-- -- component: openEHR BMM Implementation Technology Specification -- description: openEHR RM component formal expression. This file is an ODIN serialisation of -- the BMM object meta-model classes found at -- https://www.openehr.org/releases/LANG/latest/p_bmm.html -- keywords: reference model, meta-model, archetypes -- author: Thomas Beale -- support: https://openehr.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=11117 -- copyright: Copyright (c) 2009- openEHR Foundation -- license: Apache 2.0 -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- BMM version on which these schemas are based. -- Current BMM version can be found as the top version in the specification: -- https://www.openehr.org/releases/LANG/latest/bmm_persistence.html#_amendment_record -- ------------------------------------------------------ bmm_version = <"2.3"> ------------------------------------------------------ -- schema identification -- (schema_id computed as __) ------------------------------------------------------ rm_publisher = <"openehr"> schema_name = <"demographic"> rm_release = <"1.0.3"> model_name = <"DEMOGRAPHIC"> ------------------------------------------------------ -- schema documentation ------------------------------------------------------ schema_revision = <""> schema_lifecycle_state = <"stable"> schema_description = <"openEHR Release 1.0.3 demographic model schema"> schema_author = <"Thomas Beale "> ------------------------------------------------------ -- inclusions ------------------------------------------------------ includes = < ["1"] = < id = <"openehr_structures_1.0.3"> > > ------------------------------------------------------ -- packages ------------------------------------------------------ packages = < ["org.openehr.rm.demographic"] = < name = <"org.openehr.rm.demographic"> classes = <"PARTY", "ROLE", "ACTOR", "PERSON", "ORGANISATION", "AGENT", "GROUP", "PARTY_RELATIONSHIP", "CAPABILITY", "CONTACT", "ADDRESS", "PARTY_IDENTITY"> > > ------------------------------------------------------ -- classes ------------------------------------------------------ class_definitions = < ["PARTY"] = < name = <"PARTY"> is_abstract = ancestors = <"LOCATABLE", ...> properties = < ["uid"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"uid"> type = <"UID_BASED_ID"> is_mandatory = is_im_infrastructure = > ["details"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"details"> type = <"ITEM_STRUCTURE"> > ["identities"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"identities"> type_def = < container_type = <"List"> type = <"PARTY_IDENTITY"> > is_mandatory = cardinality = <|>=1|> > ["contacts"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"contacts"> type_def = < container_type = <"Set"> type = <"CONTACT"> > cardinality = <|>=1|> > ["relationships"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"relationships"> type_def = < container_type = <"Set"> type = <"PARTY_RELATIONSHIP"> > cardinality = <|>=1|> > ["reverse_relationships"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"reverse_relationships"> type_def = < container_type = <"List"> type = <"LOCATABLE_REF"> > cardinality = <|>=1|> is_im_runtime = > ["type"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"type"> type = <"DV_TEXT"> is_computed = > > > ["PARTY_IDENTITY"] = < name = <"PARTY_IDENTITY"> ancestors = <"LOCATABLE", ...> properties = < ["details"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"details"> type = <"ITEM_STRUCTURE"> is_mandatory = > ["purpose"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"purpose"> type = <"DV_TEXT"> is_computed = > > > ["CONTACT"] = < name = <"CONTACT"> ancestors = <"LOCATABLE", ...> properties = < ["time_validity"] = (P_BMM_GENERIC_PROPERTY) < name = <"time_validity"> type_def = < root_type = <"DV_INTERVAL"> generic_parameters = <"DV_DATE"> > is_im_runtime = > ["addresses"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"addresses"> type_def = < container_type = <"List"> type = <"ADDRESS"> > cardinality = <|>=1|> > ["purpose"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"purpose"> type = <"DV_TEXT"> is_computed = > > > ["ADDRESS"] = < name = <"ADDRESS"> ancestors = <"LOCATABLE", ...> properties = < ["details"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"details"> type = <"ITEM_STRUCTURE"> is_mandatory = > ["type"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"type"> type = <"DV_TEXT"> is_computed = > > > ["ACTOR"] = < name = <"ACTOR"> is_abstract = ancestors = <"PARTY", ...> properties = < ["roles"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"roles"> type_def = < container_type = <"List"> type = <"PARTY_REF"> > is_mandatory = cardinality = <|>=1|> > ["languages"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"languages"> type_def = < container_type = <"List"> type = <"DV_TEXT"> > is_mandatory = cardinality = <|>=1|> > > > ["PERSON"] = < name = <"PERSON"> ancestors = <"ACTOR", ...> > ["ORGANISATION"] = < name = <"ORGANISATION"> ancestors = <"ACTOR", ...> > ["GROUP"] = < name = <"GROUP"> ancestors = <"ACTOR", ...> > ["AGENT"] = < name = <"AGENT"> ancestors = <"ACTOR", ...> > ["ROLE"] = < name = <"ROLE"> ancestors = <"PARTY", ...> properties = < ["performer"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"performer"> type = <"PARTY_REF"> is_mandatory = > ["capabilities"] = (P_BMM_CONTAINER_PROPERTY) < name = <"capabilities"> type_def = < container_type = <"List"> type = <"CAPABILITY"> > cardinality = <|>=1|> > ["time_validity"] = (P_BMM_GENERIC_PROPERTY) < name = <"time_validity"> type_def = < root_type = <"DV_INTERVAL"> generic_parameters = <"DV_DATE"> > is_im_runtime = > > > ["CAPABILITY"] = < name = <"CAPABILITY"> ancestors = <"LOCATABLE", ...> properties = < ["credentials"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"credentials"> type = <"ITEM_STRUCTURE"> is_mandatory = > ["time_validity"] = (P_BMM_GENERIC_PROPERTY) < name = <"time_validity"> type_def = < root_type = <"DV_INTERVAL"> generic_parameters = <"DV_DATE"> > is_im_runtime = > > > ["PARTY_RELATIONSHIP"] = < name = <"PARTY_RELATIONSHIP"> ancestors = <"LOCATABLE", ...> properties = < ["source"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"source"> type = <"PARTY_REF"> is_mandatory = > ["target"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"target"> type = <"PARTY_REF"> is_mandatory = > ["details"] = (P_BMM_SINGLE_PROPERTY) < name = <"details"> type = <"ITEM_STRUCTURE"> > ["time_validity"] = (P_BMM_GENERIC_PROPERTY) < name = <"time_validity"> type_def = < root_type = <"DV_INTERVAL"> generic_parameters = <"DV_DATE"> > is_im_runtime = > > > >