .